Chapter 10- fighting General Rilldo

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Chrissie's POV

It's the next morning and another day. As I woke up in the bed that I shared with Goku but he's not in the bed with me, nor in the shower because the water is not running. So I suspect, Goku is training with Vegeta, Trunks and his two sons (Gohan and Goten). Goten actually asked Bulla to go out with him on a date after training (which Bulla agreed too).

I suspect that Pan is hanging out with her mother, Videl and grandpa Hercule for awhile.
I also felt a dizzy and nauseous to move or train. So I thought that I stay in bed for today so I laid back down and fell back to asleep while cuddling up to a teddy bear with a blue ribbon around it neck and a little red heart was hanging from the ribbon that Goku had found years before he got turned into a kid. I remember the when Goku found this teddy bear.

Flashback to 4 years ago

Goku and I had just finished fighting a random enemy (who was trying to destroy everything) and the people that had been living in this village that both of me and Goku just save, they had come out to thank us and giving us some tokens of gratitude. Some of the people that had died or injured, I managed to help or bring them back.

There was one little girl aged about 5 years old, with her mother who was 9 months pregnant with her son. The mother was badly hurt and had to give birth. So the baby boy was delivered healthy and well, but the mother died. I somehow managed to get her back and was holding her newborn baby son. The little girl was named Ashley (if you're name is Ashley, I hope you don't mind me using the name of you can imagine a different name. Sorry) was happy and she named her brother, Anakin (why not) and thanked me and offered me her pendent which said "you're my hero/best friend" and Ashley gave the teddy bear with a blue ribbon around its neck with a red heart hanging from the ribbon to Goku because Goku didn't know what to give me for my birthday so that was sweet of Ashley.

After leaving the village, Goku and I went home where he gave me that teddy bear with the blue ribbon and red heart to me and I've had it ever since. We shared a kiss after that.

Flashback ended, back to the present time. Still Chrissie's POV

Still in the bedroom were I shared with Goku. I'm sitting on our bed while holding the teddy bear with the blue ribbon and red heart. Then I laid back down still holding/hugging the teddy bear.

Suddenly I heard the door open and it's Pan with Hercule. I look up to see them in the bedroom doorway.

"Hey Pan, Hercule. What's happened?" I asked. "Chrissie, my dad needs help. There's a mean general out there and is trying to destroy the city. Can you help my dad, please?" Asked Pan.
I put the teddy bear down on the bed, stood up and walked over to Gohan's daughter. "Yes Pan, I'll go and help your father. You go and find the others" I said and Pan hugged me.

So I flew out of the bedroom window to find Gohan. I found Gohan was trying to fight this general with one arm. That general is hurting my man's son. I flew over to kick that general away from Gohan.
"Chrissie, thank you" said Gohan as I helped him up to his feet. "No problem Gohan. Anything to protect anyone that is close to my heart and Goku" I said as I hugged Gohan.

"That general that you were fighting, he is General Rilldo. I've faced him in the past before my brother Vegeta came to Earth. Now he's here for me, for revenge. You get out of here and find your family. Take care, Gohan" I said as I flew off to where Rilldo had landed.
As I get closer to where Rilldo landed, I got tackled to the ground and got knocked out after I hit the ground.

A little while later...
I woke up and I feel like I'm on the cold, hard ground. I tried to get to my feet but my foot was stuck on the ground. Then I tried to move my arms and again I couldn't move and my arms were stuck on a wall off of a building.

"Hello Chrissie, we meet again. Did you miss me?" Asked General Rilldo as he got closer to me. As soon as he stopped infront of me, he touched my dark blue hair before continuing to talk.
"I see that you had grown stronger than last time we fought? Because I do"

Before I could reply to his question, a ki blast hit General Rilldo. When I looked up, I saw Goku with Gohan, Trunks, Goten, majuub and Vegeta. Vegeta was the one who threw that ki blast. All of them landed infront of me and came to help.
"Are you okay, Chrissie?" Asked Goku
"Did that thing hurt you, Chrissie?" Asked Vegeta
"No, I'm fine. Just stuck to this building. Can you guys help me out of here please? " I asked and they did by using their ki blastes to hit whatever was holding me to the building wall.

Once I was free, Goku caught me in his arms and picking me up bridal style before sharing a kiss with me.
Then we all flew back Capsule corp and everyone had a party for something. I sat with Goku and Vegeta while everyone else were dancing and talking and all that.

Goten actually asked Bulla for a dance and she said yes.
Gohan and Videl danced with Pan
Bulma actually forced Vegeta to go and dance with her
And Trunks was in the kitchen.

Goku and I were having drinks of soda and sitting down with each other and laughing.
After 3 hours of partying, Goku and I decided to head to bed because I was very tired so Goku carried me up to the bedroom, lays me down on the bed before getting into bed with me, hugs me and I fell asleep in Goku's arms.

Vegeta's POV

I finally gotten off of the dancefloor from dancing with Bulma, I saw Kakarot's son, Goten dancing with my daughter Bulla. She looks so much happy and in love with Goten.

I looked where Kakarot and my sister were sitting earlier but they're not there anymore. So I went to check her bedroom. I got to Chrissie's bedroom door, I opened it slowly and there they are. Asleep and safe so I left them alone and went back downstairs.

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