Chapter 7

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"Not really. I mean it is a murder case because the patient is already brain dead on life support. But we need to know what the hell happened even though he is brain dead" she said

"That's seems pretty normal, what seems to be the problem, Miss Jeon?" I asked following her down the hallway

"There is no signs of trauma to the head" Miss Jeon said as we walked down the dimly lit hallway of the hospital, a knot of anticipation tightened in my stomach. brain dead but no trauma to the head? interesting. its rare for that to occur. 

We stood in front of the ICU door and followed the protocol cleaning out hand with hand sanitizer and then wearing mask and gloves. with that we scanned our card which opened the ICU and we stepped right in. Miss Jeon guided me to a private ICU room where a young boy played on the patient bed and the monitors were attached to him.

Miss Jeon's voice pierced the silence, her words a grim reminder of the stakes at hand. "It's a murder case," she said, her voice filled with frustration. "But the victim's brain dead on life support. We need to know what the hell happened."

"We managed to get CT scans here you go" Miss Jeon said as she opened the laptop and I had a look over scans. 

"What is it that we know so far from what happened to him?" I asked as I scanned the CT scans trying to find answers to what happened to this poor young man who probably has a whole life infront of him

"From the police they informed us that he got into an argument with another student" She said as she proceeded to lift his shirt where his skin was painted different shades of purple, blue and yellow. I couldn't help but hiss at the sight of it. it must be really painful. 

but something didn't click

event thought there was these bruises on his stomach. my eyes fell back on the CT scan "There is no internal bleeding in the stomach area" I said checking and reviewing the CT scan. Am I even looking at the right one? yes no mistake about that. the scans matched the patient name.

"That is the thing. how can he be beaten on the stomach repeatedly leaving bruises but o internal bleeding in the stomach area, but in the brain. it doesn't make sense. it doesn't seem to me that he was hit on the head" Miss Jeon said frowning as she looked at the patient, I could tell her heart ached for him since he was young and had to go through this.

however there might be a possibility

"Was he ever in cardiac arrest?" I asked

"Yeah he did suffer from a heart attack. I think it was while he was getting beaten up by the attacker" she said and it instantly clicked in my head.

"The aorta," I murmured, realization dawning. "The repeated blows caused a spike in blood pressure, triggering a heart attack." 

 Miss Jeon's brow furrowed in confusion, her eyes scanning the scans for answers. "But the aorta looks fine," she countered, her voice tinged with uncertainty. 

 "It's not torn," I explained, my voice barely above a whisper. "But the pressure redirected the blood flow, causing brain hemorrhage. Since it is the main artery that carries blood from your heart to the rest of the body it has high blood pressure. we are talking about a lot of blood being forced back to the heart and up to the brain. resulting in the heart attack and the brain damage."

"Ahhh now it makes sense. Because the aorta is connected between the heart and the stomach" Miss Jeon said

"Exactly" I said nodding and closing the laptop "There isn't much to be done. he is brain dead and there is no treatment for that"

"That sounds scary" Miss Jeon said "who would have thought you could be brain dead by just being hit on the stomach"

"Did the attacker get arrested?" I asked

"Not sure. But all I know him and the patient got into and argument and they started fighting" Miss Jeon said

"If he does die then it will be manslaughter, doubt he will be charged with homicide" I said

{Homicide is if the attacker had plan beforehand to intentionally kill a victim, comparing to manslaughter where it's like accidentally killing someone, like your intention is to hurt them but not kill them but they end up dead that will be considered manslaughter}

"I think so too. it's sad he is just nineteen years old. Very young." Miss Jeon said

"What about alcohol level? Is there any?" I asked

"Zero point ten percent" Miss Jeon said

"Oh he was drunk then" I said as we exited the ICU and started walking in the hallway towards the ER

"You know which patient it reminded me off. The one who get really drunk and got into a bar fight, and he was brain dead from just one punch" Miss Jeon said and immediately shivers ran down my spine just remembering that.

"Oh yes I remember. That was really scary. I still feel bad for the family and especially the sister she seemed to be the most effected from her brother passing away" I said as my thoughts drifting back to that tragic day. 

The memory was still fresh in my mind, the sense of helplessness I had felt as we battled to save the young man's life. Despite our best efforts, it had been too late—the damage inflicted by that single blow had been irreversible.

"He could have survived if he just clenched his jaw to reduce the impact of the punch" Miss Jeon said. "As for this patient there is no hope. We just need to wait for his parents to see what is next."

We walked through the hallway but both of us paused as a familiar sound from far far away reached our ears. it was the wailing siren sounds of an ambulance. our senses snapped to attention, adrenaline coursing through our veins as we prepared for the emergency ahead. it took few seconds for the sound to become crystal clear and the flashing red and blue lights were right outside of the door.

Miss Jeon and I didn't waste any time and bursted out of the door, not caring of the cold night weather freezing against out skin. We saw the first responders pulling out the stretcher that had a young women unconscious on it.

We rolled the patient into the emergency room. As we transferred her onto one of the beds, I noted the paleness of her skin and the beads of sweat glistening on her forehead, signs of the distress she was enduring.

"She called the emergency number because she was experiencing nausea, vomiting, and abnormal pain," the first responder explained, his voice tight with concern. "She admitted on the way here that she consumed hand sanitizer before she had a cardiac arrest."

Felt the room freeze, both Miss Jeon and I's head snapped towards the first responder. The revelation hit me like a bolt of lightning, my mind struggling to process the gravity of the situation. Hand sanitizer, a seemingly innocuous household item, had become a deadly poison in the hands of this young woman.

"Say what?" I asked looking at him

"She consumed hand sanitiser" the first responder said. I looked at Miss Jeon and she looked drained out. Like she was just questioning life all over again.

"Miss, are you okay?" I asked, my voice tinged with concern as I gently shook the patient's shoulder. She murmured in response, her consciousness wavering as she groaned in pain. With a sense of urgency, I moved to hook her up to the heart monitor, my hands moving swiftly to assess her vital signs.

"Heart beat is one-hundred and thirty per minute, far above the normal range. Oxygen saturation is low at eighty fiver percent." I said looking at the patient and indeed she was struggling for air as her lungs fought for more oxygen. I return my eyes back to the monitor "blood pressure at at fifty mmHg, which is dangerously low combining with low oxygen saturation. this is a threat to her survival."

"I will draw blood for testing" Miss Jeon said without wasting any time as she started to draw blood from the patient

With a stable hand, I inserted a needle into the patient's arm, connecting it to an IV fluid line in a to stabilize her blood pressure. But even as I worked, I knew that it would take more than fluids to save her life.

"We need to intubate her," I said, urgency lacing my voice as I swiftly gathered the necessary equipment. Miss Jeon nodded in understanding, her hands steady as she assisted me in positioning the patient for intubation.

 With precision, I reached for the laryngoscope, gently inserting it into the patient's mouth to visualize the vocal cords, with the help of the light that is attached to the laryngoscope I was able to guide my movements as I navigated the narrow passageways of the airway. 

Carefully, I grabbed the endotracheal tube through the vocal cords, ready to insert it through the vocal cords and attach it to the oxygen machine to help her with her breathing. Suddenly the patient's body jerked in an abnormal way were her chest was lifted off the bed and her head was pushed back and her arms and legs started to shake. My heart skipped a beat as I watched in horror, my hands frozen in place as if paralyzed by the sheer intensity of the moment.

"She's having a seizure," I declared, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and urgency. Without hesitation, Miss Jeon sprang into action, repositioning the patient onto her side with practiced ease. To prevent any fluids from escaping her stomach and potentially choking her. I kept an eye on my watch because a normal safe seizure will be from thirty seconds up to two minutes.

{A seizure is a sudden, uncontrolled burst of electrical activity in the brain. It can cause changes in behavior, movements, feelings and levels of consciousness.}

As the seconds ticked by, each one feeling like an eternity, I kept my eyes glued over my watched, counting down the agonizing seconds. In the back of my mind, I knew that a seizure could be a sign of serious neurological damage, a chilling reminder of the grave danger posed by the hand sanitizer she had ingested.

please don't make it another brain dead case. please please

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the seizure began to subside, the violent convulsions gradually giving way to stillness. With a sigh of relief, we carefully eased the patient back onto her back, mindful of any lingering signs of distress. Miss Jeon worked quickly to clean away any fluids that had escaped during the seizure, her movements precise and methodical despite the chaos unfolding around us.

I looked at Miss Jeon who was frowning and she looked at me. we both noticed something

the smell

the smell of the content that came out of the patient's stomach. 

sharp and pungent notes of strong alcohol of the soju. so not only hand sanitizer but also soju. This can confirm one thing. If she doesn't have a history of seizures then this confirms the hand sanitiser content is already taking effect in her brain and damage her brain

"Her vital signs," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper as I glanced at the monitors. The numbers stared back at me, a stark reflection of the patient's condition. "Her heart rate was around eighty beats per minute, while her blood pressure remained dangerously low at ninety four for systolic and fifty for diastolic. Though her oxygen saturation had improved slightly, it was clear that her body was still struggling to cope "

{systolic measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart beats}

{diastolic measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart rests between beats}

With a sense of urgency, I knew that we needed to act quickly. "Let's transfer her to the ICU immediately," I declared, my voice firm despite the tremor of uncertainty that lingered beneath the surface. 

The ICU was our best chance at providing the specialized care she desperately needed. With Miss Jeon's assistance, we prepared to move the patient, our minds already racing ahead to the challenges that lay ahead in the battle for her survival.

{Intensive care unit (ICU) are specialist hospital wards that provide treatment and monitoring for people who are very ill. They're staffed with specially trained healthcare professionals and contain sophisticated monitoring equipment.}

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