Dragon Age: Inquisition

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Author's Preface


Welcome back to Thedas! On this large continent in the southern hemisphere

we traverse numerous territories to include Orlais and Ferelden. The Dragon Age

is continuing three years from the events at Kirkwall in the Free Marches, a

mysterious person is emerging from the Fade when an event known as The Breach

occurs. You will become the Inquisitor, leading a newly reformed Inquisiton

that is composed of characters from previous installments and some brand new

characters. You're tasked with closing this tear in the Veil, stopping the

demons that are pouring in from the Fade, and saving Thedas.

The task at hand isn't easy, but with a little help you'll be able to conquer

this event and cement yourself in Dragon Age legend. This guide will lead you

down whichever path you choose, detailing the consequences of your action or

inaction, noting enemies and their weaknesses, how to combat these foes both

on the battlefield and politically as you gain influence, and showing you how

to acquire every item and codex. Good luck Inquisitor and enjoy your stay!

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The Iron Bull


Specialization: Reaver

Qunari are known across Thedas as the brutal horned giants who descended from

the north to nearly conquer the continent. These ruthless followers of a harsh

philosophy enforce their will through the Ben-Hassrath: their spies and secret

police. One brilliant agent did it all, hunting spies, rebels, and deserters

until the day he finally broke. To preserve a valuable asset, his superiors sent

him to Orlais to observe and report… and The Iron Bull was born.

Today, Bull’s Chargers are famous mercenaries, fiercely loyal to the huge Qunari

warrior who leads them into battles and taverns with equal enthusiasm. The Iron

Bull still sends the Ben-Hassrath reports, but years of living outside Qunari

rules have him wondering which identity is really him. Whoever he is, he’s more

than happy to join the Inquisition and get paid to kill demons.

Varric Tethras


Specialization: Artificer

Varric Tethras is one part adventurous rogue, one part dashing storyteller, and

three parts trouble. Born on the surface, Varric has little love for his

underground brethren -- all his contacts lie with the dwarves of the Merchants

Guild, though he has little taste for their schemes. Still, he has found a place

as an outsider, rubbing shoulders with both the wealthy elite as well as the

worst of scoundrels. To hear him tell of it, that’s all he truly cares about,

though anyone who truly knows him claims differently. They say that, try as he

might, Varric has been drawn more and more into conflicts that shake the world

-- ones that he can’t get himself out of with a quick tale.

Previous Appearances: Dragon Age II

Dragon Age: The Silent Grove

Dragon Age: Those Who Speak

Dragon Age: Until We Sleep

Heroes of Dragon Age

Cassandra Pentaghast


Specialization: Templar

Though of noble birth, Cassandra Pentaghast turned her back on a life of wealth

and privilege to join the Seekers of Truth. The ancient order serves as a

watchful eye over corruption and magical threats, granted ultimate authority in

its investigations by the Chantry -- or it did, prior to abandoning their duty

in response to the mage rebellion. Cassandra did not join her brothers in this,

instead remaining loyal to Divine Justinia and her efforts to restore order in

the face of chaos. She is both pious and driven, the sword in the right hand of

the Divine, seeking justice above all else.

Previous Appearances: Dragon Age II

Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker

Heroes of Dragon Age



Specialization: Rift Mage

Solas has spent his life as an apostate, living in the wilderness well away from

the civilized world and those who would shackle him for what he is. He mastered

his magic without the help of tutors, spending years exploring the spirit realm

of the Fade and coming to an understanding of its denizens that few others could

claim. He would be happiest left alone to sleep in ancient ruins, searching for

memories and knowledge that has been lost for ages, but the Breach in the sky

threatens all worlds.

At a time when other mages flee into hiding, Solas has put his freedom at risk

by emerging from the shadows to assist those who would combat the chaos. He will

not stand idly by when his knowledge of the arcane could mean the difference

between salvation and utter destruction.



Specialization: Champion

The Grey Wardens hold a lonely vigil, enduring lives of hardship and sacrifice

to protect the world from an evil that can never truly be conquered. Few would

volunteer for this: the suffering, isolation, and promise of a violent death.

But the path of a Warden is also one of valor, and those who give themselves to

the cause are rewarded with the knowledge that they have become something more

than they were. Blackwall is one of the rare few Wardens who chose, of his own

accord, to pick up the shield. He believes so wholeheartedly in the noble ideal

of the Grey Wardens that he would rather have this life than any other.



Cullen has seen the worst that magic and corruption can do to innocent people.

Trained from a young age, he has devoted more than half his life in service to

the Templar Order. He saw the Ferelden Circle fall during the Blight and was

witness to the mage-templar conflict that tore Kirkwall apart. In the aftermath,

it was Cullen who rallied what remained of Kirkwall's templars to restore order

to the devastated city. His leadership and integrity caught the attention of

Cassandra Pentaghast, who recognized in him a vital component in forming the

Inquisition. Now the world is falling into chaos. Cullen is through waiting for

others to act, and he's determined that the Inquisition will make a difference

for the people of Thedas.

Previous Appearances: Dragon Age: Origins

The Darkspawn Chronicles

Dragon Age II

Heroes of Dragon Age



She has many names. Most know her as "Sister Nightingale” or “the Left Hand of

the Divine.” To the rare friend, she is Leliana. They say she found faith amid

darkness, and that her devotion to the Maker is matched only by her devotion to

Divine Justinia V, a woman who is both mentor and savior. Those who have earned

her loyalty know her as a steadfast ally. But enemies of the Divine know to fear

her, for she is the shadow behind the Sunburst Throne -- the one who watches and

waits, who strikes when her mark is most vulnerable and least suspecting.

Previous Appearances: Dragon Age: Origins

The Darkspawn Chronicles

Leliana's Song

Dragon Age II

Mark of the Assassin

Dragon Age: Asunder

Heroes of Dragon Age

Dragon Age: The Masked Empire



Specialization: Knight-Enchanter

Referred to as Madame de Fer, “the Lady of Iron”, Vivienne lives up to her

title. A leader among the mages and official enchanter to the Imperial court,

she is renowned as a fearsome woman who achieved her position through guile and

deft political maneuvering. Vivienne allows nothing to stand in the way of what

she desires -- not those who claim she is a social climber, not those who seek

to restrict her power, not even her fellow mages who would conscript her into a

rebellion with which she disagrees. Vivienne fights to restore order in a world

gone mad... so long as that leaves her among those left standing, once all is

said and done.

Previous Appearances: Dragon Age: The Masked Empire (Mentioned)



Specialization: Tempest

Sera is impulsive and revels in the moment. For her, it's not about what's

right, it's about what's right now. In the Friends of Red Jenny, she humbled

authority and had fun doing it. But now the nobility are being not just selfish

but blind. War, demons, a torn sky: these are more than troubling -- they're

terrifying. Fortunately, Sera and her "friends" can be frightening, too, and if

she needs to put an arrow through some baddies so regular people can sleep at

night, so be it. Sera fights for those caught in the middle, but she also needs

order restored. The world has to be normal so she can play.



Specialization: Necromancer

Being from a proud bloodline of the Tevinter Imperium has its advantages: Dorian

was born with a flair for magic that made him the envy of his peers. He is

charming and confident, his wit as sharp as any blade, and if some suggest his

manner cocky, it could be attributed to being a powerful mage in a land where

mages rule. Indeed, Dorian would be the pride of his family -- if he didn't

oppose everything his homeland has come to stand for. He wears the labels of

"pariah" and "outcast" proudly, knowing that views of the Imperium are unlikely

to change until and unless someone of his ability stands up to make a




Specialization: Assassin

He is a ghost in the shadows, walking unnoticed through crowds. He can slit an

enemy's throat before they even realize he's there, and slip away, never to be

seen again. Those few who do notice him soon forget he ever existed... and Cole

isn't certain that he does exist. He is a spirit, impossibly caught between the

immaterial realm of the Fade and the confusing realities of our physical world,

but does that make him real? Does it make him human or a demonic pretender, as

some believe?

All Cole knows for certain is that the world is full of pain and he must find

his place within it. Those who wish to restore order and help the helpless will

find him a strange but unwavering ally. Those who use their power for selfish

reasons may never see Cole again -- if they remember that he was there to begin


Previous Appearances: Dragon Age: Asunder



The Inquisition's power is not absolute: it must earn its place among the forces

in conflict. Sister Leliana understands this well, and has called on an old

friend, Lady Josephine Montilyet, to be the Inquisition’s ambassador in the

halls of the influential. The eldest daughter of a noble Antivan family,

Josephine is a rising star among diplomats, skilled at forging alliances with

tact, grace, and carefully cultivated favors. She is a consummate planner who

understands that resurrecting the Inquisition will require support and goodwill

from Thedas's movers and shakers. Fortunately, the ambassador enjoys a

challenge, and she sincerely believes that the Inquisition is the best way to

halt the chaos sweeping Thedas.



Whether the dark-haired sorceress seeks to influence the Imperial throne, or

harbors more sinister motives, no-one knows for certain. This Witch of the Wilds

arrived in Orlais rather suddenly three years ago as the newly-appointed “arcane

advisor” to Empress Celene. In this role, Morrigan presents a source of

information unfiltered by religious dogma, and satisfies Celene’s life-long

curiosity about magic. However, whispers carry concern of Morrigan having Celene

wrapped around her finger, teaching the Empress forbidden, dark arts in secret.

Previous Appearances: Dragon Age: Origins

The Darkspawn Chronicles

Witch Hunt

Dragon Age: Legends

Heroes of Dragon Age

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C O N T R O L S & I N T E R F A C E [0301]





C H A R A C T E R C R E A T I O N [0302]




[ R A C E S ]




Elves are a historically oppressed people, distinguishable by their lithe frames

and pointed ears. Though most survive in the poorest fringes of human cities,

others live as nomads known as the Dalish. Elves receive a bonus of 25% to

Ranged Defense.



You were raised in the wilderness to be a hunter, relied upon by the Lavellan

clan for food and protection. The clan wandered the northern Free Marches and

had little need to interact with humans—until the clan's Keeper sent you to the

Chantry's conclave as a spy. What happened there, she said, would impact not

only the Dalish but indeed all elves. She could not have known how right she




Enslaved long ago by humans, most elves still live as second-class citizens

within human cities. Elves who reject this life are known as the Dalish:

nomadic wanderers who strive to keep the ancient elven religion and traditions

alive. You grew up in the wilderness, a member of the Lavellan Dalish clan and

apprentice to its leader and guide, the Keeper. The clan wandered the northern

Free Marches, and you had little need to interact with humans -- until the

Keeper sent you to the Chantry's conclave as a spy. What happened there, she

said, would impact not only the Dalish but indeed all elves. She could not have

known how right she was.



Dwarves are short, stocky, and most spend their entire lives underground. Those

living in exile on the surface are commonly merchants or smugglers. Because

dwarves have no connection to the Fade, they cannot be mages, but receive a 25%

bonus to Magic Defense.



The dwarves of Thedas are known for their once-vast underground empire and

guilds of merchants and warriors held in high esteem by the other races of

Thedas. Not you. A cast-off "surfacer," unwelcome among the dwarves or most

humans, you have scraped by as part of a criminal fraternity known as the Carta,

smuggling magical ore known as lyrium. As part of the ruthless Cadash crime

family, you spent your life on the streets of various Free Marcher city-states

-- until you were sent to the Chantry conclave as a spy and everything changed.



Humans are the most numerous and powerful race in Thedas. They are also the most

divided politically and seem to thirst for conflict. Human characters receive a

bonus ability point at the start of the game.



As the youngest child of the Trevelyan noble house, you grew up in the Free

Marcher city of Ostwick and have enjoyed a life of privilege. With close family

ties to the Chantry, and many relatives among the priesthood and the templars,

you were always expected to follow a similar path in service of the Maker --

regardless of how you feel about the matter personally. Willing or unwilling,

you were sent to the Chantry's conclave to assist relatives who sought to make

peace between the templars and mages. It didn't go well.



Born to the Trevelyan noble family of Ostwick in the Free Marches, you were

originally intended for a life of privilege—until magical abilities surfaced at

a young age and you were forced into a life of confinement within Ostwick's

Circle of Magi. Protected but stifled, educated but isolated, the Circle would

have been your entire future had the mages not rebelled against Chantry rule.

Like it or not, you had to fight for your life against templars hunting down all

"free" mages. You joined the delegation of mages attending a Chantry conclave in

hopes of negotiating peace with the templars. It didn't go well.



The Qunari are a race of horned giants who follow a strict religious text known

as the Qun. Those who have abandoned its principles are known as Tal-Vashoth and

often work as mercenaries. Qunari characters receive a bonus of 10% to melee




As part of the Valo-kas mercenary company, you have earned a living by your own

wits and the strength of your blade, ignoring the fearful looks you receive from

those around you. Most recently the company was sent to the Chantry conclave as

hired swords meant to keep the peace between mages and templars—a task that has

gone horribly wrong.



Followers of the strict religious philosophy of the Qun, the Qunari appeared

like a tidal wave to the north of Thedas three hundred years ago. You are

Tal-Vashoth, a Qunari who has rejected the Qun and never even lived in Qunari

lands. As part of the Valo-kas mercenary company, you have earned a living by

your own wits and the strength of your blade, ignoring the fearful looks you

receive from those around you. Most recently the company was sent to the Chantry

conclave as hired swords meant to keep the peace between mages and templars --

a task that has gone horribly wrong.


[ C L A S S E S ]




Those who can tap into the raw energy of the Fade and block the whispering

temptations of demons are truly exceptional. When they turn that mental focus

onto the field of war, they can be truly terrifying opponents. Rains of fire,

walls of ice, or even the ability to heal allies make up a mage’s toolkit. Most

employ considerable skills rendering foes not only weakened, but also vulnerable

to physical attacks, setting up opportunities for their teammates to exploit.

Knight Enchanter

- These rare mages received special dispensation from the Chantry to serve in

battle. They summon blades from the Fade and are experts in protection and



- These mages specialize in binding the spirits that are drawn to death. They

can put the fear of death into enemies, bring spirits to fight on their

behalf, and even cause devastating explosions when their enemies die.

Rift Mage

- These mages draw upon the force of the Fade, either pulling matter from the

Fade to attack or twisting the Veil itself into a weapon to stagger or crush

their enemies.



Armed with bows, daggers, and any number of dirty tricks, the rogue’s primary

focus is damage: tearing foes down one at a time with systematic efficiency.

Rogues commonly use a mixture of stealth and mobility to reach positions of

advantage, be it a sniper’s perch away from enemy blades or behind an

unsuspecting mage. Deadly and resourceful, rogues can tip the balance of any

strategic assault.


- These specialists control the battlefield with deadly traps. Neither they nor

their explosive mines are ever where the enemy expects them to be.


- Any rogue can kill a target, but assassins make death into an art form. They

specialize in quick, deadly kills that let them slide back into the shadows

undetected, or indirect kills that eliminate targets while the assassin is

safely away.


- These unpredictable experts specialize in using alchemical mixtures that

wreathe them in frost or flame. Fast, chaotic, and possibly mad, they wade

into the fight and dare enemies to face the storm.



Battle-hardened and masters of close combat, warriors are pivotal to any group

entering battle. As front-line fighters, they absorb the brunt of opponent

attacks, steal enemy focus, and create an opening for deadly ranged assaults

from other classes. While some warriors prefer visceral, sweeping damage, many

are silverite-clad bulwarks, weathering any blows they don’t deflect with their



- These powerful defenders protect their allies from harm, standing strong

against devastating blows with expert training and fierce determination.

Enemies can't kill them—and usually can't survive them.


- As the battle gets bloodier, these vicious and deadly warriors get even more

brutal. Hurting them just makes them mad, a mistake most enemies don't live

to repeat.


- These unrelenting warriors specialize in fighting mages and demons. No enemy's

magic can withstand them, and they inspire and protect their allies with their

righteous power.



C O M B A T & E X P L O R A T I O N [0303]





M A G E S K I L L T R E E S [0304]




[ W I N T E R ]


Masters of this school of magic summon cold that bites deeper than the cruelest

winter. Their icy spells slow and weaken enemies.

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1. Winter's Grasp


You lock a target in a sheet of ice, freezing it in place.

Ice Damage: 200% Weapon Damage

Freeze Duration: 4 Seconds

Chill Duration: 8 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds

Cost: 65 Mana

A. Winter's Chill


Winter's Grasp now damages and chills nearby enemies as well. However, only

the primary target is frozen.

Area of Effect: 3 Meters

2. Mana Surge


Your barrier explodes into wild magic when enemies destroy it. The blast freezes

all nearby enemies and allows you to cast your next spell without consuming


Area of Effect: 3 Meters

Freeze Duration: 2 Seconds

Magic on Unlock: +3

3. Fade Step


You let invisible waves of magic carry you forward, blurring ahead a short


Duration: 2 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds

A. Frost Step


Passing through enemies hurts them and leaves them chilled.

Ice Damage: 300% Weapon Damage

Chill Duration: 8 Seconds

4. Frost Mastery


You have mastered the calling of cold, increasing your effectiveness when

chilling or freezing targets.

Freeze Duration Bonus: 25%

Chill Duration Bonus: 25%

Magic on Unlock: +3

5. Winter Stillness


By standing still, you enter into a meditative state that restores your mana at

an enhanced rate and reduces all cooldown times.

Meditation Idle Threshold: 3 Seconds

Mana Generation Rate Bonus: 50%

Willpower on Unlock: +3

6. Wall of Ice


You raise a wall of ice to keep enemies at bay.

Size: 6 Meters

Duration: 20 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 50 Mana

A. Glacial Strength


Wall of Ice creates a larger wall, and you can cast it more often.

Size Bonus: 3 Meters

Cooldown Reduction: 8 Seconds

7. Ice Mine


You mark the ground with a glyph that takes a short time to prime. Once it is

ready, it will freeze the first target to step on it.

Freeze Duration: 6 Seconds

Activation Delay: 3 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 18 Seconds

Cost: 35 Mana

A. Brittle Glyph


While frozen, the victim of Ice Mine loses all armor protection.

Armor Reduction: 100%

8. Ice Armor


You draw on cold magic near you to protect you from attacks. Standing near a

frozen enemy or a persistent cold spell reduces all damage you take.

Damage Reduction: 50%

Willpower on Unlock: +3

9. Blizzard


You summon a freezing blizzard to chill and damage enemies caught in the area.

Can be toggled on and off

Ice Damage: 75% Weapon Damage per second

Chill Duration: 8 Seconds

Area of Effect: 8 Meters

Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 5 mana per second

A. Ice Storm


Your blizzard now chills enemies, progressively slowing them until they are


Damage Bonus: 75%

Freeze Duration: 4 Seconds


[ I N F E R N O ]


Masters of this school of magic dominate the battlefield with unrelenting fire.

Enemies who survive the initial blast are driven mad with terror or burn to

death in unquenchable flames.

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1. Flashfire


You ignite an enemy with searing pain and send them fleeing in panic.

Fire Damage: 300% Weapon Damage

Fear Duration: 8 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds

Cost: 65 Mana

A. Blistering Pain


Flashfire burns brighter and hotter, intensifying the panic that your enemy


Fear Duration Bonus: 8 Seconds

2. Immolate


You unleash a massive explosion, leaving enemies in the area burning in agony.

Fire Damage: 300% Weapon Damage

Burning: 75% Weapon Damage per second

Burning Duration: 8 Seconds

Area of Effect: 3 Meters

Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds

Cost: 35 Mana

Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.

A. Wildfire


Immolate burns hotter and has a shorter cooldown time, allowing you to rain

fire upon your enemies more often.

Fire Damage Bonus: 100% Weapon Damage

Burning: 75% Weapon Damage per second

Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds

3. Flashpoint


After you land a critical hit, your next spell cast doesn't trigger a cooldown


Magic on Unlock: +3

4. Pyromancer


You have mastered the summoning of fire, increasing your effectiveness when

panicking or burning enemies.

Burning Duration Bonus: 25%

Fear Duration Bonus: 25%

Willpower on Unlock: +3

5. Fire Mine


You mark the ground with a glyph that takes a short time to prime. Once it is

ready, it will erupt into flame when an enemy crosses it, damaging and

staggering the target.

Fire Damage: 1,600% Weapon Damage

Activation Delay: 3 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 35 Mana

A. Searing Glyph


Targets hit by Fire Mine are launched into the air and set aflame, leaving

them burning.

Burning: 200% Weapon Damage per second

Burning Duration: 8 Seconds

6. Clean Burn


Your spells burn away ambient magic that would otherwise slow down your casting.

Every spell you cast shortens your active cooldown times.

Cooldown Reduction: 1 Seconds

Willpower on Unlock: +3

7. Wall of Fire


You conjure a flaming barrier that burns and panics enemies that pass through


Size: 6 Meters

Duration: 20 Seconds

Burning: 200% Weapon Damage per second

Burning Duration: 8 Seconds

Fear Duration: 4 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds

Cost: 35 Mana

A. Lasting Flames


Wall of Fire creates a larger wall, and its flames burn longer on enemies

that pass through it.

Size Bonus: 3 Meters

Damage Duration Bonus: 4 Seconds

8. Chaotic Focus


When you cast a fire spell, the spell consumes half of your current barrier to

empower it. The larger the barrier consumed, the greater the bonus to the

spell's damage.

Barrier Bonus: 50%

Magic of Unlock: +3


[ S T O R M ]


Masters of this school of magic call forth the power of thunder and lightning.

Their spells paralyze and arc from one enemy to another.

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1. Chain Lightning


You unleash a blast of lightning that shocks one target and arcs to nearby


Distance: 5 Meters

Number of Hits: 4

Electric Damage: 300% Weapon Damage

Shocked Duration: 8 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds

Cost: 50 Mana

A. Arcing Surge


Chain Lightning arcs farther and hits more targets.

Distance Bonus: 4 Meters

Additional Hits: 2

2. Energy Barrage


You launch a salvo of elemental blasts from your staff that homes in on targets

ahead of you.

Projectiles: 12

Damage per Hit: 66% Weapon Damage

Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds

Cost: 50 Mana

Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo

A. Energy Bombardment


Each hit from Energy Barrage lowers the target's resistance to your staff's

magic type for a short time.

Magic Resistance: -2%

3. Stormbringer


The storm comes to your aid even without your calling it. When you are in

combat, lightning will periodically strike a random nearby enemy.

Electric Damage: 300% Weapon Damage

Radius: 25 Meters

Cooldown Time: 15 Seconds

Magic on Unlock: +3

4. Lightning Bolt


You summon a bolt of lightning that blasts and paralyzes a single target. If

other enemies are nearby, the bolt will paralyze the target for longer.

Electric Damage: 200% Weapon Damage

Paralyzed Duration: 2 seconds per nearby enemy

Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 65 Mana

A. Exploding Bolt


Lightning Bolt does more damage if there are other enemies nearby, and if

there are enough close to the striking point, a wave of force will knock

back all enemies except for the paralyzed primary target.

Damage Bonus: 200% for every creature within 4 meters.

5. Conductive Current


The more magical energy you expend, the more damage your spells do.

Damage Bonus: 5% for every 10% missing mana

Magic on Unlock: +3

6. Gathering Storm


You use your staff's energy to fill the area with sympathetic magic. Each basic

attack shortens your active cooldown times.

Cooldown Reduction: 0.5 Seconds

Willpower on Unlock: +3

7. Static Charge


You sheathe yourself in lightning while casting spells. Enemies that attempt to

interrupt your casting with attacks are struck by arcs that leave them


Electric Damage: 100% Weapon Damage

Shock Duration: 6 Seconds

Constitution on Unlock: +3

8. Static Cage


You trap enemies inside an electricity field that paralyzes those that try to


Duration: 8 Seconds

Area of Effect: 9 Meters

Paralyzed Duration: 2 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds

Cost: 65 Mana

A. Lightning Cage


Static Cage is now powerful enough to hurt or even kill enemies who leave

its boundaries. Whenever an enemy in the cage takes damage, a lightning bolt

strikes them, dealing bonus electricity damage.

Electric Damage: 50% Weapon Damage


[ S P I R I T ]


Masters of this school of magic call upon spirits for protection, as well as the

essence of the Fade itself. Their spells disrupt hostile magic, create defensive

barriers, and even heal injuries.

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1. Barrier


You create a shimmering protective barrier that acts as temporary additional

health. The barrier decays naturally over time.

Barrier: 4,116

Area of Effect: 4 Meters

Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 50 Mana

A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the

target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.

A. Elegant Defense


You have learned to cast Barrier with a more stable magical pattern. Each

time a barrier you have cast expires, the ability's cooldown time is reduced.

Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds

2. Peaceful Aura


Your aura of tranquility makes enemies less likely to attack you in battle, even

when you damage them.

Threat Reduction: 50%

Willpower on Unlock: +3

3. Dispel


You remove hostile magic and status effects from allies while stripping

beneficial effects from enemies.

Size: 5 Meters

Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds

Cost: 35 Mana

Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo

A. Transmute Magic


Dispelling magic and status effects increases your own spells' damage and

Barrier generation for a brief duration.

Barrier: 50%

Damage Bonus: 25%

Duration: 10 Seconds

A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the

target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.

4. Rejuvenating Barrier


When you or your allies have an active Barrier, the beneficial energy

invigorates them and helps them recover mana or stamina more quickly.

Mana Regeneration: 35%

Constitution on Unlock: +3

5. Guardian Spirit


A protective barrier springs into place around you automatically when you are

badly injured.

Barrier: 100%

Health Threshold: 25%

Cooldown Time: 60 Seconds

Constitution on Unlock: +3

A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the

target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.

6. Mind Blast


You send enemies staggering with an explosion of willpower that drives them

back and makes them less likely to target you again.

Area of Effect: 5 Meters

Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds

Cost: 20 Mana

Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo

A. Fortifying Blast


Each enemy you strike with Mind Blast increases your protective barrier as

you turn their pain into your power.

Barrier: 10%

A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the

target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.

7. Strength of Spirits


Your barriers draw on the magic of the Fade to absorb more energy before


Barrier Bonus: 50%

8. Revival


You summon spirits to heal fallen allies in the area, getting them back on their

feet and fighting again.

Area of Effect: 2 Meters

Cooldown Time: 60 Seconds

Cost: 85 Mana

A. Life Ward


Spirits now protect your allies for a short time, reducing incoming damage

and reviving them if they fall unconscious.

Damage Resistance: 25%

Duration: 15 Seconds


[ K N I G H T E N C H A N T E R ]


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1. Spirit Blade


You create a blade of solid magic to make melee attacks against nearby enemies,

bypassing their guard and barriers.

Spirit Damage: 300% Weapon Damage

Bonus Damage vs. Barrier: 200%

Bonus Damage vs. Guard: 400%

Cost: 10 mana per attack while active

Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.

A. Defending Blade


You deflect incoming projectiles with Spirit Blade, sending a shockwave of

energy back at the attacker.

3. Fade Cloak


You surround yourself with the magic of the veil itself. You are briefly

invulnerable and can pass through enemies unharmed.

Duration: 2 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds

Cost: 20 Mana

A. Decloaking Blast


If you rematerialize inside an enemy, they're blasted back with massive


Spirit Damage: 1,000% Weapon Damage

4. Resurgence


You call on benign spirits to restore you and your allies for continuing the

fight. All party members are healed to full health, including those who have

fallen unconscious, and a glyph around you provides ongoing healing to the

party for the spell's duration.

This ability consumes and is powered by focus.

Radius: 5 Meters

Duration: 10 Seconds

Tier 1: Glyph heals 2% per second

Tier 2: Glyph heals 10% per second

Tier 3: Glyph heals 25% per second

5. Fade Shield


You draw back the energy released by your enemies in your attacks against them.

Any successful attack strengthens your barrier. The more damage you do, the

more powerful your barrier grows.

Barrier: 30% of damage dealt

Magic on Unlock: +3

A barrier provides an additional health bar that must be destroyed before the

target will take any damage. Barrier is vulnerable to dispel effects.

6. Veiled Riposte


Whenever you have a barrier active, enemies who attack you will take damage in


Damage Returned: 20%

Magic on Unlock: +3

7. Knight-Protector


You're adept with defensive magic. Barriers you create take longer to

naturally decay.

Barrier Decay Reduction: 35%

Constitution on Unlock: +3

8. Disruption Field


You fill an area with magical energy that slows and weakens your enemies.

Enemies larger than the field are immune.

Speed Reduction: 50%

Radius: 3 Meters

Duration: 10 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 65 Mana

A. Stasis Lock


Enemies caught in Disruption Field are slowed to a stop over the course of

several seconds. Striking them ends the effect.

Speed Reduction: 99%

Duration: 5 Seconds


[ R I F T M A G E ]


Years spent studying the Fade have given Solas the ability to manipulate its

energies in unpredictable ways. He can pull matter from the Fade and even twist

the veil into a weapon to hamper his opponents.

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1. Veilstrike


You recreate your own fist from the essence of the Fade and smash nearby foes

to the ground.

Area of Effect: 5 Meters

Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 35 Mana

A. Punching Down


You cast veilstrike more easily, and the blow weakens your enemies, causing

them to do less damage.

Cost Reduction: 15 Mana

Weakened Duration: 10 Seconds

2. Stonefist


You summon a boulder from the Fade and smash it into your target, sending them


Spirit Damage: 500% Weapon Damage

Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds

Cost: 50 Mana

Impact Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo

A. Shatterstone


The boulder summoned by Stonefist now explodes on impact, weakening and

staggering nearby enemies.

Area of Effect: 4 Meters

Weakened Duration: 10 Seconds

3. Restorative Veil


You pull stray magic from around weakened enemies to regain mana based on the

damage you do to them.

Mana Recovery: 10%

Magic on Unlock: +3

4. Encircling Veil


You use stray magic around weakened enemies to increase the power of status

effects on them.

Duration Bonus vs. Weakened: 25%

Magic on Unlock: +3

5. Firestorm


You summon flaming meteors, raining fire down upon enemies all over the area

for the next several seconds.

This ability consumes and is powered by Focus.

Radius: 6 Meters

Fire Damage: 150% Weapon Damage

Duration: 15 Seconds

Tier 1: Summon 15 Meteors

Tier 2: Summon 30 Meteors

Tier 3: Summon 55 Meteors

6. Smothering Veil


Weakened enemies have the damage they inflict reduced even further.

Damage Reduction: 30%

Willpower on Unlock: +3

7. Twisting Veil


You catch stray magic around weakened enemies and use them to increase the

damage of your own attacks.

Damage Bonus vs. Weakened: 15%

Magic on Unlock: +3

8. Pull of the Abyss


You create a tiny rift that pulls enemies toward a central point.

Area of Effect: 6 Meters

Duration: 12 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds

Cost: 65 Mana

A. Shaken


You can cast Pull of the Abyss more often, and enemies caught in its effect

are weakened.

Cooldown Reduction: 8 Seconds

Weakened Duration: 10 Seconds


[ N E C R O M A N C E R ]


Dorian is well-versed in spells that bind and manipulate Fade spirits, a

practice that does not have the same stigma in the Tevinter Imperium as it does

elsewhere in Thedas.

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1. Horror


You unleash spirits of fear that terrify all enemies within the area.

Panic Duration: 6 Seconds

Area of Effect: 3 Meters

Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 50 Mana

A. Despair


Horror inflicts even deeper terror upon targets and reduces their armor

while they are under its effects.

Spirit Damage: 50% Weapon Damage per second

Armor Reduction: 20%

2. Death Siphon


Every time an enemy dies nearby, you regain both health and mana.

Mana Amount: 20

Health Amount: 10%

Constitution on Unlock: +3

3. Blinding Terror


You have learned to leave enemies vulnerable in their terror. Enemies that are

panicked take increased damage from all atacks.

Damage Bonus vs. Panicked: 15%

Magic on Unlock: +3

4. Haste


You increase the speed of the entire party. While this ability is active, all

enemies move and attack more slowly by comparison.

This ability consumes and is powered by Focus.

Tier 1: Slow by 85% for 6 Seconds

Tier 2: Slow by 85% for 12 Seconds

Tier 3: Slow by 85% for 20 Seconds

5. Power of the Dead


Killing enemies attracts spirits that increase the power of your spells for a

short time.

Damage Bonus: 20%

Duration: 10 Seconds

Willpower on Unlock: +3

6. Simulacrum


If you are knocked unconscious, a spirit you control takes on your likeness and

fights on your behalf for a short time. The spirit draws magic directly from the

Fade, casting spells without cost. You cannot be revived by any means until the

spirit leaves.

Duration: 10 Seconds

Willpower on Unlock: +3

7. Spirit Mark


You mark a target with an attacking spirit, inflicting ongoing damage. If the

target dies while marked, the spirit mimics the victim's body briefly to fight

on your behalf.

Can be toggled on and off

Duration: 12 Seconds

Spirit Damage: 75% Weapon Damage per second

Charm Duration: 15 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds

Cost: 50 Mana

A. Lingering Mark


Targets you kill with Spirit Mark now fight for you longer and harder.

Damage Bonus: 75%

Charm Duration: 45 Seconds

8. Walking Bomb


You curse an enemy, inflicting ongoing spirit damage, and then trigger the curse

in a devastating explosion.

Spirit Damage: 200% Weapon Damage per second

Duration: 10 Seconds

Explosion Damage: 600% of Weapon Damage

Area of Effect: 5 Meters

Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds

Cost: 65 Mana

A. Virulent


If Walking Bomb kills your target, the effect spreads to nearby enemies,

causing secondary explosions.



R O G U E S K I L L T R E E [0305]




[ S U B T E R F U G E ]


Experts in these talents are masters of misdirection. Whether leaping to safety,

disappearing into the shadows, or tricking enemies into slashing at empty air,

they are never where anyone expects them to be.

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1. Stealth


You step into the shadows, all but invisible to your enemies. Attacking from

stealth gives you a damage bonus and brings you back to the enemy's attention.

Dealing damage to enemies reduces the ability's cooldown time.

Damage Bonus: 100%

Duration: 30 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 20 Stamina

A. Lost in the Shadows


You live in the darkness. Entering Stealth is now instant and removes all

debilitating effects on you. While in Stealth, you cn even pass through

enemies without being detected.

2. Evasion


They can't hit what they can't see. Your deceptive fighting style gives you a

chance to dodge enemy attacks, taking no damage.

Chance to Activate: 5%

Dexterity on Unlock: +3

3. Evade


You leap away from incoming attacks, putting yourself where you need to be to

win this fight.

Cooldown Time: 2 Seconds

Cost: 20 Stamina

A. Hidden Step


Enemies will swear you're still there, attacking empty air and hurting nobody

but themselves as you leap away.

Duration: 3 Seconds

Damage: 300% Weapon Damage

4. Ambush


While you're in stealth and shortly after leaving it, your attacks ignore some

of your target's armor.

Armor Penetration: 50%

Duration: 6 Seconds

Dexterity on Unlock: +3

5. Easy to Miss


Enemies are likely to overlook you in combat, much to their regret. This is

especially true if you're flanking them.

Threat Reduction: 25%

Flanking Threat Reduction: 100%

Cunning on Unlock: +3

6. Knockout Powder


You throw a handful of dosed dust into an enemy's face, putting them to sleep

for a short time.

Duration: 10 Seconds

Area of Effect: 6 meters

Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina

A. Deep Sleep


Enemies affected by Knockout Powder sleep longer and are slow to wake up

after being damaged.

Duration Bonus: 10 Seconds

Damage Sleep Duration: 3 Seconds

7. Mercy Killing


When their hearts aren't in the fight, it's almost too easy. Your attack on

panicked or sleeping enemies are automatically critical hits.

Cunning on Unlock: +3

8. Shadow Strike


You take your enemy by surprise with an attack they never see coming. If you are

in stealth or have not taken damage recently, this attack hits even harder.

Damage: 400% Weapon Damage

Stealth Bonus Damage: 200%

Not Damaged Recently Threshold: 5 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds

Cost: 50 Stamina

Precision Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.

A. Quick Blade


Shadow Strike costs less stamina, and when you use it while flanking an

opponent, you reduce all of your active cooldown times.

Cost Reduction: 10 Stamina

Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds


[ S A B O T A G E ]


Experts in these talents specialize in poisons and traps. Their dirty tricks

leave enemies sick and limping, easy pickings for a sharp blade or a barbed


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1. Poisoned Weapons


You coat your weapons in a deadly toxin, making every attack poison enemies for

a short time.

Duration: 10 Seconds

Damage: 60% Weapon Damage per second

Damage Duration: 8 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 20 Stamina

A. Infected Wounds


Your poison helps your blades and arrows bite deeper. You do more damage with

your weapons while Poisoned Weapons is active.

Damage Bonus: 25%

2. Caltrops


You scatter spikes behind you, hurting and slowing down enemies who come after

you. This ability is considered a trap for any abilities that enhance or affect


Duration: 30 Seconds

Radius: 3 Meters

Damage: 10% Weapon Damage per scond

Speed Reduction: 25%

Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina

A. Tread Lightly


Your Caltrops cover a wider area and impede enemies even more.

Radius: 5 Meters

Speed Reduction Bonus: 25%

3. Fighting Dirty


All of your sunder and poison effects last longer as you make more potent toxins

and uglier wounds.

Duration Bonus: 25%

Dexterity on Unlock: +3

4. Looked Like It Hurt


The worst mistake your enemies can make is to let you see them flinch. Whenever

you score a critical hit, you regenerate stamina.

Stamina Restored: 10

Cunning on Unlock: +3

5. Explosive Toxin


Your poisons curdle the blood of your targets. Enemies that die while poisoned

explode in a shower of toxic mist.

Duration: 8 Seconds

Radius: 3 Meters

Damage: 50% Weapon Damage per second

Dexterity on Unlock: +3

6. Hook and Tackle


You hurl a light grappling hook at a target, then yank hard as you leap to pull

yourself to it.

Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds

Cost: 20 Stamina

A. It Beats Walking


You can use Hook and Tackle with no stamina cost or cooldown time.

7. Cheap Shot


Your critical hits tear through enemy armor, leaving it sundered for a short


Duration: 6 Seconds

Cunning on Unlock: +3

8. Toxic Cloud


You unleash a cloud of toxic dust that damages all enemies that remain in the


Duration: 8 Seconds

Radius: 5 meters

Damage: 50% Weapon Damage per second

Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds

Cost: 50 Stamina

A. Contact Poison


Toxic Cloud has a shorter cooldown time and now also poisons enemies in the


Cooldown Reduction: 5 Seconds

Damage: 25% Weapon Damage per second

Duration: 8 Seconds

9. Throwing Blades


You hurl a group of knives at all nearby targets, ripping through their armor

and leaving it sundered.

Number of Hits: 4

Damage per Hit: 100% Weapon Damage

Duration: 8 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds

Cost: 50 Stamina

A. Precision Targeting


When facing fewer targets, you group your knives so that the more blades

that hit a single target, the more damage they inflict.

Damage Bonus: 25%

This bonus stacks.


[ D O U B L E D A G G E R S ]


Experts in this style are fast and deadly, their blades slicing through enemies'

defenses -- and throats -- before the have time to react.

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1. Flank Attack


You leap through shadows to attack your foe with deadly strikes that hit them

from behind.

Requires Daggers

Number of Hits: 2

Damage per Hit: 200% Weapon Damage

Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina

A. Skirmisher


Before your target turns to face your blow, you move to stealth, impossible

to find.

2. Twin Fangs


You lash out with both daggers, striking deep, with bonus damage if you flank

your foe.

Requires Daggers

Number of Hits: 2

Damage per Hit: 200% Weapon Damage

Damage Bonus: 200%

Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds

Cost: 50 Stamina

Precision Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo

A. Ripping Fangs


If flanking, your Twin Fangs attack will keep your target's armor sundered

from the blow.

Damage Bonus: 100%

Duration: 8 Seconds

3. Bloodied Prey


Your strikes cut deeper into any foe whose current health is lower than your


Damage Bonus: 10%

Cunning on Unlock: +3

4. Parry


You quickly block a strike made by your foe, then counter as their own defenses


Requires Daggers

Damage: 100% Weapon Damage

Cost: 10 Stamina

A. Effortless Riposte


If you succeed in countering a blow, your parry costs no stamina at all.

5. Dance of Death


You regain stamina with every kill, the better to continue your assault.

Stamina Restored: 50

Dexterity on Unlock: +3

6. Unforgiving Chain


Your daggers blur, a dance of deadly pain. Each strike adds to your critical-hit

chance. After a critical attack, your chain resets as you begin another dance.

Critical Hit Chance: 1%

7. Sneak Attack


Attacks upon a target's back or flank are much more likely to be killing blows.

Critical Hit Chance: 22%

Cunning on Unlock: +3

8. Spinning Blades


You lash out with a set of slashing blows that bring you in and drive your

target back.

Requires Daggers

Number of Hits: 5

Damage per Hit: 75% Weapon Damage

Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds

A. Neverending Spin


The number of your deadly slashes grows when you connect with earlier


Additional Hits: 4

9. Deathblow


You lash out hard with swift and deadly skill and then again against a wounded


Requires Daggers

Damage: 200% Weapon Damage

Bonus Damage: 3% for every 1% missing health

Health Threshold: 50%

Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds

Cost: 50 Stamina

Precision Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo

A. Thrill of Victory


Your strike bites deeper, and if it should kill your target, there's no

cooldown on Deathblow.

Damage Bonus: 100%


[ A R C H E R Y ]


Experts in this style are masters of ranged combat. They can avoid enemies that

attempt to close, put arrows or bolts through multiple foes, and even unleash

explosive shots to devastating effect.

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1. Death from Above


You do more damage when firing from elevation.

Maximum Bonus Damage: 25%

Maximum Height: 2 Meters

Cunning on Unlock: +3

2. First Blood


You've learned to pick apart enemies that are still unwounded and unwary. You

do more damage to enemies that are only lightly injured.

Damage Bonus: 15%

Health Threshold: 80%

Dexterity on Unlock: +3

3. Leaping Shot


You dive out of trouble and fire a hail of arrows at the enemies that were

trying to close with you.

Requires a Bow

Projectiles: 12

Damage per Hit: 50% Weapon Damage

Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina

A. Rolling Draw


If Leaping Shot hits, you can use the momentum of your leap to do a stronger

draw as you come back to your feet. Your next attack, whenever you make it,

will knock down its target.

Damage Bonus: 200%

4. Long Shot


You fire a powerful single shot that delivers more damage the farther away from

the target.

Requires a Bow

Damage: 200% Weapon Damage

Damage Bonus: 600% at 15 meters

Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds

Cost: 50 Stamina

Precision Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo

A. Archer's Lance


Long Shot now rips through every enemy along its path, doing bonus damage

for each extra target it hits.

5. Explosive Shot


You fire a powerful shot that explodes on impact, damaging enemies around your


Requires a Bow

Number of Hits: 2

Damage: 100% Weapon Damage

Impact Radius: 4 Meters

Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina

A. Chain Reaction


Shrapnel from Explosive Shot fills the air and sets off deadly chain

reactions that do more damage the more enemies are nearby.

Damage Bonus per Target: 25%

Maximum Bonus Damage: 100%

6. Strafing Shots


You can move faster while firing without sacrificing accuracy.

Speed Bonus: 100%

Dexterity on Unlock: +3

7. Pincushion


If the first arrow doesn't kill them, the tenth might. Each consecutive hit with

a bow attack does progressively more damage to the target.

Damage Bonus: 5%

Bonus Duration: 10 Seconds

Dexterity on Unlock: +3

8. Full Draw


It takes a moment to line up the perfect shot, but it pays off with a

devastating hit that bites even deeper against enemies who aren't injured yet.

Requires a Bow

Damage: 800% Weapon Damage

Damage Bonus: 800% at full health

Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 65 Stamina

A. Stunning Shot


Enemies hit by Full Draw are knocked briefly unconscious by the power of

your shot.

Sleep Duration: 20 Seconds


[ A S S A S S I N ]


As a spirit dedicated to mercy, Cole is oddly suited to killing enemies with

speed and precision. He can eliminate targets too dangerous to face directly

with strikes they never even notice.

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1. Hidden Blades


They'll swear you leapt from the shadows like a thrown blade and hit your target

with a flurry of strikes from every angle... but it's obvious that you were

nowhere near them at the time.

Number of Hits: 3

Damage per Hit: 300% Weapon Damage

Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds

Cost: 65 Stamina

A. Overkill


You use Hidden Blades faster and more easily, launching even more strikes

on your victim.

Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds

Additional Hits: 3

2. Throatcutter


A wounded enemy is the perfect target. Your attacks are even deadlier against

targets that are close to death already.

Damage Bonus: 2% for each 10% missing health

Dexterity on Unlock: +3

3. I Was Never Here


You have learned to use the distraction of an enemy's death to slip silently

into the shadows. Killing a target removes any cooldown on stealth.

Dexterity on Unlock: +3

4. Knockout Bomb


You hurl a grenade containing a powerful concoction that puts nearby enemies to

sleep. Sleeping enemies awaken after taking damage.

Duration: 10 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina

A. Comatose


Enemies affected by Knockout Bomb sleep more deeply, allowing your allies to

hit them even harder with flanking damage.

5. Cloak of Shadows


You go into stealth, and your allies follow your lead. The entire party remains

undetected for the duration of the effect, even while attacking.

This ability consumes and is powered by Focus.

Tier 1: Duration: 3 Seconds

Tier 2: Duration: 6 Seconds

Tier 3: Duration: 9 Seconds

6. Knife in the Shadows


You are a deadly threat to any enemy that can't see you coming. When you attack

from stealth, you automatically critically hit.

Dexterity on Unlock: +3

7. Gaps in the Armor


Your attacks slip past armor to find a target's hidden vulnerabilities.

Armor Penetration: 25%

Dexterity on Unlock: +3

8. Mark of Death


You mark your enemy, and every hit on them adds part of its power to the mark's

damage. Trigger your mark when you are ready, and watch them fall from injuries

they never even noticed. You can manually trigger the mark early for bonus


Stored Damage: 100%

Duration: 8 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds

Cost: 10 Stamina

A. Mark of Doom


While it is active, Mark of Death leaves the target vulnerable to even more


Armor Reduction: 20%


[ T E M P E S T ]


With a satchel of dirty tricks, Sera takes the fight to her opponent before

they know they're in it, committing fast and hard -- and if covered in

alchemical fire, all the better.

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1. Flask of Frost


This flask coats you in an icy skin that increases your armor and freezes

enemies that strike you in melee range. You can't use this ability while

another elixir is active.

Damage Resistance: 85%

Duration: 5 Seconds

Freeze Duration: 1 Second

Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds

Cost: 20 Stamina

A. Bitter Chill


Activating Flask of Frost also taunts all nearby foes to attack you.

Radius: 5 Meters

2. Flask of Fire


This flask coats you in flames that spur you to frenzied action. For a short

time, your abilities cost no stamina, and enemies who attack you are knocked

backward. You can't use this ability while another elixir is active.

Duration: 5 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds

Cost: 20 Stamina

A. Unquenchable Flames


While Flask of Fire is active, all your abilities have no cooldown.

3. Flaskmaster


Your experience with elixirs has made you better equipped to handle potions and

other consumables, letting you carry more of them at a time and giving you the

chance not to use an elixir when you activate an elixir ability. This ability

does not apply to healing potions.

Maximum Potions Bonus: 1

Chance to Activate: 25%

Dexterity on Unlock: +3

4. Fury of the Storm


When your stamina is exhausted, you fight even harder, lashing out with fury to

win the fight.

Damage Bonus: 10%

Low Stamina Threshold: 50%

Constitution on Unlock: +3

5. Thousand Cuts


You choose a target, then dash to and fro -- a shadow leaving blood with every

leap. After you slice through other nearby foes, you land behind your target,

striking deep.

This ability consumes and is powered by Focus.

Damage per Hit: 300% Weapon Damage

Tier 1: Number of Hits: 12

Tier 2: Number of Hits: 25

Tier 3: Number of Hits: 38

6. Ride the Storm


The effects of your elixirs last longer if you activate one immediately after

another expires.

Bonus Duration: 3 Seconds

Dexterity on Unlock: +3

7. Killer's Alchemy


You can use more concentrated elixirs that give you an uncanny edge in battle.

You do bonus damage with all attacks for a short time whenever you use an

elixir or potion. The effect stacks.

Damage Bonus: 15%

Duration: 10 Seconds

Constitution on Unlock: +3

8. Flask of Lightning


This flask sends you into a heightened state of incredible speed. Everyone on

the battlefield except you moves much more slowly for a short time. You can't

use this ability while another elixir is active.

Duration: 5 Seconds

Speed Reduction: 60%

Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds

Cost: 20 Stamina

A. Quicksilver


Your Flask of Lightning is more concentrated. Time almost seems to stand

still around you.

Speed Reduction Bonus: 39%

Bonus Duration: 2 Seconds


[ A R T I F I C E R ]


After years of experience with the Merchants Guild and the Publishing World,

Varric has become an expert at handling deadly traps and convoluted devices.

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1. Spike Trap


You set a trap that, when an enemy approaches, detonates and flings enemies

into the air.

Damage: 300% Weapon Damage

Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina

A. Watch Your Step


You can remain in stealth while using a spike trap, and enemies are flung

even farther into the air.

2. Set Them Up


You've mastered the proper placement of spikes and levers. When you spring any

kind of trap, your enemies feel it.

Damage Bonus: 25%

Willpower on Unlock: +3

3. Opportunity Knocks


When an ally critically hits, you take advantage of their success faster with

reduced cooldown times.

Cooldown Reduction: 0.5 Seconds

Cunning on Unlock: +3

4. Hail of Arrows


You fire so quickly that enemies will swear there are at least two of you

putting arrows into their ranks. While this ability is active, any Archery

ability you use is duplicated.

This ability consumes and is powered by focus.

Tier 1: Duration: 12 Seconds

Tier 2: Duration: 25 Seconds

Tier 3: Duration: 40 Seconds

5. Elemental Mines


You throw out an assortment of different traps in front of you, applying

different elemental effects to enemies that come into range.

Damage: 50% Weapon Damage

Chill Duration: 8 Seconds

Fire Damage: 50% Weapon Damage per second

Fire Damage Duration: 8 Seconds

Shocked Duration: 8 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 50 Stamina

A. Throw Everything


It's now or never. You use every ounce of stamina you've got to litter the

battlefield with traps. The more stamina you use, the more traps you throw.

Additional Traps: 1 for every 5 stamina

6. Fallback Plan


You place a thieves' lantern to mark a fallback location before heading into

battle. When the fight gets ugly, you leap back to safety, as healthy as you

were when you placed your marker.

Duration: 15 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina

A. Bait and Switch


You can fight for a longer time before leaping back, and you pull your

closest enemy back with you.

Duration Bonus: 5 Seconds

7. And Take Them Down


Your experience with finding and pointing out enemy vulnerabilities gives the

entire party a better chance to land a critical hit.

Critical Hit Chance Bonus: 5%

Dexterity on Unlock: +3

8. Tricks of the Trade


You help the team make the most of its abilities, increasing the damage and

duration of all status effects anyone in the party applies.

Damage Bonus: 10%

Duration Bonus: 10%

Willpower on Unlock: +3



W A R R I O R S K I L L T R E E [0306]




[ T W O - H A N D E D ]


Experts in this style crush their enemies with massive blows that can break

any guard, shatter any armor, and destroy any opponent.

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1. Block and Slash


You stand ready to deflect the next incoming attack and deliver a punishing

counter to your attacker.

Requires a Two-Handed Weapon

Damage: 150% Weapon Damage

Cost: 10 Stamina

Cost: 5 Stamina Per Second

A. Flawless Defense


Countering an enemies attack now does bonus damage and adds to your guard.

Damage Bonus: 50%

Guard Amount: 15%

Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional

health. Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.

2. Mighty Blow


You deliver a powerful attack that crumples foes, leaving them knocked down

for a short time. You do more damage to targets that are already knocked down.

Requires a Two-Handed Weapon

Damage: 200% Weapon Damage

Damage Bonus: 200%

Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds

Cost: 50 Stamina

A. Easy Target


Mighty Blow costs less stamina and deals increased damage against targets

that have been knocked down.

Cost Reduction: 15 Stamina

Damage Bonus: 300%

3. Flow of Battle


Every critical hit reduces the cooldown times on your abilities, giving you

the edge to finish off your enemy.

Cooldown Reduction: 1 Seconds

Strength On Unlock: +3

4. Shield-Breaker


Your critical hits crack armor and rend shields, sundering your enemy's armor

for a short time.

Armor Reduction: 20%

Duration: 6 Seconds

Strength On Unlock: +3

5. Pommel Strike


You lash out with a fast strike that briefly stuns your target.

Requires a Two-Handed Weapon

Damage: 300% Weapon Damage

Stun Duration: 3 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina

A. Lightning Jab


Pommel strike hits harder and faster.

Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds

Stun Duration Bonus: 1 Seconds

6. Whirlwind


You spin with your weapon outstretched, cutting through any enemies in

your path.

Requires a Two-Handed Weapon

Damage Per Hit: 70% Weapon Damage

Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 10 Stamina

Impact Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.

A. Rising Winds


Whirlwind becomes more effective the longer you sustain it.

Damage Bonus Per Rotation: 15%

7. Guard-Smasher


You've learned how to batter through your enemy's defenses, doing more damage

to their guard with every hit.

Bonus Damage Vs. Guard: 100%

Strength On Unlock: +3

8. Clear a Path


Hitting multipe targets with a single swing of your weapon restores your

stamina for each extra target.

Stamina Restored: 10%

Strength On Unlock: +3

9. Earthshaking Strike


Your great blow tears open the ground with a shockwave that batters enemies

caught in its path.

Requires a Two-Handed Weapon

Number of Hits: 2

Damage Per Hit: 150% Weapon Damage

Area Of Effect: 12 Meters

Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds

Cost: 50 Stamina

A. Shattered Ground


Flames erupt from the fissure left by Earthshaking Strike, damaging enemies

that cross it.

Duration: 8 Seconds

Burning: 20% Weapon Damage Per Second

Burning Duration: 8 Seconds

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