Chapter 19

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"UH! EXCUSE ME!" A voice yelled and I immediately knew it was Nana. I pushed Taehyun off, making him stumble backwards and fall on the couch where he was sitting. I stood up in a rush and saw Nana in the kitchen doorway still with her metal spoon looking steam cooking out of her ear and veins popping out of her neck, and behind her was Eunha and Beomgyu smirking at me while wiggling their eyebrow

"The only reason I made him stay so you can talk to him not make babies with him," Nana said, I immediately felt my face heat up at her comment

"N-nana, it's not like that-" I tried to explain but Nana just glared at me making me go quiet. She stomped her way towards Taehyun and pulled her metal spoon as she pointed towards his neck ready to chop his head off, acting as if the spoon was a sword.

"I trusted you. You touching her is utter disrespect. you can't touch her unless you are her husband" Nana said as her voice was filled with anger, Taehyun looked terrified as he avoided her gaze, he looked at me as if he was asking for help.

"N-nana," I said hesitantly trying to confront her but before I could say anything else she spoke up

"Wed her," Nana said and I felt my stomach drop, I looked at Taehyun who was staring at Nana and I couldn't read his facial expression

Shit. Nana is freaking him out... I'm sure he doesn't want to move fast.

"Nana what are you saying?" I hissed at her trying to get her to stop

"Why? are you hesitating?" Nana asked Taehyun "If you actually love her you would have-"

"I want to," Taehyun said, making Nana stop, he looked at me before speaking up "I want to marry her."

I felt my heart stop beating for a second, I didn't expect this to happen this fast. but honestly, I didn't mind. I want this as well, having Taehyun by my side and growing old as we build a family together made my stomach flutter. I can't imagine someone else being next to me and doing that except for Taehyun.

"I want your blessings for it," Taehyun said to Nana

Nana looked at me and I felt my face heat up.

"Do you want to marry him?" she asked and I felt all eyes on me. All of a sudden I felt pressure on my shoulders and tears started forming in my eyes. Just the idea of Taehyun and I being together made me emotional. a week ago I had barely any hope of a guy even liking me, but here we are a week later, me getting married to Taehyun.

"Yes" I whispered quietly, it was loud enough for everyone to hear since it was too quiet, which didn't last very long because Eunha and Beomgyu started cheering

"Very well then," Nana said as she withdrew her spoon and Taehyun seemed a bit more relaxed but still nervous "You have my blessings then. BUT if I see her crying because of you, Guess what... I will watch you bury yourself alive"

I saw Taehyun gulp hard

"Barbecue to celebrate? anyone?" Nana said with a sudden cheerful voice as her face switched from frown to a smile in one split second.

"Hell yeah" Beomgyu and Eunha cheered excitingly

"Dal Hee?" she asked me

"Sounds great," I said smiling as I felt my heart lighten

"Taehyun?" Nana asked

"Y-y-yes" He smiled nervously, but I could see the corner of his lips shake. I couldn't help but laugh

After a few minutes, we managed to prepare the table for the barbecue as we sat outside to prevent the house from smelling like smoke. Beomgyu started cooking the meat while we chatted. I made sure that I sat on Taehyun's right side so he doesn't struggle on seeing me

"Dale Hee make sure you eat a lot," Nana said putting beef on my plate

"Nana, what about me?" Eunha pouted

"Dal Hee has been sick for the past month, That's why," Nana said

"What happened? Are you okay?" Taehyun asked as I saw him struggle to make a wrap

"Well. I had to jump in the river a child fell in. Caught a bit of cold in the process. that's all." I said making it sound like it's not a big deal.

"Still the same, always putting others first," he said looking at me

"What do you want me to do? let the child die?" I said rolling my eyes grabbing lettuce and making him a wrap and about to hand it to him

"Yah" Eunha hissed at me pointing at the wrap with her chopsticks "Now I know why you were single for so long. No sense in romance. feed it to him. Like this" Eunha made a quick wrap

"Honey," Eunha said in a cute voice, batting her lashes rapidly as she turned to Beomgyu and fed him. I honestly wanted to gag

"Like this" Eunha said "Try it"

"Forget it," I said, about to place it in his open palm but Taehyun took his hand away. I looked at him and his mouth open, I was about to protest but he looks so cute so I just fed the wrap and couldn't help but smile as I felt my face heat up

"Umm it's so good," Taehyun said with his stuffed mouth, like an excited child

"Ahhhh" Eunha squealed hitting Beomgyu's shoulder rapidly

"Ah Honey that hurts," Beomgyu said

"Sorry" She giggled

"I honestly don't know if I should regret approving you two to date or allow it," Nana said looking at us as if we are weird

"Nana please we couldn't believe she finally found someone, let her get married," Eunha said

"Yah you aren't any different. you were single for the longest time before you got married" I said, as we all continued to eat. I made sure to help Taehyun anytime I saw him struggle

"How did you guys meet?" Beomgyu asked

"Doctor Park hired her to help me with my blindness," Taehyun said

"Blindness?" Beomgyu, Eunha and Nana gasp. I'm not surprised that Nana doesn't know, but how come Beomgyu and Eunha don't know about this?

"Yeah, I recently lost my vision in my left eye" Taehyun explained and none of them moved they were just staring at him trying to process the information

"What is this? you two didn't know about it?" I asked Beomgyu and Eunha

"That's why you were on edge for the past month," Beomgyu said and I could see he was feeling sorry for Taehyun

"I'm fine now," Taehyun said as I could feel him look at me

"Woah a romantic story between the therapist and her patient" Eunha squealed in excitement

"Sounds like you want to lose your medical license," Nana said looking completely disappointed

"By law, I'm, not his therapist, Nana don't worry," I said as I remember that there were no papers signed it was just a verbal agreement

"What do you do for work?" Nana asked Taehyun

"A doctor, Orthopedic surgeon," Taehyun said

"Family?" Nana asked and I felt like my body froze, I don't think it was a good idea for this to be discussed right now. I felt Taehyun shift in his place uncomfortably, I was about to change the subject but he spoke up

"They died in a car accident, I was raised by my grandparents" Taehyun simply said

"Oh... Sorry I should have been more careful" Nana said as I could see guilt in her eyes

"No it's okay" Taehyun smiled. I felt glad that he didn't tell them about my dad being the cause of his family's death. I want to put that behind us and move on from it.

"Dal Hee, Are you planning on going back to the Town Hospital?" Eunha said changing the subject

"Probably, but I don't know when," I said

"Well, Beomgyu, Taehyun and I will be leaving tomorrow morning, if you want to join you are more than welcome to do so," Eunha said. My heart twitched at the idea of Taehyun leaving already, I mean I have to go back anyways. but am I ready to go back by tomorrow morning?

We finished the barbecue and Nana went to sleep, while the rest of us cleaned up. Then the time came to say goodbye for the night, I walked Beomgyu, Eunha and Taehyun out to the front door and gave each a hug. Beomgyu and Eunha got into the car and waited for Taehyun who was still hugging me, refusing to let go

"Can't I stay here with you?" Taehyun asked still his arms wrapped around me

"No Nana will not allow it. I will see you tomorrow" I said

"But-" Taehyun wanted to argue but I cut him off

"Beomgyu and Eunha are waiting. Go" I said gently pushing him off of me

"Save me from them, one second they fight then the next they are ready to have babies" Taehyun groaned rolling his eyes, making me laugh causing him to smile. He leaned in and kissed my forehead

"Good night then," He said smiling and got into the car

I waved goodbye to them as they were driving off, then went to my room and got ready for bed. I honestly couldn't fall asleep. What happened today kept replaying over and over in my head, especially the part where Taehyun said he loves me, even thinking about it now my heart still flutters as if he is here telling it to me right now. the fact I'm also going to get married, I felt my face heat up at that idea. I'm so happy, Even though he still hasn't proposed yet the fact that he is willing to marry me is unbelievable.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door and I looked up to see Nana leaning against the door frame looking at me smiling.

"Oh, Nana what is it?" I asked

"You seem deep though, would you like to share some?" she asked as she sat next to me on the bed

"Oh it's just... unbelievable what happened to me today," I said as I felt my face hurt by the smile I had on

"You deserve to be happy, Dal Hee" Nana said as she took my hands into her warm ones "I actually did talk to him before you reached home. He seems to be a good man and it would break my heart if you two didn't get married"

"But don't you think we are moving too fast?" I asked

"If you are going to love, love with trust. put in your all at once and stop beating around the bushes. Stop wasting your time on a man who doesn't want to honour and respect you by marrying you. and since Taehyun is willing to get married early in this relationship just shows how sincere he is and how much respect he has for you. Remember what I told you, you can't love without respect" Nana said and I couldn't help but admire her words. It's really beautiful, raw and true.

"I see," I said agreeing with what she said

"I'm so happy for you and don't worry, I'm confident he will take good care of you," Nana said as her voice cracked indicating she is getting emotional

"Nana, don't cry," I said, feeling my own eyes fill up with tears. I pulled her into a tight hug

"Sorry dear, I'm just happy. I saw you grow up and struggle a lot and the fact you came this far. I'm so proud of you" She said trying to control her emotions

"It's all thanks to you Nana, you were here with me all along. I always thought I was alone this whole time, but no, you were here for me" I said also trying to control my tears but failed as some dropped on my cheek

"Tomorrow you must go back to work," she said after few minutes of silence as she pulled away

"Okay," I said

"Go to sleep so you can wake up early morning to pack your things" she smiled and kissed me on both of my cheeks before leaving

I laid down on bed to get some sleep but just as sleep would take over me my phone started ringing. I groaned and picked up my phone to see it was Taehyun

"Hello?" I said as I answered the phone

"Dal Hee" I heard Taehyun say on the other line and something about his voice made me fill with panic. He sounded scared

"Taehyun what's wrong?" I asked

"Help me"

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