Hello and Goodbye

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Danny's POV

I opened my eyes and gasped for air, though I don't need much thanks to my ghost half. My burnt and bloody right hand and my relatively undamaged left hand flew to my stomach where a piece of metal was protruding. I looked around at the caved in cockpit and unbuckled my seat belt. Shakily standing, I tumbled out into the rest of the plane which was surprisingly well off. I quickly started grabbing people in my left hand and bags with important items in my right as they would be lighter than people, and dragging them out. I had just grabbed the stewardess by the collar when I heard a loud crack. Ignoring the pain that was in my stomach but, surprisingly, not my arm, I grabbed the pilot as well, as they were the last two, and turned all three of us intangible. I started dragging as fast as I could with my arm as burned as it was and got all of us out just as the engine exploded. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and layed the two down next to the rest of the people I got out of the plane. I collapsed in the sand and finally examined my own injuries. The metal in my abdomen hurt like hell, but it should have been nothing compared to my arm, which i couldn't feel. The metal looked to be about the size of my hand and was almost completely lodged inside of my stomach with only about a half an inch protruding. I looked down at my arm, however, and almost hurled. What was left of the skin and muscle was burnt and charred, bubbling where it had the ability. The white bone stood out from the black and bubbled flesh. The scent of burnt flesh finally registered in my mind and it took all the self control I had not to gag. I realized now that my body must have subconsciously shut off the feeling in my arm, a trick I learned after my years of injuries. Unfortunately, that also stops the healing. I looked away and stood, walking over to check the others. It was only when a red liquid ran over my left eye that I remembered how I fell unconscious in the first place. I reached up and was hardly surprised when the entire left side of my face, give or take a few spots, was covered in blood. I had just pulled my hand away from my face when I heard a few groans from behind me. I slowly turned, not wanting to agitate my wounds further, as Sam, Mr. Lancer, and Paulina woke up.

"Guys, I need-" Suddenly, Paulina screamed, startling everyone who was already awake, and waking up anyone who wasn't already. "Yeah, that works." I said as I winced, not able to cover my ears. "I dragged you guys out but I haven't checked you for injuries. Is anyone hurt?" I asked, attempting to keep my arm out of sight.

"To Kill a Mockingbird Mr. Fenton! How did you drag us and our luggage out in time with your arm so badly injured?!" I saw Sam run over to me with the first aid kit from her bag.

"There's not a lot I can do for your arm. Your stomach will need stitches though." I cringed.

"Oh I hate that feeling." I said as Sam helped me get my shirt over my injured arm. Ignoring the gasps, I carefully laid down on the hot sand, the grains sticking to my bloody body as I tried to keep my arm from touching the ground. "Anyone with a weak stomach, look away now." I said as Sam prepped the needle.

"I have nothing to heat it with, so alcohol will have to do for the sanitizing." She said as she started cleaning off the wound and, with her other hand, my bloodied stomach. "Unfortunately no heat means no cartarizing the holes." Once again ignoring gasps, though now for my scars, I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

"That's fine, just get it over with." I sighed. I clenched my jaw as she pulled the metal out of my abdomen, blood flowing over my skin and dripping into the sand. She quickly got to work sewing the wound closed, trying to finish as fast as possible, noticing my flinches. It felt like hours before she tied the last knot, and even with that, the burn of alcohol was no better. "If that hurts I don't want to know what my arm felt like." I mumbled. Her eyes widened.

"You didn't! Danny that will only make it worse!" She hissed.

"It wasn't me! Well it was, but I didn't mean to! I did it when I was unconscious!" I defended. I sighed. "Just, if I start screaming, stop me." Her eyebrows drew together as worry began to pool in her violet eyes. "I'll be alright Sam, I promise." I let the feeling return to my arm, and immediately fell to my knees. It felt like I stuck my entire arm in molten lava and left it there. I could sense rather than feel myself screaming. And I could sense rather than feel Sam trying to cover my mouth.

I could feel when my ice powers spread to what they thought was fire, cooling my arm immensely. I could feel the tissue healing and mending. I felt tears run tracks through the dirt, sweat, and blood covering my face, dropping onto the sand as a sickly red color. Darkness shrouded my vision, and I pushed it away. Fainting won't do me or anyone else any good. I clamped my eyes and teeth shut, forcing myself to stand, my breathing labored and faster than usual.

"We need shelter." I hissed through my clenched teeth. "And any food we brought needs to be put into piles and sorted. We don't know how long we will be here. We also need water. Nobody goes alone, nobody eats or drinks anything until I check it. Got it?" Everyone out of their shock enough to nod did. "Good. Go start putting food on one pile, and important items in another. That does not include makeup or anything like that. We're here to survive, not look like we're going to prom." Everyone scattered and grabbed a pile of stuff I'd brought from the plane.

On my order, makeup and other useless items were thrown into one pile, working electronics, extra clothes and blankets in another, and in the last, food, water, and an unfortunately small amount of medical supplies. While the rest of the class was doing that, Sam, Tucker and I, much to Sam and Tucks dismay, started building a large hut make from branches and palm fronds, tied together with vines and some stronger palm fronds if we thought they could handle it. I even managed to make a working door, using vines as hinges and branches as a door bar lock. It was only when I saw how small our fool pile was, and how much smaller it was when you subtracted candy and chips, that I snuck off into the trees in search of food. Quickly weaving two baskets out of vines, I started piling coconuts and bananas into them. Careful not to jostle my arm too much, I carried the large baskets- bags?- back to the beach.

Looking up at the sky for the first time since we arrived, I noticed that a few hours have already passed as the sun was in the middle of setting. Walking into the hut that Sam, Tuck, and I made, I grabbed all of the smoothest vines and softest leaves, and started to make mats and pillows out of them. The pillows were easy to make, and only took a few minutes for each. Fifteen, tops. The mats, however, took a bit more time.

"Hey! Sam, Tuck! Can you run and grab me more vines please?" I asked as I finished off the seventh mat. I started the eighth mat as I heard a pair of telltale combat boots walk into the trees. By the time Sam had come back, I was down to my last vine, and only halfway done with the eighth mat. She dropped them down next to me with a huff. I grabbed the vines and continued weaving. "You okay Sam?" I asked after a few minutes. I piled the now finished eighth mat on the others and started on the ninth.

"I'm fine, just..." She trailed off as she subconsciously started to twist a vine around her hand.

"Worried?" She sighed and nodded.

"I mean you, Tucker, and I, we can take care of ourselves." She said as she watched me end the ninth, and begin on the last. "I know that. But our class, they've never had to really fight for survival. Nobody except Valarie of course. But she is really not much better. She's never been into a more intense fight. Not like you." I paused and turned to her.

"Sam, we can do this. We've gotten stronger and smarter for the three years that we've been doing this. And I gained a ton of power the day of my coronation on my third Deathday. If there was ever a good time for this kind of thing, it's now." She smiled.

"I know." She said as I resumed weaving the last mat. Crawling over to sit behind me, she sat Indian style and gently pulled me so I was laying my head in her lap. She gently pulled the hem of my shirt up and over my stitches, checking on the healing. "I'm glad your healing faster." She said as she tugged the shirt back down. I hummed in agreement as I finished the mat.

"Tucker! Tell everyone to come inside!" I called through the walls of the hut.

"Roger that!" He called back. I chuckled and let out a content sigh as Sam started running her fingers through my still blood matted hair.

"How is it we all come out with nothing more than slightly bad cuts, and you come out with practically no arm, needing stitches, and a head injury that would send anyone to the hospital?" She asked, a frown on her face as flakes of dried blood fell onto the sand.

"I was in the cockpit when we crashed. That's really the only thing that got majorly affected since we took more of a nose dive." I said as I heard feet shuffle up to the makeshift door. I pointed over to the mats as i heard the door open. "Grab one. I figured they would be a bit more comfortable than the sand." I said as I pulled away from Sam, standing up. "Dash, Kwan? Can you guys help me pull some of the more important and useful items into the hut?" They both nodded, eyeing my arm. I sighed and walked out, heading over to the piles.

Together, the three of us grabbed any electronics, clothes, blankets, food, water, and medical supplies we had found and put it at one side of the hut.

"Okay, everyone grab some stuff to keep warm. Some of us might have to share the blankets." I said, looking from the jocks, to the popular girls, to the geeks. "You may also have some food, but not too much. We only have a certain amount. Same with the water. Drink it sparingly." Everyone grumbled at the limited supplies but walked over and grabbed what they were allowed, regardless of how little it was. When everyone was settled on a mat I took what was left of the food, water, electronics, and what little we have of medical supplies and put them in the far corner so everyone could have more room. I then took what was left of the extra clothes and handed some out to anyone that was still cold.

"Why don't you get some Fenton?" Dash asked as I handed the last piece of extra clothing to Mikey.

"I'm sharing a blanket with Sam and Tucker." I said simply as I sat down beside said people. "Get some rest everyone. We're gonna need the energy tomorrow." I layed down, though with no intent to sleep, and waited until everyone else's breathing evened out before catching some sleep to help myself heal.

It was roughly an hour and a half later that I shot bolt upright upon hearing multiple sets of feet walking towards us, coupling with my ghost sense. Six pairs to be exact. Quickly checking that everyone was asleep, I turned invisible and intangible, slipping soundlessly through the wall of the hut. I had just started to make a round around the hut when I came face to face with three very large, very angry ghost panthers. Quickly pulling my ecto-channelers off my belt, I fired in quick succession. The panthers growled, immediately waking everyone else up. As soon as the door opened, many people screamed. One dark skinned male however, didn't. Armed with a seemingly useless tube of lipstick and a seemingly useless soup thermos, he ran over to me. Slipping one of my channelers back in my belt, I reached over with my hand out. Getting the clue, he lightly tossed the thermos, leaving me to catch it with a certain air of grace and power. Flicking the cap off with my thumb, I aimed the thermos forward, the Panthers growls lost on our ears as they were enveloped and pulled in.

"This is not good." I whispered to Tucker. "This is not the correct habitat for panthers, ghost or no, these guys shouldn't be here. Take everyone else inside, I'm gonna take a once-around of the island. Remember, if something goes wrong or someone runs off somewhere, you, Sam, and I have the fenton phones." Tucker, nodding once, gathered everyone else into the hut and shut the door, leaving me to look around. I walked the first bit of the island, planning to fly when I was out of the huts sight, when sodden a green light and screams came from inside the hut. Running back as fast as I could get myself, I saw what seemed to me a natural portal opened up in the hut, and nobody was to be found. Grabbing and tossing whatever I could into the portal (so everything with my superhuman strength) I jumped in after them, the portal closing as my feet went through.

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