Father!Vegeta x Daughter!Reader

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Happy Father's Day!!!!! ^^

(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up bright and early today. I smiled as I hopped out of my bed and went straight into my parent's bedroom. When I walked in I saw that my dad wasn't in bed and my mom was still sleeping.

' Dad must be training in the gravity chamber.' I thought as I ran out of the room and towards the gravity room. I looked in and saw my dad fighting off training robots. I smiled, I always looked up to my dad he never gives up to become strong like Goku, or clown as he calls him, he strives to overcome his limits and reach a power beyond a normal Super Saiyan.

I knocked on the door, waiting patiently for my dad to answer it. I heard footsteps walking towards the door, Vegeta opened it and looked down at me with his usual glare.

"What do you want child?"


"What are you talking about (Y/N)?" I giggled and hugged his legs tight smiling up at him.

"Today is Father's Day dad, where we celebrate you." He smirked and picked me up in his arms. He rubbed my hair and snuggled me close to his chest.

"Mommy said you need to stop training and spend time with us today dad." He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Fine, I will only for today." I kissed his cheek, "That's fine with me dad, hurry up because mom probably has breakfast ready." I jumped out of his arms and ran into the kitchen, with vegeta walking behind me. When we made it to the kitchen the table was packed with tons of food on it. My mouth watered at the sight of all the food, I rushed to the table and piled a whole bunch of food on my plate, chowing down. My mom says I eat like my dad, but I'm ok with that I mean if it deals with food I'll eat a whole lot. Anyway while we were eating Bulma talked about what the plan was for today.

"Well today after breakfast we are going to the mall to get Vegeta some new shirts, then we'll enjoy our time at the park then we come back home to enjoy a big dinner, how does that sound you guys?"

Me and Trunks both nodded but Vegeta didn't say anything he just huffed and continued to eat. After breakfast we got dressed and headed out towards the mall. While in the mall, dad was trying on clothes and he wasn't enjoying it too much. He was mostly irritated, but Bulma promised that after clothes shopping she'll buy food so he got through it. While our parents were clothes shopping me and Trunks went into FYE to look for anything to give to our dad.

"What do you think dad would like sis?" Trunks asked as he looked through the DVDs.

"Hmm," I then saw a plushie that looked exactly like my dad except he had blue hair. I picked it up and examined it.

"This is perfect for him Trunks!" I exclaimed as I showed him the plush.

"It looks cool, yea I think he'll like it." I nodded and we walked over to the counter to pay for it. After paying for it we walked over to the food court and saw mom and dad sitting at the table already looking around.

"Where did those damn kids run off to?" Vegeta asked as he looked around.

"There they are." Bulma exclaimed as she got up and ran towards us.


"Sorry mom we just went to buy dad something." Suddenly Bulma's anger diminished into happiness.

"Oh what did you get him?" We showed her the plushie.

"AWWWWW it looks just like him too!!!!"

"It's perfect for him, now hide it so he won't see it." I put it back in the bag and went to sit down at the table. our food was already at the table so we just ate. After eating we decided to leave the mall and head over to the park. While walking out of the mall, Bulma leaned her head on Vegeta's shoulder.

"I love you Vegeta."

He just scoffed and continued walking. Bulma, not being alarmed by his rudeness continued to smile and walk alongside her husband. When we made it to the park we saw Goku, Chi-Chi and Goten there. me and Trunks ran towards Goten to play while the adults talked.

"So Goten, what did you guys do today?"

"Oh me and my dad mainly ate and trained."

"Oh it's what Goku likes to do huh?" I asked as I laughed, Goten nodded and began swinging on the swing set. While we were playing my dad was sparing with Goku.

"So Vegeta, did you do anything fun today?"

"Why do you care clown?"

"Cause you're my friend Vegeta." Vegeta rolled his eyes and continued to spare with Goku. After a few hours at the park, mom decided it was time to go back home for dinner.

"Chi-Chi do you guys want to come over for dinner tonight?" Chi-Chi nodded,

"Yea it beats having to cook tonight." With that we headed home. When we got to Capsule Corp I ran straight towards my room and got the gifts set up. Yesterday I made a card for my dad, it's more special when you make your own card cause the words that you write in it comes from the hear. So I wrapped the plushie in a bag along with the card and headed out to the living room. I saw my dad and Goku relaxing on the couch, must be tired from the long sparing session they had.


He turned his head over to me, "Yes child?"

I presented him the bag, "Here's your Father's Day gift, from me and Trunks." he grabbed the bag and unwrapped the plushie, when he saw it he had a shocked look on his face.

"WOW, Vegeta that looks like you!!!!"

"W-where did you get this?"


"You're already a super saiyan daddy, and I'm sure you can achieve this blue form, can you?" He put the plush down and walked over to me. I started to get nervous, did he like our gift? He kneeled down and pulled me into a big bear hug. I smiled and hugged him tight,

"Thank you so much for this my daughter."

"I love you daddy so much." I pulled away, "I always looked up to you dad because you never give up to achieve what you wanted to and when I grow up I want to be just like you! A SUPER SAIYAN!!!!" I could see the proudness in his eyes,

"We will train you (Y/N), I want you to achieve what you aspire to be."

"Did you read the card too dad?" I reached into the bag and pulled out the hand made card.

"I did it myself." He opened it and started to read it out loud,

Dear Daddy,

Happy Father's Day, you're the best dad a daughter could ask for, even though you don't show your love I know you love us just by your actions. I love you daddy and that will never change, I will always be your little girl and one day I really hope I can be like you and make you proud.

Love your daughter,

(Y/N) (L/N)

After reading it I could see the tears coming out of his eyes.

"Vegeta are you crying?" Goku asked as he pointed to his cheek.

"No you clown, men don't cry!" I giggled and hugged my dad tight.

"I love daddy!!" He hugged me tight to his chest, pulling away soon after.

"My daughter you will always make proud no matter what cause you are my daughter and if you want to exceed in something, do it, cause you'll only have one chance. I want you to succeed, be confident in yourself and I know that you can do it." Tears slipped out of my eyes as I heard my dad's words of encouragement.

"I will make you proud dad, I won't fail!" He smiled and nodded, "that's my girl."

"(Y/N), can you come in here and help set the table up?" I heard my mom ask.

"Ok mommy!" I then ran off in to the kitchen, my dad smiling behind me. Goku was staring at my dad with a big grin on his face.

"That's the first time I heard those words from you Vegeta, that was amazing!"


And finally finished ^^. Phew that took awhile and I hope you really like this, I decided to make a Vegeta one cause well I haven't done much on him so why not? I hope you guys had a wonderful day today and may all your other days be wonderful and full of happiness.

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