A Little Taste of Heaven

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He normally ignored places like this, the dirty bar in the back ally of the slums. It's dirty windows covered with thick drapes so none could see in, and the loud sounds inside were the only sounds of life. Music just loud enough he could hear it on the streets, the yelling of men and the occasinal sound of furniture breaking followed by streams of curses. The once red bricks of the outer walls were now brown, even black in some places.

Yes, he tended to ignore places like this, his home in the much cleaner district three. But he needed help.

He pushed open the heavy wooden door and stepped through.

Inside, men twice his size, with bulging muscular frames and various weapons strapped to their person, sat at tables scattered about the room. Most were drinking, some played pool in the back corner, and there was some card game going on near the bar. He slowly made his way there now, trying not to draw attention to himself. It proved easier than he thought, though few eyed his clean cut clothes, most had no interest in him. Many well moneyed people entered this place he knew.

At the bar he took a seat as the bartender stopped in front of him. "What can I get you?" The woman asked. She had a lovely figure, soft curves and long auburn hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun. Laugh lines framed knowing gray eyes, as if she knew what he was there for..

"I'm looking for a bounty hunter," he answered quietly, feeling uneasy with all the men at his back, unable to see if one approached him.

"Well take your pick darlin, everyone in here can see to your needs." She waved out to the room dismissively, like he was wasting her time. "That is what this place is you know?"

"Yes I know," he huffed. "But I need the best."

The woman, as well as the men closest to him went quiet, watching him, and he felt the hair on the back of his neck raise. She chuckled as she set the glass she had been cleaning down. "The best huh?" She crossed her arms over her chest as she leaned back against the counter. "Then you want them," she pointed down to the end of the bar.

When he turned, his jaw nearly dropped. Surely the woman was joking.

There, at the end of the bar, he hadn't seen them when he entered, were a little girl and a robot. Playing chess. She couldn't be any older than six, her bright pink hair pulled into two pigtails at the back of her head, and big green eyes stared down at the board in concentration. She was wearing a pink dress that was lighter than her hair and her feet were bare, he could see her little black shoes on the floor under her chair.

The robot was only about four and a half feet tall, he had never seen any model like it. The build was simple, the face plate was an LED screen, lights forming eyes that watched the girl and appeared almost tender. When he spoke a line of light lit up at the bottom of the screen. He couldn't hear what it said, but judging by the thinness of the line, it was speaking softly.

He turned back to the woman, "She's just a little girl, she shouldn't even be in here!"

The woman snorted, "Don't let her hear you. You wanted the best? Heaven and Copper are the best. Dead or alive, depending on your specifications of course, they'll get your mark."

The man scoffed and turned to look at the pair again, nearly falling out of his stool when the girl was in the one beside him. Those big eyes seemed to stare through him.

"Copper said you were talking about me," the girl informed him.

"Heaven sweetling, this man wants to hire you for a job." The woman told her, reaching over to adjust one of her pigtails.

"Really!" Heaven excitedly climbed onto the bar so she could sit directly in front of him. Up close, he could tell there was something different about this girl, something off.

Something wrong.

"L-look," he started, "I don't want to put a little girls life in danger."

Heaven frowned, seeming to pout. "I'm not a little girl! I'm a lady! Right Tess?"

The woman, Tess, chuckled. "Yes Heaven, and lady's don't pout."

In an instant heavens pout was gone and she stood so she could look down at him. "I can handle whatever you throw at me. Me and Copper do hard jobs all the time!"

He was just getting frustrated now. "Look, I need someone to bring in a killer, and it just isn't you little girl. Now, where can I find a hunter who can actually do the job?"

The entire bar was quiet now, all eyes on him and the little girl, whose eyes now watered. He felt like Tess was about to throttle him.

"Why don't you show him what you can do princess?" A large man said as he approached the bar. A long scar marked his face as well as several covered his chest. An old fashioned sword was strapped to his back and two pistols were at his hips. "Give him a little taste of Heaven hmm?" He pat the girls head as her lip trembled.

No, this is the guy I need. He thought, ready to deny the "show".

Heaven perked up and nodded, hurrying down the bar to where Copper was waiting. With the girl gone for a moment, he turned to the large man. "Would you be-"

"Stop right there. No one here will want to help you after you've insulted Heaven." The man interrupted, anger seeming to radiate off of him. "You moneyed bastards always underestimate her, then you end up choking on your words. Heaven has saved the ass of everyone in here at least once. You should be begging for forgiveness."

"I'm ready!" Heaven called, drawing his attention. Again, the girl had his jaw dropping.

Copper had re-assembled into a pack on the girls back. In her hands were two guns that resembled sawed off shotguns, though smaller to fit her tiny size. The guns were attached to the pack by cords at the base of each, and small dials were set on the outsides of the guns.

It was then he noticed anyone sitting on the side of the bar behind him had moved to the other side, and the guns were aimed at him.

"Now Heaven, single shot please. I don't have time to clean up a lot of shrapnel." Tess gently reprimanded, having also moved out of the line of fire.

"Yes Tess!" So Heaven turned those mysterious dials, not even bothering to look at them. The sawed off shotguns morphed, rearranging into a pair of guns he had never seen before. With a small barrel at the end, the guns morphed over her hands all the way up to her tiny elbows, forming a sort of partial armor over her fragile limbs. "Now don't move!" she said cheerily, "Tess doesn't want a mess!"

He heard the bang before he even realized she had fired. He frantically looked down at himself, afraid the girl had just ended him, but there was no blood. Then he felt a slight sting in each cheek, and reached up to touch one. He felt the blood from a small fine line, and sure enough there was a matching one on the other cheek.

He watched the little girl in horror as she lined up another shot, ducking out of the way as she fired, and he felt a bullet fly through his shirt, narrowly missing his skin. "I said don't move!" She stomped her tiny foot, before leaping to a table closer to him. Again she fired, narrowly missing him as he stumbled towards the door, tripping over his own feet. The men around them were laughing as she jumped to another table to shoot.

"Ok ok!" he cried, holding his hand up. "I'll hire you!" He was nearly sobbing, and he quickly became aware he had urinated on himself when he fell.

Heaven quickly grinned, jumping to land just in front of him. "Thank you! Who is it? And would you prefer them alive? It's not as fun that way, but I can do it! I promise!"

He managed to stammer out the information the girl asked for as Copper reformed.

"Let's go Copper!" she cried happily.

The robot chuckled lightly as he picked up the girl, carrying her on his back. "We have to stop for ammo first, then we can be on our way." He was telling her as they left the bar.

The man from before walked up to him, snorting down in disgust. "What man pisses himself when a six year old plays with him?"

Yes, this is why he normally ignored these places.

{So I got the prompt for this off of tumblr and I really liked it. Feel free to throw a few prompts my way, but that doesn't mean I'm going to do them. I'm not taking requests. If I happen to like it I will do it and give you credit. For now, enjoy! I have more coming your way soon!

And as always, please do not ask for updates.}

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