Bardock x Kid!Reader

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Requested by: kittenthesupersaiyan

Bardock's POV

It has been several months since I came to Earth from being on Planet Plant since my awakening. I thought I died at Frieza's hand but it seems fate had other plans for me. I arrived at Earth after I found this ship on Planet Plant, when I got to Earth I found my son, Kakarot alive. When me and Gine, my wife, sent him off to a far away planet when Planet Vegeta exploded.

When I met my son he told me that he defeated Frieza, which made me proud, that tyrant finally got what he deserved. Now that I'm living on Earth I found a place to stay, a cabin in the woods, it looks peaceful, it was a one story cabin which is fine with me since I'm the only one living here. When I walked into the cabin I looked around and I eventually found the kitchen. I walked in to the kitchen and opened the fridge to see it filled with food, which was strange, how can there already be food in there if I'm the only one here.

"U-um can I help you mister?" I heard a small voice ask behind me. I turned around and saw a small child around 8 years old looking at me with fear in her eyes. My eyebrow rose up in confusion.

"What are you doing in here kid?" I asked with my arms crossed as I waited for her to respond.

"T-this is my house mister." Now that got me. ' How is a child living on her own in a cabin in the woods?'

" Why are you living here by yourself kid?" I asked her.

She looked down and rubbed her arms with a sigh, " Because I had no where else to parents abandoned me." Tears started to fall from her eyes, I started to feel bad for this poor kid, I kneeled down to the kid's height and put my hand on top of her head which made her look up at me.

" Well kid I won't abandon you, if you let me live here." The child's eyes widen as she wiped her tears away.

" R-really?"

I nodded and smiled rubbing her hair, which caused her to giggle,

"O-ok Mister?"

"Bardock, it's just Bardock, what's your name kid?"

" (Y/N)."

~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

It's been awhile since I've been living with (Y/N), and while living in the cabin I've adopted (Y/N) as my daughter, she seemed really surprised when I announced that I adopted her as my daughter, I told her I promised that I wouldn't abandon her like her previous family. She smiled and hugged me tight crying, I hugged her back tightly and rubbed her back.

"I love you dad."

" I love you too (Y/N)."

It was morning, with the sun shining bright through the window which woke me up. As I sat up in the bed I heard the door open, I looked over and saw (Y/N) rubbing her eyes as she came to the bed and climbed on it, hugging me tight as she rest her head on my shoulder. I smiled and hugged her back.

"Good morning (Y/N)."

"Good morning dad."

She yawned and snuggled close to me, I got up from the bed, while still having her in my arms, and walked into the kitchen to see what to eat for breakfast. I sat (Y/N) in a chair as I went to check the fridge,

"What would you want for breakfast (Y/N)?" I asked as I looked over at her.

" just scrambled eggs please." I smiled and nodded getting the carton of eggs out. Eggs were the only things I could cook since I've been living here, but it feed (Y/N)'s hunger. As I was mixing the eggs I looked over at (Y/N) who had her head on the table.

"After breakfast we are going to go see Kakarot."

"Who's that?" She looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"My son." She nodded and looked down at her hands.

After the scrambled eggs were done, I served it to (Y/N) who ate it quickly. After breakfast I flew us over to Kakarot's house who was waiting for us with a goofy smile on his face.

"Hiya dad"

"That's Bardock to you son."

"O-oh yea." he said with a nervous laugh, then he noticed (Y/N) and got down to her level.

"Who are you?"

"This is (Y/N) your sister." I said bluntly. Kakarot had a surprised look on his face.

"Wow, I have a little sister now?" He picked her up and spun her around.

"Be careful with her!" I shouted but I heard her giggle, she looked so happy with her big brother, I smiled at that, happy that she is smiling again with her new family.

"Hey dad what are you smiling for?" I looked over and saw (Y/N) smiling while in Kakarot's arms who asked the question. I huffed crossing my arms and turned my head the other way,

"N-nothing, and that's Bardock to you."

He and (Y/N) laughed.

I was training with Kakarot, Vegeta and this Whis person, on Lord Beerus' planet. Vegeta's wife, Bulma, agreed to watch (Y/N) while I was training with the God of Destruction's attendant. (Y/N) didn't want me to go but I promised her that I will return to her after our training was over. As we were fighting I couldn't shake this feeling I have in my gut, something was wrong. All of a sudden Whis' scepter started to glow, and in it we could see Bulma with a panic look on her face.

"Guys you have to come back to Earth NOW!" She yelled.

"Bulma we are in the middle of training, what's more important then that?" My son asked as he scratched his head.


My eyes widen as I heard her say that damned tyrant's name.

' I thought he was killed..' Then I remembered that (Y/N) was there, while Frieza was on Earth. My eyes widen at the thought and my eyes narrowed.

"Take me there now!"

Everyone's head turned towards me with a look of shock on their face.

"What are you babbling about?" Vegeta asked with his usual scowl on his face.

" JUST GET ME TO EARTH!!!! MY DAUGHTER IS THERE WITH THAT BASTARD!!!" That seemed to shock everyone including Vegeta. Kakarot looked at me with a serious expression and nodded.

"Of course, grab my shoulder, let's save my little sister." I grabbed his shoulder and he put his finger on his forehead and Instant Transmitted us back to Earth. When we arrived I looked up into the air and saw Frieza, but he was a golden color.

" Well, well if it isn't the Saiyan Bardock, I thought you parished along with everyone on Planet Vegeta?"

" You thought wrong Frieza!" Frieza smirked as he held up one finger.

"Oh, I believe I have someone that you know." He smirked as he held up (Y/N) by her shirt. She looked terrified as she tried to pry his hand off of her.

"(Y/N)!!!!!!!" Me and Kakarot shouted, Frieza just laughed.

Kakarot yelled out and transformed into his SSGSS form and launched himself towards the tyrant.

"LET MY SISTER GO FRIEZA!!!!!!!" But before he could land a hit on him, Frieza side stepped out of his way and casually kicked Kakarot's back sending him plummeting towards the ground.

" BIG BROTHER!!!!!!" (Y/N) yelled, " YOU MONSTER DON'T MESS WITH MY BROTHER GOKU!!!!!" She kicked and screamed.

" I've had enough of your screaming child." Frieza glared at her and smacked her towards the ground, I stared as I saw her body hit the ground hard.

"(Y/N)!!!!!!!" I yelled out as I ran towards her. She wasn't moving, and I just stared down at her, unmoving.

"Annoying little thing, know your place." I glared up at Frieza with rage in my eyes as I started to feel a power surging through me that I never felt before, I yelled out and felt the energy in me flowing out as I felt stronger. I have transformed into a Super Saiyan. Frieza's eyes widen,

"Y-you are a Super S-Saiyan as well?"

I didn't answer as I flew towards him with the intent to kill. I punched him in the face sending him a few feet away as I kicked in the abdomen, then Kakarot came and punched him in the back kicking him down towards the surface of the Earth. We flew down towards him punching him over and over again, as I flew up and used my final attack,

"NOW DIE FRIEZA!!!!!" I flew down and blasted him into tiny pieces. I descended towards the ground my blond, spiky hair going back to normal as I looked at the remaining pieces of the Universal Emperor on the ground glaring at them,

" Now stay dead you bastard."

"Bardock." I heard my name and turned towards my son who held (Y/N) in his arms, I ran towards them and took her into my arms as I cradled her gently to my chest.

"(Y/N) wake up." I shook her alittle, then I placed my hand on her chest, feeling a heart beat which made me sigh in relief.

"She's still alive." I then felt movement in my arms I looked down and saw (Y/N) opening her eyes.

"D-dad?" I held her tight to my chest, happy that that she is alive and safe. She hugged me back tight crying in my chest.

"I was s-scared dad."

I nodded and held her tight, " I know, you are safe now." she pulled away and looked at me smiling while wiping her eyes.

"Thank you daddy, I love you!"

I smiled and kissed her forehead, "I love you too sweetheart."

"Hey what about me?" Kakarot asked with a pout on his face. (Y/N) giggled and held out her arms,

" I love you too big brother!" He smiled and hugged her close to him. A tear rolled down my face as I saw my family safe and sound in my arms.

And finished^-^ Sorry I haven't been updating on here I'm trying to fulfill all the requests, I do have a lot but I will get them down don't worry anyway hope you guys like it ^^

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