Chapter 34

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With that I left Mister Choi's office, my heart was beating hard. I really can't believe that Mister Choi wants me to marry Yeonjun. After everything that I did to Yeonjun, the way I betrayed him. I guess Mister Choi doesn't know the fact that I hid the pregnancy and the miscarriages. Yeonjun didn't tell him...yet.

I made my way towards the elevators slowly... debating... whether or not I should go see Yeonjun... I looked down at my bag remembering the envelope that I placed inside of it. I can maybe tell the receptionist to give it to Yeonjun. But I didn't trust them. They can read what's inside of it and run to the news outlets and perhaps tarnish Yeonjun's image forever.

I had to deliver the envelope myself.

I peaked on my left where there was a hallway and at the end of it was Yeonjun's office. The glass of his office was frosted. Soon I was face to face with the frosted glass door and my knuckles were gently knocking on the door. But a few minutes have passed without an answer. I pushed the door gently and it was unlocked. I peaked in and Yeonjun wasn't there.

I pushed the door even more, revealing the somewhat empty office infront of me. It felt foreign to me. Yeonjun who would focus on making his office feel homey and decorate it with chic decors, but now there was the basic furniture of his office, just his desk, a few chairs and a coach seating area.just the basic furniture.

I let out a deep breath and opened my bag and took out the white envelope. I approached his desk and realised that he would have our photos together on his desk but it was gone. There was only the computer and a stack of booklets. I took a closer look at the booklets and immediately my breath stopped

A sticky note on top. 'All printed Doctor Choi, Good luck in the meeting' I looked at the title of the booklet that read 'Project Town Hospital Investigation Brief'

That's when it hit me, these booklets were for a meeting to discuss the full investigation. Each booklet had a name on it dedicated to an executive on board. The first one had Yeonjun's name on it. I opened the booklet and started to flip through it. The more pages i saw the more disappointed i felt

It was well thought out and planned really well. The research and conducting the whole plane usually would take a year to do, but Yeonjun did it in two months. Mister Choi was right, there was too much evidence against the hospital. I pulled out my phone and took photos of as many pages as possible.

I slipped the envelope inside of Yeonjun's booklet and just then I heard a knock on the door. I felt my heart beat hard against my chest. Was it Yeonju? But he will not knock on his own office door before entering. I slammed the booklet shut and rushed to place it back where it was.

I looked around to see if there is a spot for me to hide and this is where I hated the fact that the office was barely furnished. The only spot that I saw was behind the coach which created a blind spot if a person was standing at the entrance of the office. I rushed towards it and squatted, hiding as much as I could. But apparently the clicks of my heels were a welcoming sign for whoever entered

"Doctor Choi?" I heard a female voice "Huh? That's weird. I heard a noise though"

Please god save my fucking soul. Oh my god i regret even coming here. I should just stay in Town and let Doctor Park deal with all of this shit. Fucking hell Ah Rang why would you do this?

"He said he will be in his office- Oh! Doctor Choi I was just looking for you" the woman said "all the executives on board confirmed the meeting today. I came to pick up the booklets to take them to the meeting room"

"Yes. The booklet is named so make sure that it's placed at the right seat." I heard Yeonjun say, one thing I noted is that his tone was very flat. I heard his footsteps approach the desk and with each step my heart beated hard against my chest to the point I could hear it in my ears.

"Sure no worries" she replied. Suddenly Yeonjun's footsteps stopped. I looked to the side and saw nothing. I looked up and I didnt see Yeonjun.

"Actually Miss Chung, do it later. I forgot to add a few things to the document. Will let you know when it's ready to be picked up." Yeonjun said

"I can help with that Doctor Choi-" Miss Chung said but was cut off by Yeonjun

"No no it's okay. You can leave." He said

"Okay." she said and with that I heard heels clicking on the hard floor and slowly faded away. I heard the lock of the door click shut before the room fell silent.

Shit... he locked the door. How am I supposed to leave? Should I jump up and surprise him? Hopefully I don't look stupid doing that. But the office was silent. Like no one was there. Maybe he left with her. I will stay for few minutes just to be sure he is not here

One minute passed... two minutes passed... three minutes pass-

"No point in hiding anymore Ah Rang" His deep raspy voice spoke, crushing my hopes of getting away without getting caught.

Shit! Shit! Shit! Now I really wish the ground would open up and swallow me. This was a mistake. I shouldn't have come here. I should have just gone straight back home.

"Get up" I heard Yeonjun's voice breaking my train of thought, his voice was clearer this time, I looked up and indeed he was standing right next to me.

I immediately got up, brushing my dress, soothing it out. I cleared my voice and looked around the office trying to get rid of the discomfort of his glare on me.

"I just hid because i didnt know the woman that came in. I didn't want anyone that I didn't know to see me in your office" I said, pulling off the first lie that came to my head.

"If you didn't want to be seen you wouldn't have come here in the first place" he said bitterly, I looked him straight in the eyes, which were ice cold. Numb and empty.

It's your fault Ah Rang, you did this to him

"What are you doing here?" he asked

"Are you enjoying it?" I asked and he tilted his head in confusion "Hurting me by ruining my career"

"Yes, as much as you enjoyed it when you hid the fact you were pregnant with my child and took off running" he said bitterly, I would be lying if i said i didn't feel like a hundred knives stabbed me in the heart. 

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