Tapion x Dead!Reader Part 2

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Part 2 is finally here my dudes!! ^^ Sorry it took soooooooo long but it is here I hope you guys like it

Tapion's POV

.....(Y/N).......I miss you so much........I wish I could have saved you..... I looked up at the sky from the wrecked building I was staying up, (Y/N) always loved looking up at the stars on Konats with me and Minotia, and I always loved being beside her no matter what, even if it was soothing her from her nightmares or protecting her from enemies we fight. Sighing I pulled out my ocarina and played the melody she always loved to hear.


This melody always put her at ease whenever she was feeling scared. I smiled as I played the song, the memories flowing back to my mind, making a tear roll from my eye and down to my cheek.....I wish there was a way to bring her back...to hold her tightly in my arms and never let her go. As I was in the middle of playing the ocarina I heard a sound coming from the entrance of the building.

"Tapion? You here?" It was Trunks, he walked into view with a plate in his hands. He smiled as he saw me and placed the plate on a iron barrel.

"There you are Tapion, I have news for you!" He said excitedly. I glared at him so i went back to playing my ocarina. I didn't want anyone disturbing me while I play this song.

Trunks didn't seem to mind my mood so he just sat beside me and listened to the song.

"That melody is really pretty."

"......Does it remind you of....her?" I stopped playing and glared down at him, he flinched back and muttered an apology. I sighed and placed the ocarina down.

"Yes it does..... tremendously....I can't stop thinking about her....I wish she was alive." I placed my head in my hands shaking, "I wish there was a way we could bring her back... " I then heard Trunks gasp,

"We can bring her back Tapion!" My head shot up and grabbed his shoulder,

"How?!? Tell me Trunks!!"

"With the Dragon Balls, they can grant any wish." Any wish huh? They can even bring someone back to life.....it's the only chance I have to get (Y/N) back! I smiled in relief.

"Finally, I can see her again.." I wiped my eye and looked down at Trunks, who had a warm smile on his face. I patted the top of his head and gave him a curt nod then stood up, stretching my limps out.

"Are you hungry Tapion, because I brought you something to eat." I shook my head, then I remembered he had something important to tell me.

"Hey Trunks, didn't you say you had something to tell me?" He seemed to think about it for a few minutes then his face sparkled to a smile.

"Oh yeah, my mom has built you a place to sleep in, and it looks exactly like the music box you were trapped in, she said you might need to catch up on some sleep since you haven't ever since you were in the box." Trunks said while he put his hands on his hips, I smiled and nodded walking out of the building.

"That does sound nice, I could use some sleep." Then we both flew to Capsule Corp. When we got there we saw Bulma standing next to it. When we landed, Bulma walked over to us and gestured to the room.

"Here you go Tapion, now you should have no trouble catching your beauty sleep." She said as I walked into the small room, checking it out. I turned back towards her with a smile.

"It's perfect thanks." As I was setting my sword down beside my bed I could hear Trunks mention the dragonballs to Bulma.

"Hey mom, is it okay if we go search for the dragonballs?"

"Why Trunks? What do you want to wish for?"

"Oh it's for Tapion, he wants to wish his girlfriend back." I blushed bright red.....she's not my girlfriend....yet. I shook my head and drowned out their conversation until Bulma agreed to it but she says we will look for them tomorrow. When they bid me goodnight I climbed into my bed and slowly closed my eyes finally getting some sleep.


It was dark and I was alone. I couldn't see anything until the darkness faded away as  a figure appeared, they were wearing a long white dress and their hair was flowing in the breeze, the scenery changed to one of a flower field. My eyes scanned the scene in awe as I saw the figure sit down and start to pick the flowers. Walking up to them I could get a better view of the figure, it was a woman and she had (H/L) (H/C) hair, she started to weave the flowers together in some sort of crown. When she turned her head towards me I gasped......it was (Y/N), her (E/C) eyes shined bright, they still look so beautiful.

"Hello Tapion, care to join me?" She asked as she patted the spot next to me. I sat down next to her, so close our shoulders touched. She kept weaving the flowers together until the flower crown was completed. Smiling at her work, she placed it on top of my head.

"There you go my handsome prince." She giggled while blushing. My face exploded with red at her comment but I chuckled while looking at her beautiful smile. Man I miss seeing her smile, at least I can see it now, but I would like to look at it for the rest of my life.

"You know Tapion, I miss you so much." She was looking down a the ground twirling her hands together, her smile still present but it wasn't a full one. 

"You have no idea how much I miss you too (Y/N)....I think about you every minute of everyday I've been on this planet." She chuckled a little then wiped her cheek of a tear.

" Tapion.....I'm sorry for dying on you.....but I did it....to protect you." She started to cry, she put her head into her hands. "I love you Tapion.....I always have and I would rather me die than you, so that you could live on and be happy." My eyes widened at her words, I didn't want her to die, I was her hero, to save her from everything but I wasn't able to back then.......

"(Y/N), life without you has been hell, I have half of Hirudegarn inside of me then I was trapped inside this music box for centuries. I was all alone, and the only thing I could think about was you, even after I escaped the box my mind would only think of you and how I could have saved you so that you could be here with me......I failed you (Y/N)......I failed at being your hero......"

"Oh Tapion, no matter what you will always be my hero," She hugged me tightly, with her arms around my neck. I held her back tightly, my arms wrapped around her waist, I love holding her like this, her being in my arms safe and sound where no one can harm her. "I did choose to push you out the way because I love you Tapion......so much." She pulled back and we stared into each others' eyes. We started to lean in towards each other until (Y/N) started to fade away.


"TAPION!!!!!"  I tried to reach for her but then Hirudegarn appeared in place of (Y/N) and he came  towards me.


~~~~End of Dream~~~~

Waking up I could feel Hirudegarn breaking free, I screamed out in pain as I felt him escaping. He broke through the room and he fled into the city searching for the bottom half of himself. I panted as I got up, grabbing my sword and flying towards the city.

After getting the upper half back I flew back to Capsule Corp finding everyone there inspecting what happened. I felt weak after using my energy flying back, I almost fell but Trunks and Gohan caught me.

" I managed to contain it as much as I can but, I won't be able to hold it in any longer," I strained out as I fell down. I was exhausted....Hirudegarn is almost free, but I'm not strong enough to hold him for much longer.

"Tapion!! Are you okay?!!?" I heard Trunks shout, I was about to tell him I was fine but then I screamed out in pain, knowing Hirudegarn was breaking free again. I felt my whole breath get sucked out of me and then feeling of emptiness, then I passed out on the ground.

Waking back up I found that Hirudegarn was attacking the city, it looked like Goku and the others were trying to defeat it but it looks like they were out for the count.  I felt around my waist and felt the ocarina, with it I flew a good distance towards Hirudegarn, standing on top of a tall building I brought the instrument to my lips and blew the melody that kept him at bay.

I could feel the wind blowing around me as the sound came from my ocarina. Hirudegarn was roaring with anger as I flew closer to him, the melody becoming louder. I glared at the monster in front of me.

"For too long, you've fed on the misery of others. You stole from me everything precious and dear. But no more. It ends now."

 Hirudegarn growled and when he vanished inside of me, I fell down towards the ground, exhausted from capturing him again. When I opened my eyes I could see Trunks in front of me.

"You're okay Tapion."


"I'm going to need you to kill me."


"Do you want everyone you care about to die?!!?" I yelled at him as I gave him my sword. "Look Trunks I know death seems cruel but I accept this blade." Tears were coming down Trunks face as he held the sword above his head, I smiled as I accepted this fate.

" Yes. Thank you Trunks. It was an honor to know you, my brother."

"But......what about (Y/N)?"

"I can finally join her.......and be with her forever."

"But... didn't you want her to live again?"

"Trunks this is the only way!!!" But before Trunks could kill me, we heard a shout from behind us and then a bright light. We turned around and saw that Hirudegarn was gone and standing there was Goku with his fist in the air, smirking.

"Thank you Goku." I whispered as I stared at the city, it may be destroyed but at least Hirudegarn is gone for good. I looked down at Trunks and smiled down at him.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do it Tapion."

"It's okay Trunks, if you follow your heart, it will all work out in the end." Trunks smiled up at me and tugged on my scarf, causing me to look back at him.

:Let's go look for those Dragon Balls now." I smiled and nodded.

~~~Time Skip~~~

After getting all seven dragonballs, with the help of Goku, Vegeta, Gohan and Videl we aligned them in a certain way and called out to Shenron. A bright yellow light enveloped the dragonballs and then a a dragon appeared from them, twisting around until he faced us.

"State you wish." I looked over at everyone, seeing if it was okay if I told him my wish, they all nodded at me and gestured me to go forward. Gathering up my courage I walked up to Shenron and spoke.

"Mighty Shenron, could you please bring back the one called (Y/N) (L/N)?"

Shenron's eyes glowed red, "Your wish is granted." Then a bright light blinded me, but then it subsided and in the mist of the light i could see a figure of a girl floating there.

My eyes widened as I saw (Y/N), she was physically here. Then the light faded and she stood there, her (E/C) eyes opening to see this world. Everyone gasped as they saw the girl I have been thinking about and mainly talking about.

"Now farewell." With that being said Shenron disappeared and all the dragonballs floated and flew to different parts of this world. (Y/N)'s eyes scanned her surroundings and then down to herself. 

"H-how am I alive?" She asked as her eyes passed over everyone in front of her until they landed on me. She gasped as she took one step towards me.

"Tapion?" Her eyes began to water as she held one hand to her mouth muffling her whimper, then she sprinted towards me catching me in a tight hug. When she was in my arms I latched on to her, not letting her go. She cried on my shoulder, staining my clothes but I didn't care, I had her back with me and I can protect her for good this time. We then pulled away looking at each other,

"I missed you so much (Y/N)."

"I missed you too, I hope you understand why I did what I did......to protect you." I nodded as I held her face in my hands ,

"I love you so much (Y/N)."

"I love you too Tapion." Then we leaned into each other and shared our first kiss. It felt magical, her lips were soft and plump, just how I imagined they would be. With my hands cupping her face, I brought her closer to me, deepening the kiss. I finally had her back in my life......and I will never let her go.....never again, I will be the hero she needs.

And done ^^ Phew that took a long time to write I hope you guys enjoyed it (P.S. I drew the kissing scene even if it isn't the entire thing sorry about it :() I know you guys wanted a Part 2 to Tapion x Dead!Reader and honestly I planned on having a Part 2 cause we have to see how it ends right? Anyway I hoped you guys enjoyed reading it ^^

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