Chapter 25

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"Please save his hand, he needs his hand" his friend begged "He can't work without his hand."

We had a patient being brought in by his friend after an accident of the patient having a door slammed shut on his forearm. Turns out the door was a heavy metal type of door, I looked at his wound and there was a crimson red all around his forearm with bones sticking out of it and it was slightly bent backwards.

The patient was screaming in agony while his friend was sobbing his eyes out. I started examining his hand for a pulse but there was no pulse.

"I can't feel a pulse," I told Taehyun. he came and started examining his hand.

He stood there thinking for a minute as I saw his eye focus for a moment

"Disinfect the wound and bring the axe," Taehyun said. I grabbed a disinfectant and poured it all over the wound as Miss Jeon brought the axe. The Patient was struggling the whole time, yelling and screaming and passing out for a few minutes before walking back up.

"Give me the axe. hold the patient tight. make sure the forearm is nice and flat on the surface" Taehyun said and I made sure the hand was flat on the table. I held the hand in place and saw Tahyun raise the axe. I closed my eyes waiting for him to chop off the hand but...

"No, wait. Dal Hee, you do it" Taehyun said. I opened my eyes and saw him handing me the axe while his eyes were wide open and eyebrows raised and pulled together.

"Yah what do you mean? you do it. I never did this before" I hissed at him

"I can't see properly what if I chop at the wrong place," Taehyun said as I saw his eyes shake. I sighed and took the axe and went to where Taehyun was standing while he took over my place and held the hand in place

"Here I go," I said as I tightened my grip on the axe, I felt my mouth go dry and my knees wobble a bit. I raised the axe and kept my eye on the wound aiming for it. I took a deep breath before slamming the axe down...

I felt the room went still

The axe fell right on the wound. just where I needed it to chop off

"Babe you did it," Taehyun said excitedly while raising the chopped off hand. I let out a huge shaky breath that I have been holding for so long

"y-yay," I said trying not to freak out at the fact I just chopped off someone's hand

"Yah I'm telling you to save his hand not chop it" the friend yelled, pointing his finger at Taehyun while his face was flushed and veins throbbing in the neck

"I chopped it off to put it back on," Taehyun said as he wrapped a gauze soaked in saline and put it in a plastic bag before putting it in the icebox.

"Isn't it easier if some parts were attached?" I asked

"Necrosis begins when blood stops reaching the damaged organ, we can't reconnect rotten tissues" Taehyun explained "Prepare a lot of gauze with Betadine and dry pads"

I did that and Taehyun started to cover the amputation wound with it as I kept handing him more of the gauze.

"Get ready quickly for operation, or else he will lose his arm," Taehyun said

"how long do we have," I asked

"six hours. In six hours we need to make sure his hand is attached back on and it heals properly. If it's not healing properly he will lose his arm" Taehyun said my heart dropped. It wasn't enough time. six hours isn't enough at all. to make sure that the arm is attached back together and make sure it is healing properly. is not enough. how will we do this?...

What if we fail?

"Doctor Nam gets the patient under anesthesia. Miss Jeon prepare the operating room" Taehyun demanded

Taehyun and I rushed to the staff room and got ready for operation. We rushed to the operation room and scrubbed our hands, then entered the operating room where the nurses helped us get ready. The patient was lying unconsciously on the operation table covered with blue drapes. his amputated arm was sticking out and his chopped off hand was next to it.

Taehyun and I sat on chairs facing each other while the arm was between us. I looked at him and he seemed more relaxed than the previous surgery, his hands seemed less shaky and his breathing was more steady.

"We will start an inosculation operation," Taehyun said confirming the surgery type. Taehyun looked at me and I nodded. The nurse lowered Taehyun's and I'm surgical loupes to enhance or magnify an image to ensure the highest quality results in surgical procedures.

"lets remove the soft tissues first, then fixate the bone orthopedic drill" Taehyun instructed

"Yes" I said

"Scalpel," Taehyun said and the nurse handed it to him. Taehyun started to remove the soft tissues and I made sure to clean the area he was working on and remove the tissues with him

"The bone is fractured diagonally so I will drill a hole, then fixate it with wire" Taehyun said after we finished removing the section

"Align the bones together and hold it while I drill through it" Taehyun said and I aligned the bones and nodded my head when it was completely aligned and connected it with a bone clamp.

"Drill" Taehyun said

"Suction" I said and the nurse stepped in to help to suction out the dust as Taehyun drilled through the bone.

"Don't move" Taehyun instructed me "Wire" he said and the nurse handed it to him. he started to tie the bones together with the wire.

"Does it look good?" he asked after he finished. I examined the operation area

"Okay. Yeah, it looks good" I said as I gently moved the arm around to make sure everything was clean and neat. Now that the bones are connected we have to attach the nerves first. but then I realised something...

"Wait, we have a problem. the blood vessel is too short" I said

"It's okay if we can connect the two blood vessels together. I think it will work" Taehyun said

"How long do we have?" Taehyun asked

"five hours," The nurse said. This part will take at least an hour then closing up the wound will take another hour. Which means we have three hours to see if the patient will heal properly or not...

Not enough time

it will be a point where we will determine if he is healing properly or not but can't ensure it

We started to connect the blood vessels and the vascular together.

"Does everything look good?" Taehyun asked and I took a closer look. I cleaned up a bit here and there and made sure that everything was okay before nodding

"Yeah. I think we can close up the wound and wrap it up" I said and that is what we did.

"I think it's best to wake up the patient and see if he can move his fingers," Taehyun said after we finished. Doctor Nam stopped the machine and removed the blue drape that was covering the patient's face. After few minutes we heard the patient groan and moan as he started to become more conscious

"Sir, can you hear me?" Taehyun asked, there was no answer except for heavy breathing "Answer me"

"Yes" the patient whispered softly

"Can you move your hand?" Taehyun asked. All heads moved to look at the hand as we waited...

I felt my palms get sweaty as I held my breath...

The whole room was quiet...

no movement...

Please just one move...

if he moves it that means the surgery went well and we don't have to wait a long time to see if he will heal properly or not

We waited for any movement..

just any..

So just please just one..


the room was silence and everything was still...

no movement...

I held my breath...

no. No. This can't be true. Did we fail? Did something go wrong? I looked at Taehyun and saw his forehead sweating as his eyes were shaking. No this can't be true

"Woah" I heard a nurse gasp. I look at the patient's hand to see the fingers moving slightly. I released the breath that I didn't realise I was holding.

Chuckles and cheers filled the room.

"We did it" I said as I felt my chest lighten from the weight it had on

"We did it" Taehyun said back as I saw his eyes smiling.

I honestly never been that excited about a surgery before. It made me happy. but also the fact I succeeded with Taehyun made me happier. It's more special. We walked out of the operation room

"Good work, Taehyun" I said as I wrapped my arm around his waist as we walked towards the emergency room

"You too," he said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and placed a kiss on top of my head

We entered the emergency room and noticed one thing we couldn't deny...

"Dal Hee, please don't ask," Taehyun said as he pinched the bridge of his nose

"Ask what?" I asked confused

"Why is it so quiet?" he whispered to me "You are always the one who-"

Then the phone in the emergency went off.

"Its you this time, Doctor Kang Taehyun"

~The End~

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