Chapter 31

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*Two Weeks Later*

"I will be taking the IV off now, Miss Junghae" I heard a male voice say. I looked up to see the family doctor that my dad hired, Doctor Chung, he has been taking care of me since I arrived in my dad's penthouse. He took the IV off and left my room leaving me behind as I lay down on the bed.

{IV (intravenous) means giving medicines or fluids through a needle or tube (catheter) that goes into a vein.}

At this point IV is probably the only thing that is keeping me alive. Those two weeks were just pure hell, the thought of food made me nauseous. I hated it. I stayed in bed and had a breakdown after a breakdown. It was like never ending.

It was happening all over again

"How is she, doctor?" I heard my dad's voice faintly

"She is not getting any better. It's been two weeks already" Doctor Chung replied

My body was so weak that at times where I will get up to go to the bathroom, I will faint from exhaustion, which now caused me to use a wheelchair, holding my own weight on my legs was too much for my body to handle

Right after I took off and came back to the city, not bothering to back up my things at Kai's house, which later the butler went and got it for me. No calls, no text messages from Kai. nothing. I haven't heard anything from him.

Even though I try to convince myself that everything is okay. Now that I know that Kian is under someone's care and that I don't have to worry about him any more. That will probably be the last that I hear from Kai and Kian and I was okay with that. Well at least I try to convince myself of that.

I will be okay

I have to be okay

But there was a part of me that I'm currently trying to bury,  How much I miss Kai. I still can't forget the way he looked at me when he found out. It's like he was disgusted by me. Everytime I remember it I break down crying. I wish I could go back and undo it all. Make him look at me again like... Like he wants to be with me... enjoys my presence. But I doubt I will see that again.

I lost him

I lost Kian again

I failed him again. I failed to keep my promise.

"Junghae" I heard someone call my name faintly

But the ringing of my own cries were louder as hot tears fell down my eyes seeping into my pillow case.

"Junghae please, please don't do this" my dad begged as he pulled me to sit up and embraced me tightly causing me to cry harder as I buried my face into his chest.

"It hurts" I cried as the constant heavy tuck on my heart wouldn't go away

"Im sorry Im sorry, Junghae" dad said as his voice cracked "everything will be okay, don't worry" dad repeated soothing me and ensuring me that Im safe

Suddenly darkness took over me

"Ma~" I heard a voice call me. I looked around to see through the darkness. Kian was standing with the tall figure of Kai next to him holding his hand, his face was covered with the shadow, I couldn't see much. They both stood on the other side of the street that separated us

"Ma~" Kian repeated louder this time

"I'm coming" I said, I checked both sides of the empty road before stepping to cross it.

"Junghae, watch out" I heard Kai's voice scream in agony but it was too late. I felt a bone crushing impact on the side causing my body to be pushed on the side and roll onto the harsh gravel burning against my skin as it tore it apart.

"AHHHH" I screamed in pain as my body felt like it was on fire. I panted as I felt my heart beat hard against my chest. My vision was blurry and loud ringing filled my ears, I shook my head trying to get myself to focus

I need to get up. Kai and Kian are waiting

I managed to get my vision back. I looked up and there was nothing on the road, but there were tire marks on the street. I looked at Kai and Kian and they were gone.

"Kai? Kian?" I called out but no answer

"no no no. I have to find them" I whispered to myself, I try to stand up but everytime I try, my knees would fail me and I fall back down. Suddenly I heard three gunshots go off behind me. I looked back to see an emergency stretcher bed being pushed by a first responder ambulance. There was a body on it that was covered with a white sheet


A hand dropped from underneath the white sheet and I saw a watch

The same watch that Yeonjun wore all the time

Blood trickle off his hand and drop down on the floor

"Yeonjun? No! Yeonjun!" my own scream pulled me out into reality as I sat up on my bed. But it wasn't my bed. I looked around to be greeted with all white surroundings.

What? Where am I?

I looked down to see there was an IV connected to me, I removed it. I'm sick of it. Im sick of having needles in my arms all the fucking time. I grabbed the blacket to remove it but that's when something caught my eye. A small logo stitched into the blanket

The City Hospital logo

I instantly felt heavy weight press onto my stomach. Why the fuck am I here?

I tried to move so I could get out of bed but my bones were hurting. Everything was hurting. I need my phone, I need to call dad to get me out of here. I looked down to see I was wearing the hospital gown which meant my clothes and belongings were somewhere in this room.

I press the nurse button where after a few minutes a nurse showed up

"Oh I see you woke up. How are you feeling-" she said approaching me but I cut her off

"Where is my phone?" I asked immediately

"Unfortunately the doctor advised not to spend time on the phone for the time being" she said as she checked my vitals

"I need my phone" I said

"I will call the doctor," she said, ignoring my comment and leaving the room. If I could I would definitely ran out of this room and out of this hospital. Just being here makes me uncomfortable. All the memories that I hold for this place. I loved working here. The department that I worked in was filled with warm and welcoming co-workers.

Everything was perfect

I missed working here.

If I just didn't admit to the charges I would still be working here. Everything would still be perfect. I would still have a job, my child would be under my care like he should have been, my parents would still be on good terms.

Everything would have been perfect like it should if I didn't falsify the information.

The torture that I faced in prison. It's not worth it.


None of the pain was worth it

"Stop it Junghae"

I suffered for nothing. All of this was for nothing.

"Junghae" I heard Yeonjun's familiar voice yell loudly snapping me out of my thought. I looked up to see Yeonjun looking at me with a deep frown imbedded on his face as his eyes were wide open filled with worry looking deeply into my eyes.

"O-oh Yeonjun" I managed to say through the lump that was stuck in my throat. I looked down to see him holding both of my wrists. That's when I was aware of the blood that was underneath my finger nails and the pieces of my hair on my hand. My checks were cold from the tears and my eyes were burning and swollen.

Yeonjun signed in relief before slowly letting go of my wrist. I looked back at Yeonjun who was wearing a white coat and around his neck hanged a stethoscope

{Stethoscope: to hear sounds from movements within the body like heart beats, intestinal movement, breath sounds, etc.}

"What is this? It's my first timing seeing you in a doctor uniform. Finally got your shit together?" I said trying to lighten up the mood

"It's not the time to joke around. Do you know how bad your situation is right now, Junghae?" Yeonjun said

"Ahhh" I said in realisation "are you here to nag at me? Save your breath" I said waving my hand at Yeonjun to leave

"I'm not here to nag at you. I'm here to take care of you" Yeonjun said with a serious flat tone

"What?" I said tilting my head feeling puzzled

"I'm your doctor. I will be taking care of you from now on" Yeonjun said showing off his doctor medical badge that hung on the white coat chest pocket

"So you want to murder me?" I gasped

"At this point as much as I want to but you already told me how shitty prison canbe so no. I'm not willing to spend time in jail for you" Yeonjun said sarcastically rollling his eyes as he pulled a clip board "So I already have a diet plan for you. The main goal is to get your appetite backup"

"Do I have to eat hospital food?" I asked, making Yeonjun look at me in disbelief

"No shit Junghae" Yeonjun said

"Can't I have take out instead" I said

"We will do blood tests as well" Yeonjun said firmly going back to reading the treatment plan "CT scan, EEG, MRI scans, physiotherapy sessions to work on your mobility and get you to walk again, and-"

"And? There is more?" I groaned, those three already sound like too much

"Therapy sessions" Yeonjun said

"I'm not doing that" I said, talking about my feelings was never my thing. I always found it hard

"It's not up to discussion" Yeonjun said, I sighed looking away from Yeonjun. There was so many questions running my mine

Will it be worth it?

Will this whole plan be worth it?

Will it bring everything back like it used to be?

"Your dad told me what happened" I heard Yeonjun said

"Did my dad bring me here?" I asked

"No" Yeonjun said "One of your maids saw you having a seizure in the middle of your sleep and called the ambulance"

"A seizure" I said quietly "its that bad"

"Yes" Yeonjun said "You know what we all say as doctors when it comes to seizures"

You never know if you will wake up the same person, let alone be alive or dead after the seizure

"He told me that Kai found out and things didn't go well" Yeonjun said, I felt my heart ache just hearing Kai's name. I felt a lump comeback to my throat

"I don't want to talk about it" I said turning my back towards Yeonjun, hiding the tears that escaped my eyes as it seeped into the pillow underneath my head

After a few seconds of silence I heard Yeonjun say "Don't worry, I will take care of you. Make sure to get lots of rest, we will start the treatment plan tomorrow"

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