Tapion x Reader Part 2

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Edit: I also edited this part a bit.

(Y/N)'s POV

' I can't believe I did that......I kissed Tapion, well not on the lips but on the cheek but you know what I mean, I kissed his cheek and I just met him, but it feels like I've known him forever since we started talking, he is such a nice guy going through all this crap and he doesn't deserve to, I want to help set him free but I don't even know how or where to begin.'

My mind was just racing just at the thoughts. After that night me and Tapion talked I kept going back just for him, and the more I talked to him the more hard I fell for the hero. i would never think of telling him because he's already facing hard times trying to keep Hirudegarn from escaping.

' *sigh*, maybe I should go and see him, I hope he's okay.'

So I walked back to the abandoned building to see Tapion and Trunks there talking, well more like Trunks talking more while Tapion is silent. Trunks was complimenting Tapion for playing the ocarina when Hoi all of a sudden jumped down behind Tapion,

"Tapion look out!" Me and Trunks both shouted. Tapion looked behind him, and his ocarina dropped which Trunks managed to get a hold of before Hoi could.

" Trunks throw it over here!" I held my arms wide open, Trunks then threw it to me and before I could throw it back to Tapion, Hoi stopped me.

" Don't give him the ocarina girl, for you see it was Tapion who destroyed the city." I looked over at Tapion stunned, ' He would never do that...would he?'

I remember Videl telling me that while her and Gohan were doing their Saiyaman duties in West City, a lower half of a monster was rampaging through the city and after it disappeared Videl told me that Gohan saw a figure in the mist of where the monster was and he swore he said it was Tapion, i mean i didn't believe it at first when Videl told me because i knew in my heart that Tapion would never do such a thing like that, he's the hero not the villian.

" Give the ocarina to me girl, I'll save you." Hoi's voice brought me back to reality. I looked at Hoi then back at the ocarina,

"He's lying (Y/N)" Tapion said while glaring at Hoi.

"He's the monster, don't give him it, I'll keep you safe." Hoi says to convince me to give him the ocarina.

" Don't listen to him (Y/N), he's evil." Tapion still glares at Hoi.

I looked back over at Hoi and sighed, as I was about to throw it to Hoi I switched and threw it to Tapion, who caught it with ease. Hoi just growled and glared over at me then he just left without another word. I sighed in relief knowing he was gone but I also knew he would be back with vengeance.

" Man that was awesome." I heard Trunks say as he walked up to Tapion with a smile, but Tapion just glared down at Trunks. Trunks looked up at Tapion sad then he walked away until a voice stopped him in his tracks.

"I'm hungry," Trunks turned around and saw that Tapion had a small smile adorning his face, which was a first for Trunks to see, "Would you care to join me?"

Trunks with a gleaming smile nodded and walked over to Tapion,

" You can join to (Y/N)." Tapion turned his attention to me still having that smile on his face. I blushed and nodded as I joined both boys and we talked and laughed the rest of the night away.

I must have fell asleep because when I woke up I was being carried in someone's arms, when I looked up at my carrier i saw it was Tapion. My face was fifty shades of red right now, I mean the hero I fell in love with is carrying me in his arms like a princess who wouldn't blush at the moment here?

"I'm glad to see you're awake (Y/N), you fell asleep back there, so me and Trunks decided it's best to take you both back home." He smiled gently down at me, I blushed harder and laughed nervously,

" Haha y-yea t-that's fine, I-i am wanting to go to bed anyway so why not, heh." He just nodded and turned to talk to Trunks, who was surprisingly still awake for his age. I just layed my head back on Tapion's shoulder and snuggled closer to his warmth. We made it back to Capsule Corp and Trunks already said goodnight to both me and Tapion and he just went into his room to go to bed, then Tapion went to my room which wasn't far from Trunk's room, when we got into my room he placed me on the bed and pulled the covers over me to make sure i was warm enough.

"T-thank you Tapion." I said quietly, he smiled down at me and he stroked my cheek.

"No problem (Y/N), I only want to make sure you're safe." I blushed and smiled up at him.

"I-i'm always safe when I'm with you Tapion." I admitted shyly looking at him with a blush still on my face. He looked at me then a frown appeared on his face.

" You shouldn't be."

I gave him a confused look, "What do you mean Tapion?"

He looked me in the eyes, "Because I'm a monster (Y/N)," He looked to the floor, "I'm dangerous."

I had a small smile on my face as I touched his arm, " You don't seem all that dangerous to me Tapion."

He looked up then he turned his head towards me and moved closer to me, " But I am, I am a danger to you and everybody else, I shouldn't even be around you, I could hurt you or even worse.....kill you." I looked at Tapion as our heads were an inch apart,

" You could never hurt me Tapion."

" How do you know that (Y/N)?"

I smiled at him and put my hands on his cheeks making him look up at me, "Because I trust you Tapion." We just stared into each others eyes and we slowly came closer to each other and we closed our eyes when our lips came into contact with each others. It felt like fireworks went off when we kissed, like electricity sparked between us. Our kiss prolonged until we pulled away for air, then we both looked at each other in silence.

" Tapion do you-?"

"Yes." He interrupted me without hesitation. I smiled at him and kissed his lips again,

" I love you too Tapion, goodnight my hero." I layed back down and slowly closed my eyes and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

*********** The Next Morning************

I woke up the next morning to see no Tapion, ' I wonder where Tapion went, I didn't see him leave, well i went to sleep so I really don't know'. I slipped the blanket off of me and I got out of bed and into the bathroom to brush my teeth, then after I left the bathroom I went into the kitchen to see no one there, which I thought was odd.

'Where is everybody?'

I then heard laughter coming the backyard outside, I went to the outside balcony and I saw Trunks playing with Tapion and Tapion smiling and smiling at Trunks. I smiled down at the boys, 'They are getting along better now and I'm happy for Trunks, he looks up to Tapion as a big brother.' Then i heard footsteps coming up behind me, I turned around and I saw that it was Bulma, she looked like she's been up all night.

" I'm finished!!" She yelled down to the boys, "Your room is ready Tapion."

"Now this I have to see." Tapion smiled up at Bulma.

"Room?" I looked over at Bulma with a confused look.

She looked over at me and smiled, " Me and Tapion got to talking last night and he mentioned about the music box being broken and how he hasn't gotten any sleep since he's been out of it, so I took the liberty of copying the material of the music box and made a replica of it but bigger as a room for him to sleep in."

"Wow Bulma, that is so nice of you to do that for him." She just gave me a closed eyed smile.

We walked into the lab that had the music box room and we started to look around, it looked so roomy I could live in here.

"It's nice isn't?" Bulma asked Tapion, " You shouldn't have a problem getting your beauty sleep now." Tapion turned towards her and smiled,

"It's perfect, thank you." Bulma nodded, " Well I'm heading to sleep, bye guys." She walked out of the lab which left me and Tapion.

" I'm glad you're getting some sleep now Tapion." I sat next to him and smiled putting my hand on top of his. He looked at me and smiled,

"I am too (Y/N)." I then got up and kissed his cheek, " I should go so you can get some sleep." Tapion nods and kisses my hand and sets his sword down beside his bed and lays down on the bed closing his eyes and went to sleep. I looked down at him and smiled, then I left the lab and made my way into the kitchen to get a glass of water getting lost in thoughts.

'I'm so happy that I met Tapion, he's my first love I ever had. I've never had any experience with love in the past before, but that was because I was never interested in it at the time, heck I never knew what love felt like......now I do. It's a wonderful feeling, and I'm so glad to share it with Tapion, he needs some love in his life, I love him so much......my hero.

I must have been lost in thought for too long because next thing I heard was a crashing sound coming from the lab. Panic started to settle in as I worried something must have happened to Tapion, so I ran as fast as I can to the lab to find the music box room and the lab's wall was completely destroyed, but no sign of Tapion...

'Where is Tapion?'

I heard running footsteps coming into the lab, I turned around and saw Bulma, Trunks, Goten and Goku surveying the damage.

"Wherever he is, I hope he's in better shape than this room." Goku said as he was examining the rubble. Then we all heard running footsteps getting closer and it was Tapion, panting and out of breath. Gohan and Trunks ran to Tapion's side to steady him.

"Tapion what happened?" I asked as I walked closer to him worriedly.

" Hirudegarn got out but I got to him in time." He groans more, " But the lower half is free in the city, if the two halves are close to one another it'll be harder to control from getting free."

Tapion was about to play his ocarina but then Hoi appeared and knocked it out of his hands causing it fall on the ground a few feet away from them. Trunks went to retrieve the ocarina but then the ceiling caved in on top of Trunks.

"Trunks!!!!!" Me and Tapion screamed, then Trunks appeared unharmed with the ocarina in his hands, he then threw it to Tapion, " Here play it!"

Tapion caught it, as he was about to play it he screamed and grasped his head in pain.

"Tapion...." Trunks looked at Tapion with tears in his eyes. Ta pion was screaming in such agony that I couldn't bear to see, then like that, he stopped screaming and he fell to the ground.

"Tapion!!!" I screamed his name and ran to his side bringing his head on lap, " Tapion?..." We all turned to Hoi was smirking and laughing,

" You're too late girl, Hirudegarn is finally free and now this world will crumble." And then he just disappeared, I looked back over at Tapion and held him close. I then looked around and noticed the boys were gone, they must have went to fight Hirudegarn.

"Tapion please wake up.." I shook Tapion by the shoulder, "Tapion come on please!" After getting no response, I set him down gently on the ground, "Damnit!" I then looked out and saw that the boys were indeed fighting Hirudegarn but they were losing out there, I then looked over at Tapion.

' I need to help them.' I put my hand on Tapion's cheek and kissed his forehead, " I'm going to fight for you Tapion." And with that I left to go to the city.

When I got to the city, I saw that Gohan, Videl, Trunks, Goten and even Goku were all down. Using what I learned from training with Goku, I flew up into the air and I shot Ki blasts at Hirudegarn, but it had no affect on him, he then swatted at me with his hand and smacked me into a building then falling down hard on the concrete ground. I did not stay down long, I pushed myself up with only these words in my head, 'Fight for him......for Tapion!' Using all my strength and energy I flew back up into the sky in front of Hirudegarn and used all the energy I had left and did a Kamehameha wave. After I fired the Ki wave I saw smoke but no Hirudegarn, but then I felt something behind me and I turned and I saw him there,

'I-i missed him?' He then sent me flying into another building but before I made contact with the building I felt strong arms wrap around me, I looked up and saw Goku dawning his Super Saiyan 3 form.


He smirked at me, " You did your best (Y/N), you're getting stronger, but let me handle this." He landed gently then he put me on the ground softly then flew back to the fight. I looked out to the fight between Goku and Hirudegarn, 'I need to fight Goku, I need to do it for him....' I then heard someone shouting my name, I turned and saw Trunks with a sword strapped to his back.

'Where did he get that sword from? From Tapion?' Trunks came over to and hugged me tight and I hugged him back, glad that he was still alive.

"Trunks where is Tapion?" I looked him in the eye.

"He told me to come find you." I blushed at his statement, 'Is Tapion worried about me?'

Before I could respond we heard Hirudegarn roaring, Trunks then flew close to the monster and used the sword to slice Hirudegarn in half.

"Trunks, let me take care of this, take (Y/N) and get away from here." Tapion said as he went back to fighting. Trunks nodded and he came over to me, picked me up and flew away to where Tapion was. As we got closer I heard a haunting melody that I knew, when I looked up I saw Tapion playing his ocarina.

I smiled at seeing that he was alright. We landed near him and after he finished playing, he landed next to us. Trunks put me down and I ran towards Tapion and hugged him tight, putting my head on his chest. I felt his arms circling around me, "I'm so glad you're okay Tapion."

"I was worried about you (Y/N), Trunks said when he woke up he saw your body fall to the ground, you actually went and fought?" I blushed and rubbed the back of my head,

"U-um y-yea I did, I trained with Goku for months and I wanted to help out."

"Why (Y/N)?"

I looked him straight in the eyes, "For you Tapion." He blushed bright red then he nervously chuckled,

"You didn't have to do that, I would rather you be safe than in harms way."

I giggled and hugged him tighter to me, as we were hugging each other we heard a yell throughout the city,

"DRAGON FIST!!!!!" That must be Goku, we looked up and saw a gold dragon impale Hirudegarn and a blinding light, then a clear sky. Hirudegarn was defeated and it was all thanks to Goku.

" Incredible, thank you Goku." Tapion smiled as he knew his nightmare was finally over. I then smiled up at Tapion and kissed his cheek, " You're free now Tapion." he nodded and brought me closer to him, "Yes thank you all for helping me." I leaned in close to him and brought our lips together in a passionate kiss. We both closed our eyes to enjoy this moment where nothing can bother us for now.

And finally done! Phew that took all last night and this morning, It feels kinda rushed towards the end but I've been on this since last night and I'm pretty tired but I hope you enjoy this and I'm taking requests so comment or message me if you have any suggestions or requests :)

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