Chapter 17

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I stood outside of my lab door with Mister Hong next to me who was already wearing an industrial mask. I looked down to what he was handing me and it was another industrial mask. He lifted up higher waiting for me to take it. I eyed the industrial mask suspiciously before taking it.

Whatever is in there must stink badly. It must be a decomposing body

"Okay I'm ready" I said.

"Brace yourself" Mister Hong said before opening the lab door and I stepped into the lab to be greeted with a round brown almost black blob on the metal table. At first I was confused if on what it was until I stepped closer

"Is this a mummified body?" I asked as it hit me.

There lay a dark brown mummified body in a foetal position, where the back is curved, the head is bowed, and the limbs are bent and drawn up to the torso. it was covered in a slimy yellow greenish substance. I knew from the first glance that this was a woman because she had batches of long hair that was still intact to her head and she had a small body frame.

There was fabric covering parts of her body, which is probably her clothing. She was literally just skin and bones. What interested me the most is the small white dots spread all over the body, it seemed like some sort of plastic piece that has been shredded into small pieces.

The sight of her like this made my blood run cold. The main question that ran through my head is...

Who is she? And how did she end up like this?

"Where did you find her?" I asked Mister Hong

"We got a call from a owner of a house he was moving out and he placed all the trash outside for the trash company to pick up, when he came outside the company took everything except a barrel" Mister Hong said and he pointed at a fifty five gallon barrel drum that was placed a bit further away from the metal table

"The trash company left a note saying the barrel is to heavy to be picked up. The owner didn't know what was inside since it was in a crawl space since he moved in nine years ago. When he opened the barral, he claimed a very bad smell came out of it and saw what appeared to him as a hand and a shoe. That's when he decided to call the police." Mister Hong said

"And let me tell you. The smell when we arrived. I felt it in my brain, one sniff and it's like I lost hundreds of brain cells," Mister Hong said. That explains the industrial mask "Lucky you, we already did a bit of the work. We took the barrell to the police station. Other than the corpse, we found a ladies high heels shoes, pocket book, make up kit, an address book, a wallet with a business card, which had already been sent to the forensic document examiner. We found a cardigan and a faux leopard skin coat"

"I see" I said examining the mummified body

"Well, I will take my leave. If I found anything new I will let you know" Mister Hong said with that he left

I sighed before getting ready. I opened the closet in the lab and put on a full body suit, goggles and an industrial mask. I put my hair in a low ponytail before pulling on the hood of the body suit and tightening it. I put on my gloves and took a deep breath. I turned around to the mummified body

"I guess it's you and me, sweetheart. Don't worry we will figure this out." I said before starting to work.

{Author's note: To save you some sanity I will not be going through the whole process of what an autopsy looks like. Just the important parts. If you are genuinely interested, Autopsy steps generally include: external examination, x-rays, internal examination, testing body fluids, brain examination, final procedures then medical report. Throughout the process photos are also taken of the evidence which will be used in court}

After I finished my external examination, I called Mister Hong to clear out the x-ray room and the hallway of the hospital. As I will be transporting the body from my lab to the x-ray room and the last thing I want is someone vomiting or fainting. After twenty minutes Mister Hong sent a text message saying everything was clear.

I took a white cloth and covered the body and transported it to the x-ray room. Then I proceeded to take X-Rays of the body. I started to flip through the x-rays photos, and my heart sank to my stomach at the sight of it

I looked at the mummified body who was in the foetal position,

There is no way

I exited the x-ray room and went to Kai's office where he was there sitting looking over paper. Before he could say anything, I grabbed his arm and dragged him outside until we were in front of the x-ray room. I handed him an extra industrial mask that I found laying on the nurse reception desk and gave it to him. We entered the x-ray room, behind the screen where the monitor was.

"What does that look like to you?" I asked pointing at the x-ray photos specifically the circle around the stomach area.

"Why are you taking x-rays of a pregnant lady? It can harm the baby" Kai said as he leaned in looking at the monitor

My heart dropped. It's true. She is pregnant

"What month does it look like?" I asked

"Far into her pregnancy. Probably eight or nine months into her pregnancy. That is probably around seventeen inch foetus" Kai said

"And why is there brown cloth piled on the x-ray table- Wait. is that a dead body?" I heard Kai ask. I nodded still looking at the x-ray. That's when I heard a loud thud. I looked up thinking the body maybe fell but no it was in place. Okay maybe the sound is from the hallways, I went back to the monitor

"Then we are looking at a double homicide. There is already evidence of a broken skull, one, two, three. Three different places that match the wound placement of the blunt force trauma." I said

"Kai, what do you think the gender of this baby is?" I asked as I zoomed into the x-ray. But it was hard to see, since all it revealed was the bones of the foetus. "We need to get an ultrasound. Don't you think so?"

But there was no answer

"Kai?" I called out, I turned around and saw Kai laying on the floor unconscious

"Kai!" I gasped. I kneeled down, shaking his shoulders trying to get him to focus, but he was completely knocked out. "Okay you know what. Let's get you out of here." I went outside to see if there was anyone in the hallway to help but no, there was nobody.

I went back in and grabbed Kai's ankles and started to drag him out of the X-Ray room. It was hard. I think I almost dislocated my shoulders. If someone saw me right now, they were probably thinking I killed him and now dragging his body to hide it.

"Ma~" I heard Kian call I looked to see him skipping his way towards my direction with a smile of his face but it didn't last long as he stopped in his track Kai on the floor knocked out

"Your father is taking a quick nap" I smiled at Kian. thankfully there was a bench nearby that I managed to have Kai lay on

"Look after him Kian, okay?" I said to Kian who nodded before pressing his index finger against his lip, indicating to be quiet.

I got the corpse back to the lab and continued on with the autopsy. Working with a mummified body is way different from a month old body where the head will be the only thing dismembered. With a mummified body that is in a foetal position I can't move a limb without breaking it off since it's literally frozen in place. I had to at least cut off one of her legs to pull the baby out. There was no point for me to do internal examination, body fluid testing and brain examination since modified bodies don't have it.

"Sorry sweetheart but we need the baby. Don't worry you will not feel anything" I said as I grabbed the bone sew machine and turned it on, I pulled down my goggles and started chopping off her leg from the hip bone.

"Okay sweetheart, first thing first is the baby. Because if it is an actual baby, this changes this whole investigation" I said, grabbing the scalpel and literally started to perform a c-section on a mummified body.

Sooner or later my theory was correct.

It was a baby boy

Kai was right, it was the last stages of pregnancy. I took off my gloves, grabbed my phone and called Mister Hong

"Hello?" he answered on the other line

"Hello Mister Hong. Can you come into the lab?" I said

"Uhmmm... with the smell of the body... I mean, is it an emergency?" Mister Hong asked not really liking the idea of stepping a foot into the lab

"We are looking at a double homicide" I said

{If a pregnant women got murdered its not considered as a murder of a one person its considered as a murder of two people, which is called a double homicide, which is also a termenology applied to two people being murdered at the same period and place and murdered by the same person, I hope that made sense}

"I will be right there" Mister Hong said "Prepare photos, I'm not stepping inside"

I hung up and took photos of the foetus. After five or ten minutes I heard a knock on my lab door indicating that Mister Hong was outside. I showed him photos of the foetus.

"Have you discovered any identities?" He asked

"With the mother, she is a Jane Doe. the system didn't recognise her. So she is not a korean citizen however from dental work she might be either hispanic or from white descendant. Dental work is common in South America, not in South Korea." I explained

{John Doe and Jane Doe are multiple-use placeholder names that are used when the true name of a person is unknown or is being intentionally concealed}

"What about the child?" he asked

"I just managed to get him out of the mother. I still have to run a DNA test," I said.

"How fast can you complete the autopsy report?" He asked. I looked at my watch it was four pm

"Drop by tomorrow at seven am I will have it ready" I said, even though I had a lot to do but I wasn't planning on sleeping until everything was completed

"Okay, we will have a meeting in Doctor Park's office, to see our findings so far" Mister Hong said "I will see you tomorrow"

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