8 | not everyone's going to be thrilled about marrying you, dude

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Charles leads Marienne around the dance floor in a quadrille, unknowingly, or uncaringly, stepping on her toes. He looks at everyone but her, wearing a self-satisfied expression at the attention they receive.

"I have procured a special license so that we may be married sooner rather than later," Charles states with an air of one who is doing her a large favour.

"If my lord pleases," Marienne says stiffly.

His eyes flash at her like he is shocked she is anything less than overjoyed. He keeps quiet until the dance ends and then leads her to the balcony.

Once outside the stuffy overcrowded hall, it is apparent that Charles reeks of whisky. Marienne tries not to wrinkle her nose at the smell. James had once given her a sip of his cup and it was the worst thing she had tasted. She cannot imagine why men seem to enjoy it. Her own brother had never been a fan, but though they're the same age he's often poured a glass and expected to down it. Marienne counts these little things on her fingers as reasons why she must be glad to be born a woman.

When he is sure there is no one around to hear them, Charles speaks. His tone is the most patronizing Marienne has ever heard. "You are aware that I didn't request your father for a dowry, yes? And that I went through the trouble of expediting the wedding for your benefit?"

"I am sure he is very grateful, my lord."

"And you? You do not share this sense of gratitude?"

Marienne's eyes blaze with fury but she keeps her head lowered. "If a deferential wife is what you wanted then I don't believe I was the best choice."

Charles looks taken aback for a moment before it turns to anger. "Do you know how many young ladies were lined up to marry me?" he hisses. "How many mothers were pushing their daughters in my direction, YOURS included?"

"My mother is overjoyed, I'm sure. I was not given a choice in the matter."

He gapes, opening his mouth and closing it again. Marienne feels a thread of satisfaction at taking back some sense of control. Perhaps she could anger him to the point of him breaking off the engagement.

"What other prospects do you have, girl?" he demands. "You may have a pretty face, but all of London knows of the state of your estate. How can you possibly not be glad by this turn of events? Do you wish to be a spinster?"

"If you had asked me for my hand, my lord, you would have been aware of my feelings on the matter."

"YOU? Why would I have asked YOU? Your father signed off on it!"

"Well." She bows her head. "I suppose we will both be trapped in an unhappy marriage then. The only option left is for you to break off our engagement."

"Do you want me to look like a fool?" Charles shouts. A couple from inside the ballroom glance their way and he lowers his voice back to a hiss. "I will be the laughingstock of London if I cancel the engagement at this point. I would rather take you as an unwilling wife than tarnish my reputation in such a way."

Marienne has a sinking feeling. Any glimmer of hope she might have held to is crushed under the weight of his words. Until now she had dreamed up scenarios where she didn't end up married with a litter of children. She had never particularly liked children. She had imagined she and Elisabeta could grow old together as two spinsters who were the most bosom of friends.

Charles takes her silence for acceptance. "There is a week left so you'd do best to spend that time getting used to the idea of married life." His eyes flit to where the men are gathering to drink and play cards. "I will retire with the gentlemen."

"Yes, my lord," Marienne says with gritted teeth. She thinks perhaps if she had a better sense of self-preservation she would recognize her defeat, and try to salvage the situation. A smarter lady would smile and curtsy and try to make best of the situation. But Marienne's own disposition disallows her from using any of the feminine wiles at her disposal.

From across the room, she sees a flash of red and her heart stops. Red curls pinned into an updo and green eyes filled with regret.

Lady Elisabeta.

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