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Now let's see what had happened in England. I mean,it's not my job to involve real people in this mess but said real person was on the verge of fainting from seeing the posts on Instagram.


Below that there were three people who looked exactly identical to him.

He was shooketh and I will leave you to imagine the rest of the scene. Let's just say that if Mark Gatiss suddenly turned up in America asking for an interview with Sherlock Holmes then it would be due to those pictures.

Anyways let's get back to America.

"Who are you?"

"So Mr. Cumberbatch—"

"Mr. Freeman,how did you manage to jump from Australia to here in a matter of seconds?"

"And also—"

Stephen and Sherlock would have been more than happy to just walk away but their polite friends insisted that doing so would be impolite. Therefore they were stuck answering questions. And Hamlet was completely confused.

On the other hand,Peter couldn't believe his luck. The media was so engrossed in figuring out the mystery of the dopplegangers that no one even looked at him twice. Of course,if they ACTUALLY believed that Cumberbatch was fooling around (which he wasn't,poor man had almost gotten a heart attack with this business) so they would just shrug Peter off as Tom Holland. To be fair, some people had thought of calling the police but they just left it because they wouldn't want to cause any unnecessary panic.

Martin Freeman on the other hand was staring blankly at his screen in Australia.

"Freeman can teleport!!!"

What the actual hell?

I hope they accept my condolences. To be fair,this is making me laugh more than it should. Anyways,continue.

After answering the first two people, Stephen was more than ready to send them falling for an eternity when it happened again.

This man just loves to send people falling. Fight me.

The fissure opened for a moment,sending a wind of dark magic over the city. Stephen's hands curled into fists and he gritted his teeth,trying to focus on fissure. It sealed but it would open again,he was sure of it.

Of course it would. Now get the work done. And stop being a drama queen for the first time in your life.

The dark wind did one good thing though. It diverted the attention of the media for just enough time for them to sneak back into the Sanctumm.

"So,what's the plan?"

Wong said this, shutting the door after the eight of them had run in like possessed.

"First things first, I am never setting foot outside,"Hamlet proclaimed leaning on the wall. He was scowling.

Horatio chose not to comment while Ophelia said,"Who on earth are those people who they were talking about?"

"Famous actors," Stephen muttered as Wong raised an eyebrow at him.

"Stephen Vincent Strange, what the hell happened?"

"Dark dimension, doppelganger confusion, etc etc you know the usual,"the other sorcerer answered, purposefully not looking at him.

"Seriously? What gave you the idea to even bring them here?" Wong grumbled. He had had enough on his plate that day, running here and there, trying to fix the Nightmare issue while Stephen had disappeared.

"In my defense, my last name is Strange," Stephen replied raising his hands in surrender.

"Look, the both of you can stop bickering like an old married couple and actually focus on the real problem,"Sherlock cut in.

Some intelligent being atlast. I mean, they would have argued till the end of the world otherwise, which by the way wouldn't be too late if they do not solve the issues quick enough.

Stephen and Wong just gave him a look before shutting up and actually focusing on the issue.

Lemme just poof and give the two poor people the apology they deserve........ Hopefully they would believe me.

"So what's the plan," Horatio repeated Wong's question looking at the only two who had the knowledge to do anything.

Wong and Stephen exchanged looks. They knew a way *cough* dying millions of times *cough* but they didn't have the time stone for it.

Right, for the update, they didn't really believe me but not like it matters. I have done my job. And PETER PARKER, do SOMETHING USEFUL.

Peter looked at the silent sorcerers before raising his hand.

"If, I may," he began. "There are time stones in other dimensions which have not yet been decimated. And for the record, I would tell the location of one,"he paused looking at the shocked faces of the others before continuing, "If you guys promise to believe me." He paused, waiting for their reply.

"And how did you come by this knowledge?" Stephen and Wong said at the same time, just as Sherlock said as well,"Who told this to you?"

Peter snuck a look at the corner before clearing his throat.

"I have an offer to save the world. The choice is yours," he replied shrugging.

People can really change, just look at him.

Stephen and Wong exchanged uneasy looks as Sherlock continued to press him further, "Now, now, wait a sec. Who put you up to this, Parker?"

Peter shrugged.

Wanda frowned, looking at him, reading his thoughts and trying to discern the stranger giving him instructions in them.

Right, the Maximoff girl. Ideal for ruining your plans unless you knew how to play your cards right.

Wanda looked at the same corner as he had, seeing who was invisible to the others.

I gave her a look, trying to project my thoughts and trying my best to convince her that I wasn't here on another murdering spree. She didn't look expressly convinced but nodded her head anyways. Thank Goodness for that.

Sherlock had noticed Wanda looking at the corner and he frowned at her.

"I can make your thoughts go crazy, hun so think before you say something to me,"She whispered in his mind and he jerked back.

Hamlet frowned at their odd behaviour but did not comment putting it down to the weirdness of the 21st century.

Ah, yes. This is good enough. And Imma just keep a guard on this damned planet as they try to save it. Someone should give me a prize for putting up with them.

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