Chapter 3

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"Burn contractor has begun," he said as he came and examined his hand "prepare for escharotomy operation,"

"Cut open his skin?" I asked as I felt my stomach drop.

"Scalpel," he said as he put out his hand. However, I didn't move. I have seen it before, and I honestly don't want to see it again. "What are you doing? his skin will shrink even more and cut off his blood circulation even more."

"Y-yes," I stuttered as I handed him the scalpel. I tried to ignore the sickness in my stomach and the sweat building up on my back. I saw Doctor Kang cut deep into the skin of the inside of the arm just enough to help the skin expand to create space for the blood flow. That's when I felt the sickness reach up to my throat, and I rushed out of the emergency room and to the nearest women's washroom and started throwing up in the toilet.

I don't really feel sick when I'm working and barely throw up at the sights that I see; however, when it comes to burnt flesh and decomposing bodies, I just can't. I instantly feel sick. Especially when it comes to dead bodies. The thought of it makes me want to cry.

After what felt like hours, I stopped throwing up and cleaned myself up. I washed my face with cold water trying to get rid of my thoughts. What an excellent way to start my job. Throwing up right on the first day. I walked out of the bathroom and went to the emergency room to see the burnt patients nowhere in sight.

"Where did the patient go?" I asked Doctor Kang, who was glaring at me

"Intensive Care Unit," Doctor Kang said with a flat tone. He was leaning against the reception desk, with his arms crossed against his gest and his jaw was clenched

"Oh," I said

"Yah, where were you?" Doctor Kang asked bitterly

"bathroom. I felt a bit ill," I said, rubbing my head trying to get rid of the headache.

"Ill?" he scoffed. "You walked out on a patient just now because you were ill? if you can't handle a burnt patient, how are you going to work here?"

I looked at him for a minute before answering, "Sorry. I will try my best," I said, still trying to be polite because my end goal is to get close to him and figure out what's causing his blindness. If we would argue a lot, it will not work out.

"Do you always feel sick?" he asked.

"No," I said. He looked at me for a second before turning and leaving. Just as we were about to exit the emergency room, we heard The phone ringing. Immediately I felt my nerves on fire. I turned around and saw Miss Jeon picking up the phone.

"Yes, this is the Town Hospital Emergency Room," she said into the phone. For a few minutes, she kept quiet, and the look on her face showed that it was a bad situation as she frowned, trying to observe every information the caller gave.

"Yes, got it, '' she said and hung up the phone.

"Two traffic accident victims, One has nearly amputated his leg," Miss Jeon said. "One who was behind the wheel has abdominal pain."

"Doctor Kang and Miss Kim, you handle the amputated leg, Doctor Kai and Doctor Cha, you handle the abdominal pain" Doctor Park assigned teams on each patient,

"if you didn't say what you said, we wouldn't be in this situation right now," Doctor Kang said to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"The jinx", he hissed. I looked at him. He can't be serious right now

"How is that my fault?" I asked

"You asked that question, and now the jinx is happening," Doctor Kang said, and honestly, I don't know why but he seemed cute saying that. Like he actually believes in that.

"you don't believe me do you," he said after I didn't reply to him

"Not even one bit," I said, "But it's cute how you hardcore believe it."

"It's literally happening right now. There is nothing cute about it," Doctor Kang said, still being serious.

"So you are saying the accident happened because of the jinx," I asked, challenging him. I don't know why but it's fun to see him annoyed.

"A jinx that you created," he said.

"So the accident is my fault?" I said, and he just sighed, rolling his eyes

"Exactly, therefore, your argument is not valid, Doctor Kang Taehyun," I said as I placed my hands on my hips. Doctor Kang opened his mouth to argue back but was cut off by the ambulance siren heard outside the hospital, and the first responders wheeled in two patients.

"Two patients, this one nearly amputated his leg," the first responder called out, immediately Doctor Kang and I rushed towards that patient.

"Vitals?" I asked as we took the patient into the hybrid room

"Blood pressure hundred over seventy, heart rate hundred and thirty," the first responder replied. "He has lost a lot of blood at the scene. His legs were crushed under the flipped car, so he has crush syndrome due to the compression when the car got lifted. so his heart rate is quickly dropping."

"The saturation?" I asked about the oxygen level.

"At eighty-eight per cent, so he is on full oxygen," he replied

"Put him on warm saline and a reservoir mask. Ten litres," Doctor Kang said, then proceeded to rip the patient's shirt revealing his bare chest as the patient groaned in pain. Thankfully there were no bruises on his chest. I started attaching the patient to the heart monitor and doing as Doctor Kang demanded

"It's an open fracture in the thigh. We need to operate on him. Get a CT scan" Doctor Kang examined the patient's thigh

"He isn't stable enough to get into operation," I said, looking at the heart monitor.

"Well, he is losing a lot of blood. get ready for operation, call Doctor Nam," he commanded me

"Doctor Nam? Who is that?" I asked since I'm new here. He looked at me for a second before replying.

"Get ready and prepare the operating room," Doctor Kang said before walking away. I followed him behind and got into the Staffroom. I went into the women's changing room and changed into my scrubs. When I came out, I saw Doctor Kang looking over the CT scan, but I couldn't help but notice that he was rubbing his left temple.

"he came to me and admitted that he is starting to lose eyesight in his left eye due to the stress," I remembered Doctor Park's words. I approached him from his left side. I stood there for a minute and realised he didn't see my presence.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Doctor Kang wiped his head and turned to me. His eyes expanded, and he was breathing heavily.

"Yes, why?" he asked. I looked into his left eye to see any signs of blindness, but it seemed normal. the motion of the eye seemed normal

"No, nothing. I will go prepare the operating room," I said and left. I went to the operation room to prepare for everything. While I was doing so, a man walked in, wheeling the patient on the bed. It was someone I had never seen before. He seemed around Doctor Park's age.

"Oh, you must be the new nurse," the man said as he came in

"Yes, Miss Kim," I said

"Doctor Nam, an anesthesiologist." He said {a doctor who gives a patient medication, so they do not feel pain when they are undergoing surgery}

"Assistant nurse," I replied

"Help me transfer the patient onto the operation table," Doctor Nam said, and I helped him, then went back to preparing the equipment.

"How long have you been working in the medical field?" Doctor Nam asked while administering medication to the patient

"Over eight years," I replied, and he looked at me confused

"How come you are still an assistant nurse?" Doctor Nam asked. Shit. I fucked up. "Don't you have a speciality that you are interested in?"

"O-oh, yes, I do. I'm a Psychiatric Nurse. I'm just currently working as an assistant and surgical nurse," I said honestly. I didn't want to be disrespectful to him, and I couldn't even bring myself to lie about it, just like how Doctor Park wanted me to

"Oh, I see. so were you working in an asylum before coming here?" he asked

"No, I was working in the city hospital, mainly dealing with patients who experienced major mental trauma due to their injuries," I said

"Oh, I see," Doctor Nam said. By now, I have finished preparing the operating room, and Doctor Nam has also finished administering anaesthesia to the patient. The doors opened, and Doctor Kang came into the operation room. The sight of him being in scrubs brought warmth to my body. I honestly don't know which one he looks hotter in, the white coat or the scrubs? Maybe both.

I helped Doctor Kang put on his surgical gloves and surgical gown, which I had to stand so close to his body that my chest was just a few inches from his. I honestly don't want to get started on how good his body proportion is. Just the sight of his broad upper body made my face burn.

Okay, Dal Hee, get your shit together; keep in mind that this is your patient. Doctor Kang is your patient. It's against the medical law to have relationships with your patient.

After I finished helping Doctor Kang get ready, he walked towards the operation table examined the wound.

"condition?" Doctor Kang asked Doctor Nam

"Stable", Doctor Nam said

"Scalpel," Doctor Kang said, and I placed a scalpel in his palm. He started the surgery to treat an open fracture. Throughout this surgery, I couldn't help but observe how good he was. Fast. Clean. Precision. Impressive, I'm not going to lie. Out of all of the surgeries I assisted in, he is on the high-performance ones that I have seen.

When I say he works fast, he finishes the procedure in seventy-five minutes, which is quite shocking for me since usually, it takes up to ninety minutes for a surgery in general. The fact that he finished fifteen minutes earlier than usual. Then how does his eye affect his performance? Is he gradually getting blind from his left eye? Or does it come and go depending on the stress level?

After Doctor Kang finished with the operation, he left, leaving Doctor Nam and I to clean things up. This time I decided to ask Doctor Nam questions about Doctor Kang since it might be helpful for me.

"Doctor Kang seems good. He finished earlier than I thought," I said as I was cleaning up.

"Yeah, he is really good. though he might overwork at times," Doctor Nam said

"Really? Why?" I asked

"He is just trying to find a distraction and what is a better way to use work," Doctor Nam said

"Distraction from what?" I asked

"He lives alone. It must be hard at times. the constant feeling of loneliness is the worst." Doctor Nam said

"I thought he has his family here in Korea," I said. I saw Doctor Nam pause what he was doing and look at me. That's when I knew I was missing something. Something Doctor Kang didn't tell me.

"he doesn't have a family," Doctor Nam said

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