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a/n: I would like you to know that we only had 10 chapter or less before the ends of this book. Also if you were looking for another fanfiction. You can check my profile to see the other fanfiction that I wrote.

Happy New Yeaaaar everyone by the way ^_^ I hope you have a blissful and blessful year.


I look on her eyes as I smile to her - reassuring her that everything will be alright. "You're name will be Luna." her eyes clouded with tears "The only light in the night that gave courage and hope to anyone."

"Luna?" her smile finally reaches on her eyes "What a beautiful name."

The moment she murmur those words - time froze itself - like we did something that we shouldn't do. A moment later the sky eventually turns into dark until the stars are showing - and moments later... I've seen him...



The celestial king.


I'm still worried about her but she told me that I should make our daughter safe. I'm still telling myself that Lucy is on my back like what she told me when all I know she stayed there for us to escaped. I know I shouldn't left her there. I knew it. "Papa..." my daughter said it to me and I know she's also worried about her mom.

"Y-Y-Your mom is safe, Nashi." I said not sure if I'm telling the truth.

"But I can't feel her magic, Papa." I froze on what she said. Yeah, I can't feel her magic. I clench my fist biting my lower lips trying myself to calm. I shouldn't go back there and wasted Lucy's sacrifice for us. "Papa."

I was about to say something when someone spoke for me. "Do you really think I will let you escape that easily, Natsu Dragneel."

"What have you done to my mother?" Nashi yelled.

The guy just shrugs his shoulder like he's saying that he doesn't care about what he did to Lucy. I inhale sharply as I try my best to control myself to punch this guy face. "I will repeat my daughter question. What have you done to Lucy?"

"I did what I can do." he said in the matter in fact tone. "I will do everything to destroy your future Natsu. I will do everything." he yelled as he cast a spell on me which makes me hard to move. "I will do everything to make your future miserable like what Lucy and you did."

"I don't even know you." I yelled.

He laugh bitterly "How could you." he said full of angry. "Magnus gladius mortis in " he said all the magic are gathering around of him. I don't know that spell but I know it's dangerous. Dangerous enough to make my daughter and I tremble. "me contra hostes meos" a big sword suddenly appeared in front of him. I heard my daughter gasp as soon as he sees the sword.

"That sword." my daughter said almost like a whisper. "That was the sword you used to kill my mother." she said. I gasp.

The guy in front of us chuckle "Good thing you still remember this sword, Nashi." he look on us dangerously "But don't worry I won't kill you instantly. I will torture you until you beg me to kill you and of course I won't do it."

"Like hell I will let you do that." I heard her voice from a far and the next thing we knew - Lucy kick his face. Lucy stood in front of us and finally the spell that the guy cast vanish letting Nashi and I move. "Are you okay, guys?" Lucy said. I don't know what to answer her - it feels like my voice instantly vanishes the moment I heard her voice. I'm too happy to know that she's okay. That nothing happen to her. 

"You came back" the guy said amuse. "You should stay on that place, Lucy Heartfilia."

"Like hell I would do that." Lucy said getting one of her keys "I will never belong to that place, you crazy head. I'm Lucy Heartfilia and I'm belong to Fairy tail."  the guy smirk and sway the sword on his hand. 

"Loki!" Lucy calling out one of her fighter spirit. But what happened next makes our eyes widen in shock.

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