Chapter 34

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"Excuse me, Miss Kim" I said making her stop and turn towards me

"Is Doctor Kai here?" I asked pointing at the office door

"Doctor Kai? No. He quit four months ago" she said, I felt my heart sink to my stomach

"What? He quit?" I said, I opened the door of the office to be greeting with a well clean and empty office. It felt cold

"It's been empty since he left" I heard Miss Kim say

"Where is he then?" I asked looking at her, I felt my blood rush in my body

"I don't know" she shrugged

"No. No there is no way" I whispered

"Pardon?" Miss Kim said tilting her head in confusion.

"Are you sure? Today is Friday, shouldn't he be here?" I asked

"No. Like I said he quit four months ago. He didn't show up since he quit" she said with emphasis making sure her point is clear.

I walked past her and went to the emergency room that was packed with doctors and nurses. I had to see with my own eyes. But no matter what, he was not there. It's true, he is not here. This doesn't make sense, why would he quit?

I walked out of the hospital and at this point it was probably two in the morning and it was pouring rain. But I didn't care. I ran towards the direction of his house which probably took me around fifteen minutes to reach. The first thing that I noticed is that his car wasn't in the driveway.

What is this? Is he not home?

I ran to the front door and knocked, I waited but no answer

"Kai!" I called out knocking louder this time. But no answer making my stomach twist hard. No he must be here. I lifted the mat in front of the door to see there was a spare key.

Oh thank god.

I opened the door using the spare key and stepped in to be greeted with cold air. The warm homey atmosphere that Kai had was no longer there.

"Kai" I called out but my blood ran cold when I heard my voice echo. I reached for the switch and put on the lights.

"No no no. There is no way" I said, registering in the sight in front of me. The house was empty, no furniture. I ran to Kian's room and it was empty with not a single toy in sight. I went into Kai's room and it was empty. No bed, no couch, coffee table, desk... nothing

There was nothing

Its like no one ever lived here

I slumped on the floor as tears were non stop falling down my cheek, my body was shaking from the fatigue that filled my body. Millions of questions were racing through my mind.

Did he move? Where did he go? Why? Why would he leave? Did something happen? Is he okay? Is Kian okay? Where the hell is he? Where could he be?

Come on Junghae think. Think. Where can he be right now? Where? Where? Whe-

That's when I realised

There is only one place that he could be right now

I got up quickly and ran out of the house to be submerged in the showering rain as it continued to rain harder as I ran, but I didn't stop until I was in front of three story building that was made out of brick walls. It had a banner sign next to the front door

'Keeper of Hope Orphanage'

"Please. Please be here" I whispered as I approached the front door and opened it. To be greeted with dark entry and hallways. I entered and started walking around searching for a sign of Kai or Kian. They have to be here. It's probably not the best timing to. Be looking for them since every door I open lead to a room of bunk beds with kids sleeping in them.

If I can just find Mister or Miss Sung to ask them, maybe they know where Kai and Kian are. I was about to open the last door at the end of the hallway when-

"AHHHHHH" I heard a scratching scream behind me. I looked behind me to see an outline of a small figure in the dark hallway "There is a ghost"


The kid's scream rang through out the building. Suddenly the hallways brighten up clearing the view, where I saw a small kid probably around eight years old bawling his eyes out pointing directly at me

"Me? Ghost?" I gasped

Suddenly the doors of the hallway opened and the kids came out looking around confused until their eyes landed on me




My ears were damaged from all the screaming of the children. I looked down to see all of my clothes soaked and my shoes muddy. Ghost? What Gost? Is there a ghost behind me?

I turned around expecting to check if there is a ghosts behind me, instead I was greeted by a familiar face standing int the door way of the door that I was about to open before the kid yelled bloody murder.

He lost so much weight, the bags under his eyes were more visible and the brightness that he always carried has been drained out. The sight of it made my heart break

"Yah Kai Kamal Huening" I yelled. I felt my blood boil as my vision blurred with tears. This man will seriously be the death of me "Where were you? I was looking for you everywhere. Do you know how worried I was-"

The shock in his eyes were immediately  masked with coldness. He cut me off by grabbing my wrist and pulling me inside of the room that he was in. He left the room and slammed the door shut

Did he just leave me here? What is this?

"It's okay kids, go back to sleep" I heard Kai comforting the kids on the other side of the door. On the door hanged a full length mirror

"Ohh now I get it" I said in realisation as I took in the state that I was in. I don't blame the kids for mistakening me as a ghost. My hair was wet bringing it down to my face hiding most of it away. I looked around to realise Kai was sleeping in a very small room that had a single bed and a night stand with a small closet.

I heard the hallway finally draw quite and calm following with doors being closed. Now all I can hear is Kai's heavy footsteps approaching the door of the room. It stopped right infront of the door. I felt my heart beat fast as I waited for him to open the door. To come in and express how disappointed he is in me for waking up the kids in the middle of the night. For him to kick me out again.

A whole minute passed before he opened the door, even though that's what I expected I felt my body jump at the sound of the door opening. He entered closing the door behind him gently making sure not to wake up the kids anymore. He stood there his back leaning against the door, staring at me for a moment before speaking up

"What are you doing here?" He asked. I can't help but feel my heart clench. This isn't the first thing he says to me after not seeing me for six months.

"I should be asking you this. What are you doing here? Why did you quit working in the hospital? Why is your house empty-"

"You went to my house?" He asked as his voice strained in anger

"Ofcourse" I admitted "I was looking for you"

"Then how did you find this place?" He asked

"I came here before" I said

"What?" He asked tilting his head

"I came here for an investigation, Miss Sung told me that you grew up here" I said

"Please tell me she didn't show you my baby picture" he groaned rolling his eyes

"She did" I said making his head snap towards my direction "She even gave me some"

"What!" Kai said loudly but immediately lowered his voice "why the hell did you take it?"

"Why not?" I said "anyways, you need to go back to the hospital and work again"

"Why do you care? Mind your own business" he spit out bitterly

"Why wouldn't I care? Why did you quit?" I asked crossing my arms around my chest as shivers travelled down my spine from the cold and the fact my clothes were soaking wet. But he didn't answer

"Did something happen? Did someone bother you? Or did you get kicked out? Should I talk to Doctor Park? Or-" I started to interrogate him but he cut me off

"Enough" he said "I left on my own will, okay? I don't want to work there anymore"

"Why? Where are you going to work then? Are you moving-" I said but he cut me off again

"Will you stop? Stop acting like you care because I know you don't" he said

"Yah. I came all the way here because I was worried about you.-" I stopped that's when it hit me "you didn't quit because of me, did you?"

If you are done talking you can leave Kai said coldly as he walked past me to go back to his bed, but I grabbed his arm.

"tell me Im not the reason that you quit" I whispered, I can already feel my heart clench at the thought of that. I don't want to be the reason for ruining his career.

"Yes because of you I quit" Kai said bitterly, I looked up at him. Even though it was dark I can tell he was angry because of the heat of his body "Everywhere I go in that hospital reminded me of you and your lies. I hated it. Because of you, I quit"

"Will it make you feel better?" I asked

"What?" He said confused

"Will it make you feel better for you to throw the blame on me?" I asked

"Because it is" he said

"No it's not. Why should I carry the blame for your decision to quit your job and move out of your house? I understand if you want to blame me for not telling you the truth about me being Kian's biological mother. I already feel so much guilt for not telling you." I said

"Just leave. I don't want to hear it." Kai said, pulling his arm away from my grip. Before I heard the bed creek behind me

"You are right. maybe I shouldn't have came here in the first place." I said feeling my throat tighten and my vision slowly blurring from the tears welling up in my eyes. But I refuse to cry. I turn around to face him to see him laying down on the bed with his back facing me "its probably late to say it now and I regret not telling you this earlier. I will always be grateful for taking care of Kian all this time, treating him like your own son and being the father that he needed in his life. Im sorry for not telling you the truth, Im sorry that you found out about it the way you did.

But I always cared for you, I never stopped caring about you even after I left. You were always on my mind. I should have realised it earlier, I should have told you earlier that I love you Kai. I always did and I always will. I understand if you don't want to continue this, and Im okay with that because I will never forgive myself if I hurt you."

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