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A man in a red cloak flew over the other four who were running. Two of them were dressed in medieval attire while the other two were in modern clothes. The man in red cloak bore a certain resemblance to the one in a long coat and another in a medieval attire. A black darkness was chasing them. A hand flew out and grabbed the other medieval man.

Hamlet halted,"Horatio!!"

Strange halted too as did Sherlock and John.

They watched horrified as the black void chuckled.

"You have lost your greatest weapon Strange. Nothing can save you now."

A/N: I was experimenting with writing styles so if you have noticed I have changed my way of writing a bit. So does this intrigue you? Let me know. This one will have a long way to go,considering the stakes I set for myself. And before you berate me for not updating ALTERNATIVE and JULIUS CAESAR AND TEAM VISIT THE MODERN WORLD(though I don't think anyone will because no one's reading them), let me tell you that I will update them. When I make a proper chapter. My plot has gotten messed up so you'll have to wait.

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