Chapter 17

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I opened my eyes to see Yeonjun's hand covering my left hand as I felt him tracing the empty spot on my ring finger. Where the missing engagement ring was. I can't help but feel my heart ache and my throat tighten. I would be lying if I said I did miss us being together. Just the laughter and the light that Yeonjun brought to my life being with him are the happiest years of my life. Even when we fought, which was rare, we always sorted it out. We saw eye to eye. It was the relationship that I always wished for.

But I was naive enough to throw it all away. Especially when I needed him the most.

"Did you throw it away?" I heard a weak voice say. I sat up straight looking at Yeonjun who was awake. But my heart immediately shattered at the sight of his tears falling down his cheeks. Bring my own eyes to fill up with tears

"Did you throw the engagement ring away?" he asked. I felt the necklace around my neck turn hot against my skin. It was hidden underneath my scrubs hiding our engagement ring. But I didn't want to tell him. I didn't want to give him or myself hope that things can become like it used to be when things aren't the same anymore.

"I don't have them" I managed to say through the tightness in my throat. Yeonjun sat up but had to pause for a second as he looked dizzy "Yeonjun lay down" I said and tried to push him by the shoulder but he grabbed my forearm stopping me and swinged his leg making him sit on the bed

"I had a weird dream about us being in a park and you telling me that you don't want to be together anymore" Yeonjun said, I froze in my place I looked into his eyes but all I saw was confusion surrounded with sadness

"Did you get your memory back?" I managed to ask but I was scared of the answer

"Is that true? You broke up with me saying you were moving to Germany with your dad" he said

"Yes" I said honestly

"But then why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in Germany?" he asked, I looked away trying to make up something but nothing came to my mind "You lied. I love you and I still do. But why did you lie to me and break up with me?" he asked as I heard his voice become weaker.

"Things were hard and complicated," I said. I wasn't sure myself if I could tell him the truth, because that meant I had to tell him what his mother did. I didn't want to talk bad about her even if it was the truth because I know how much he cared for his mother.

"I promised you that I will love you no matter what. No matter how hard and complicated things were" Yeonjun said as his voice strained in frustration.

"You had a bright future for yourself, you wanted to become the CEO and I couldn't stand in your way" I confessed

"Who said I wanted to become CEO without you next to me" He said as he stood up, I tried to create some space between us by stepping back but he didn't allow that as he gripped my forearm tighter.

"It doesn't matter, you need to be CEO without any distractions. That should be your number one priority" I said looking straight into his eyes "and not me" I whispered remembering the times where he would always have me his number one priority even if that meant ditching his important meetings with the higher ups and his father would get really upset with him

"I don't want that. You always have been my number one priority Ah Rang. I want it to be that way" he said as a frown pulled on his face showing how desperate he is

"Please just stop. It's all over now. Just let me go" I said not wanting to get his hopes up. I don't want to hurt him again

"I will never let you go. I love you" he said

"If you love me then let me go" I cried, it has already been four years and he should move on. Something ticked in his eyes as he clenched his jaw hard. I knew right then and there that he ran out of patience with me and it was like a switch that was flipped. He grabbed my jaw firmly pulling me harshly against him as he slipped an arm around my waist pressing his body against mine as he looked down at it and looking straight to my soul

"I guess I don't love you that much to let you go" He whispered "so if you thought I will let you slip through my fingers again well reduce your expectations because as long as I'm breathing I will not let you go"

"I might have forgotten four years of my life but I will never forget how your body reacts to my presence, even if I took a bullet to my head and still survived. I will still remember, how your eyes dilate when you crave me, how your cheeks flush when our body touches, just like now. How your lips part slightly and your breath gets slower" he said brushing the tips of his lips lightly against the outline of my lips "You may try to convince yourself over and over again that you don't need me, but your body still reacts to me. It still craves me sweetheart."

With that he pressed his lips hard against mine making me moan loudly as I felt intense sparks run up my spine and heat settle in my stomach. I hated how much he was right, even after so many years of not being with him my body still craves him. Still remembers how much pleasure I get from his touch

Yeonjun didn't waste any opportunity and laced his fingers in my hair before slipping his tongue in my mouth. Filling my mouth with his taste, his warm tongue brushed against mine. I inhaled sharply, taking in his familiar scent and his warmth. I missed it so much. I miss him.

He suddenly pulled away still holding my jaw hard and tugging on my hair making me look straight into his eyes. My whole body was on fire with lust and desire. I hated how much he was right.

"You are mine and only mine, Ah Rang. so get the stupid idea of us not being together out of your fucking head." He said firmly, in a commanding tone, "Over. My. Dead. Fucking. Body. Do you understand?"

usually I would have a smart reply and simply tell him to fuck off, but his tone had control over my body. Yeonjun isn't a demanding type but to see this new side of him surprisingly made my body heat up in anticipation. I nodded slightly, Yeonjun seeing me submit to him made his eyes switch shades darker

"Say it clearly. Did you understand?" he said

"Y-yes" I said quietly

"Good girl" he said as his voice dripped in lust and darkness. My heart beat hard against my chest and shivers ran down my spine as he said my nickname he would usually use in bed when he is showering me with pleasure

He didn't waste any more time before returning his lips against mine, kissing me passionately. While I slipped my hand under his shirt feeling his hot skin against my cold finger tips. I gasped in surprise when I expected my palm to meet a toned torso but I felt hard muscles with defined edges. I took my time studying his six packs with my fingers, every inch and every curve.

I heard Yeonjun growl against my touch before tugging on my bottom lip with his teeth biting it hard making me hiss in pleasure. He started kissing down my neck finding my sweet spot before nibbling on it teasingly, I couldn't help but arch my back and tilting my head giving him a better access.

"Fuck Yeonjun" I moaned loudly as he bit hard on my sensitive spot on the side of my neck. I felt his hand travel from my hair down to my body as he traced the curved of my figure before landing on my back of my thighs pulling me up with one hand making me wrap my legs around his waist and I automatically wrapped my arms around his neck for support before lacing my fingers through his hair pulling him away from my neck and immediately slipped my tongue into his mouth craving his taste more and more

He turned and placed me gently on the bed as he hovered over me sliding a hand under my scrub top. Suddenly he pulled away looking down at me with a deep frown on his face, I couldn't tell what he was thinking. I opened my mouth to ask him why did he stop but he beat me to it

"What is this?" He asked firmly

"What is what-" I stopped when I realised he had his hand underneath my shirt and his thumb was creasing the scar on my stomach. Shit. I grabbed his wrist to pull him away but he didn't budge, his eyes flickered up to mine in question.

"Dont" I said dropping to my feet again and trying to pull his hand away which worked but he used his other hand to lift up my shirt bringing the scars on my stomach perfectly in his view. Few moments of silence passed as Yeonjun froze his his place at the sight of the scars, like he was trying to process what he is seeing

"Who the fuck hurt you?" Yeonjun asked quietly trying to maintain his composure but he was clearly in fury as darkness seeped into his eyes

"Y-yeonjun it's nothing" I said trying to downplay it, I tried to push my shirt down but my shirt crinkled more as Yeonjun tightened his fist around it

"Who the fuck did this to you? Don't you dare lie to me" he growled as fire bursted in his eyes and the veins him his forehead became more visible

"It's nothing" I repeated trying to maintain my voice as it was on the verge of breaking. I would rather tell him the truth about what his mother did hundred times over than talk about this

"Ah Rang you have deep fucking scare in your stomach. That shit looks like eight inches along with other small scars, those don't look so deep. But the middle one looks quite alarming" he said referring to the scar I had in my lower stomach.

"Please, just stop" I begged trying to stop tears from welling up in my eyes as I looked down to where I had my hand over Yeonjun's fist, which soon relaxed and let go of my shirt.

"You seriously will not tell me" he said as his lips tightened

"I'm fine, it's nothing to worry about" I said, looking away from where he stood. He pulled me into his embrace hugging me tightly

"I hate seeing you hurt" he whispered

"I promise I'm fine" I said quietly

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