Of Languages and Learning

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Danny's POV

"Okay guys, we can take a ten minute break, but we need to keep moving to find a more permanent place to sleep." I said, setting the items I was carrying down onto the path.

"I think we should have a half hour break!" Dash called out, smirking when a few others agreed.

"Dash, we need to get somewhere safer and more permanent than a road in the middle of nowhere." I argued.

"Well you're not the boss of us Fen-turd! I let you lead this far, now it's my turn! I am star quarterback!" Dash beamed.

"Yeah! Why are we following this looser?!" Paulina agreed.

"Because this looser is your ticket home." I hissed under my breath.

"Danny, sweetie. Maybe your father and I should lead." Maddie said as she and Jack walked up to me. "We know more about ghosts, so the ghost zone shouldn't be to much of a stretch. You don't know a single thing about ghosts let alone how to navigate through the ghost zone! And we all know your memory isn't the best, well with your grades the way they are." My mind reeled, pausing and replaying that last sentence. She believes I'm an idiot. She thinks that I'm just a clueless disappointment!

"Mi scias ok malsamaj lingvoj inkluzive de la angla, Esperanto, latina, signo lingvo, hispana, Malnova angla, Antikva Roma kaj Malnovgreka, kaj tamen vi havas la audacia nomi min idioto?! Fajna! Gvidi! Nur ne atendu ke mi purigi vian salaton!" *I know eight different languages including English, Esperanto, Latin, sign language, Spanish, Old English, Ancient Roman and Ancient Greek, and yet you have the audacity to call me an idiot?! Fine! Lead! Just don't expect me to clean up your mess!* I yelled, accidentally slipping into Esperanto. I silently thanked anyone that was listening that I'd slipped into Esperanto. Two languages is enough of a stretch. Then Mikey and Nathan gasped and my brain halted.

"Whoa! Are you serious?!" Mikey asked, his eyes the size of saucers. My eyes widened. I completely forgot that geeks use some Esperanto! "I only caught a bit of that but from what I heard, you can speak eight languages?!" My parents looked at me with shock and disbelief, and if that didn't hurt...

"Erm... yeah. English, Old English, Ancient Roman, Ancient Greek, Latin, Esperanto, Spanish, and sign language." I said, shifting uncomfortably, grasping my staff tighter.

"How did you learn so much Esperanto? Its an artificial language from the eighteen-hundreds, nobody really knows the entire language, even us." Lester pointed out, looking up at me in, for lack of a better and less egotistic word, awe.

"It just comes naturally. Look, just, forget it. I didn't really mean to say it at all let alone in Esperanto. Its not that big of a deal."

"Quomodo tot linguas discere?" *How did you learn so many languages?* Mr. Lancer asked. My eyebrows raised. Since when can he speak Latin?

"Clockwork mihi. Et omnes linguis loquantur, ut manes." *Clockwork taught me. They're all major languages that ghosts speak.* Mr. Lancer nodded curtly, before turning to everyone else.

"Danny has been doing fine. He is keeping us alive in any way he knows how, and that included risking his own life." Mr. Lancer said, glancing at my torso. "I suggest you be a little more grateful. All of you. Now, as for the fact of stopping or moving, I have to agree with Daniel. This is foreign territory. Staying out in the open will mean any predator can spot us." He now turned completely to me. "Daniel, do you know where we can find an enclosed space such as a cave, or a friendly ghosts home?" I nodded as Maddie sneered, obviously disagreeing with the fact that there can be friendly ghosts.

"Clockworks Tower is still about three and a half miles away, and there are a set of caves between his and Frostbites territory, about six miles away from clockwork, and four from Frostbite. That is if the path hasn't been broken to bad since the last time I saw it." I mused. Maddie chuckled.

"What do you mean last time you saw it? You've never been here before! Being the son of two ghost hunters, the ghosts would have immediately recognized you and eliminated you because they would think you to be a threat. Besides, Even if the path was destroyed, the ghost zone is almost the same as space. We could just fly." Closing my eyes, I took a series of deep breaths to release some anger and stress.

"First of all, I have been here. How do you think I know these ghosts? Secondly, the ghost zone takes you wherever your momentum is. If you were to step off the side of the path, you wouldn't fall per se, just float down. There's no gravity in the ghost zone, therefore, no falling. Your momentum is key. If your momentum is down, well, that's where it'll take you. Unfortunately, there's nothing to stop or slow your momentum, so if you go down, you're going down infinitely. We're not ghosts, we cant fly. Therefore we cant control where our momentum is directed in mid air." I looked to find a few people gaping, a few ignoring me completely, and, in Maddie's case, looking like a fish out of water. I have a small feeling that I just disproved a few of her theories.

"That's the biggest load of crap I've heard coming out of your mouth in a while Fen-toad! Come on guys. I'll get us out of here." Dash said, attempting to shove me out of the way. I quickly grabbed his wrist and twisted it behind his back with a surprising amount of strength, especially with my other hand holding my staff, catching the jock off guard.

"You're ego is going to get you all killed Dashiel Baxter." I growled. "I will not allow that to happen. So either come willingly, or I'll drag you along behind me." Dash grinned, despite his uncomfortable position.

"You couldn't drag me anywhere Fen-tonia!" He laughed. I growled and threw him over my shoulders, not loosing my balance despite the fact that the time staff that clockwork gave me was the only thing really holding me up.

"Anyone else have any objections?" I hissed at the rest of the A-List members. They all absentmindedly shook their heads, still staring at Dash. I grunted in approval, and, despite not really having our break, adjusted Dash and kept walking.

Mr. Lancers POV

Honestly, I couldn't help but ponder the enigma that is Daniel Fenton. There is definitely a noticeable difference in his personality when he's in the ghost zone. Despite his demanding front, it seems that he is more at ease here with the ghosts than he is at Amity with the humans. At Casper High, when he decided to show up of course, his posture was, for lack of a better word, horrid. His shoulders were slumped, back curled in, head hung as low as he could get it, and his hands were shoved into his pockets. It was almost as if he was trying to appear as passive as possible. Here, though, His back was straight, shoulders back, head high, and arms by his side. When he wasn't holding up Dash of course, but that's a whole other can of worms. Here its like he has power, and he wants everyone to know it.

Then there are the scars and the way he could pick up Dash with his wounds as severe as they were...

"First Grave on the Left Mr. Fenton! Put Mr. Baxter down! You shouldn't be carrying him with how hurt you are!" Daniel looked down at his bandaged stomach, his brows pulled together as if he was recalling a memory from when he was little. He sat a dumbfounded Dashiel down and continued walking. I ran up to his side, having to jog to keep the dark haired teens pace, regardless of the fact that he was practically using a cane to hold himself up. He slowed down, presumably for me, and smiled.

"I know you have more questions, Mr. Lancer. One question about my ghostly father doesn't tell you much." He chuckled, checking his surroundings so quickly, if I hadn't been observing him so closely, I would have missed it.

"Well," I started. "you said you had a daughter. Danielle, was it?"

"She prefers Dani, one N and an I. But yeah. Technically she's my clone though." I almost tripped over my own feet.

"Clone?" I asked, my eyes widening.

"Yeah. Some fruitloop ghost wanted me to join him, and when I refused he tried to clone me. All of the other attempts melted, but Dani survived. I took her in as my daughter and left her with Frostbite in the Far Frozen." I blinked, trying to process all of the information I'd been given. Reaching my hands up to my head, I rubbed my temples, attempting to fend off a rising headache.

"Right, well. What about Princess Dorothea?" He smiled.

"Princess Dora is a princess who's kingdom was forced to stay in medieval time by her brother, Prince Aragon. Sam and I helped her defeat her brother and she finally allowed her kingdom to move forward, evolving as we have." He chuckled. "And I suppose you'd like it hear about my mother, Pandora, as well?" I absentmindedly nodded, still absorbing information. "I met her when I got her box back from the box ghost. She was not very happy that it was stolen, and was very grateful when I put everything back in her box and returned it to her." He smiled at the memory.

"What about your father? Clockwork? How did you meet him?" The smile vanished, his jaw clenching. I felt bad for asking, and was about to take take it back, when he answered.

"Do you remember, freshman year, when I returned the answers to the CAT open?" He asked, his voice suddenly hoarse.

"Of course I do. I was surprised at your honesty. Most students would have hid the fact that they had had them in the first place." I replied honestly, the memory surfacing, playing just behind my eyes.

"Well, let's just say, I'm in a different timeline, I did cheat. You asked to see my parents at the Nasty Burger to talk to them. My sister and Sam and Tucker came along, moral support, ya know? But the sauce, it-" He shook his head, as if trying to shake off a nightmare. "Nasty sauce is highly combustible when overheated. While we were all in the building, it heated up just just a bit to high, and it blew up." He paused, hanging his head. "You all were killed, I badly burned, and I went insane. I blocked off my emotions and went on a rampage. I committed genocide, the worst seen for thousands of years. Amity was in ruins, the rest of the country, or maybe the world, I don't know, was completely leveled. I had no mercy, no soul." He sighed, his breath shaking. "When I came back to our own timeline, I returned the answers, took the make up test, and never did anything to anyone again, in fear of becoming him. Dan I call him. That's why I almost punched Dash when he called me that in sophomore year." I blinked, my legs numbly carrying me as my brain reeled. This was all just so bazaar! Who would have thought that the kid who always fell asleep in class if if he bothered to come to class at all, would be the most responsible?

"And I assume that you've been keeping this from your biological parents?" I asked, remembering his spat with them, specifically his mother, earlier.

"Of course I have. I have my group. Trusting anyone outside of it can have deadly consequences." I looked over at him, slightly confused.

"I'm not in your group, though you're trusting me?" He hummed in thought.

"I'm always liked you as a teacher. Maybe one day you'll know everything. Perhaps on this trip if it gets any more dangerous." He muttered. We walked for the next hour and a half in any relatively comfortable silence, I running over the information I'd received, and Danny leading us along a rugged path, almost looking like it could fall apart at any second. The only sounds for the duration of our travel was the sound of footsteps on broken compact dirt, and the eerie absence of sounds from Daniel and the staff he continued to walk with. Gasps rang through the atmosphere as the students started noticing gears floating through the Ghost zone, and in the middle of it all, a large purple tower.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen," Daniel announced. "to Clockworks Tower."

That's it for this one folks! HUGE shout out to @Asshat859 who actually shouted out this story! Thank you so much! I can't begin to explain what that means to me in words- how ironic- but it means so so so much! Especially since I don't really post many stories. They're actually the one that got you this chapter tonight so go give 'em some love! I've actually read a few stories written by them. I personally recommend "I Just Can't Wait To Be King" and "What a afterlife". Thanks again!!!


Update- Jan, 23

Okay, Wattpad, get good. Seriously! I post this chapter on my computer and then I have to repost it on my phone to get it to work??? Not cool. Ignore if you got an update of this chapter!!! Sorry guys!

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