Chapter 12: Legendary Clash

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A/N: the clash between you, goka and Beera cause Shockwaves throughout the universe.

Logan and the other two members of the weather trio continued to look up to the sky along with mewtwo.

Logan: jeez, did arceus really grant this kind of power to (Y/N) so long ago?

Groudon: indeed. You see, me and kyogre use to be alot more reckless many years ago. Our battles destroyed landscapes and made endless storms. So much so that it caused us to go into a sort of primal state.

Kyogre: we were nearly unstoppable. Not even Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus could stop out great battle. But that soon changed one day.

Mewtwo: the creator, arceus, saw great potential in (Y/N). To which he granted him the ability to mega evolve. Thus, making (Y/N) the very first Pokémon in existence to mega evolve.

Groudon: (Y/N) then appeared in the same area where me and kyogre were still doing battle. We attacked him, but as you could guess, (Y/N) had overpowered us and put our long time battle to an end. And anytime me and kyogre would battle anytime, (Y/N) would appear and put an end to it.

Logan: wow, and he trusted him that much.

Mewtwo: very much. And as scary as it sounds, (Y/N)'s current power in mega evolution is nearly close to that of the creation trio.

Logan: holy hell.......

Back above the ozone layer, the clashes between you and goka with beera were intensifying as it was reaching higher and higher above earth's atmosphere until the three of you were just about in the reaches of space. Beera was still a bit irritated for you. But that wasn't going to stop you.

Lady Beera: not bad. I'd say you burn have improved even more I this fight than from when we began.

Goka: yeah, this battle is really heating up. It's so exciting.

Lady Beera: indeed.

(Y/N): then let's step it up even further.

Lady Beera: I couldn't agree more on that.

She said as her purple aura glowed over her body as her power increased. Both you and goka powered up further as well as your emerald green and red auras glowed around your bodies as well. However, during your massive power up, three giant images of dragons that were made from the aura the three of you were emitting appeared above the three of you. The dragons moved ans roared at each other before moving back down to the ones who's emitting the aura. The three of you then finally finished powering up and you and goka charged at lady Beera. The three of you clashed. However, when clashing, a huge shockwave moved across all of space. Everyone felt the shockwave as it was made.

Logan: wh......what the hell was that?!

Mewtwo: it's (Y/N). It seems he, goka and Lady Beera have increased their power even further in the fight.

Groudon: that's insane! They'll tear apart the entire universe with these Shockwaves.

On the planet of the Kais, Kabito and Elder Kai were worried about the Shockwaves as well.

Kabito Kai: you mean to be telling me that one shockwave shock the entire universe?!

Elder Kai: yes! And if they continue to clash with each other, they'll tear the entire universe apart and destroy it!!!!!

Kabito Kai: this is not good!

He said in worry as the Shockwaves from the clashes kept going. You and goka kept clashing with beera each time. And each clash and caused more shockwaves that started tearing planets apart.

(In another dimension).

In a different Dimension, a certain black and yellow being of that world could hear and feel the Shockwaves just a little.

???: oh?

Back in your dimension, you and goka had to move back some from Beera as the three of you were ready to clash once again.

(Y/N): let's take this bitch down!

Goka: man (Y/N), The things I want to do to you tonight after this~

(Y/N): help me out more and I'll promise it.

Goka: Hell Yeah!!!

Just before you and goka could clash with lady Beera once again, Beera fired an attack that not only knocked you a few feet away from her and goka. But the blast you were in held you on place and prevented you from moving while putting you in Immense pain.

(Y/N): d....d...damn it!

Goka: (Y/N)!

Lady Beera: my mistake.

Goka: hu......Ghaaaaaaaah!!!!

Goka Suddenly felt something rammed into the left under part of her chest.

(Her left).

She looked down and saw that lady Beera had rammed her arm into her.

Goka: ah, my tit!!!!

Lady Beera slowly and painful started to pull her hand out while making goka scream.

Goka: ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Lady Beera: I seem to have the wrong person after all. You're clearly not the rival I was looking for.

She pulled her hand all the way out of Goka, who started to fall all the way back down to earth.

(Y/N): Goka! damn snake!

Lady Beera: I think I'll show you pain before disposing of you.

She moved her arms in a way and the pain inside of the ball of energy you were in increased.

(Y/N): Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Goka had fallen down from the sky and into the ocean while begging to sink. The others saw this too.

Kyogre: oh shit! It's Goka!

Kyogre jumped into the ocean and swam down there to get her.

Logan: does that mean that (Y/N) lost as well or............

Mewtwo: (Y/N)'s still up there. But she's just torturing him.

Logan: that insane bitch.

As goka continued to sink into the water, she started to think.

Goka's mind: aw man, I really let everyone down on this one, especially (Y/N). More importantly (Y/N). He's definitely not gonna promise me any thing tonight.

She continued to sink as kygore was still swimming down to get her.

Goka's mind: No! I can't let (Y/N) down now! He'll get so pissed! And I will have him keep His Promise!!!

Goka's godly aura glowed around her again and even healed the wound made by Beera. Kyogre jumped in surprise from the this.

Kyogre: ?!

Goka flew out of the water with incredible speed and flew into the sky higher and higher until she was back up where you and Beera were.

Lady Beera: hm?

She looked to see that goka was there again.

Lady Beera: back again I see?

You powered up and your emerald aura glowed inside the ball of energy before you burst out of it. You soon panted and goka moved next to you.

Goka: you okay?

(Y/N): "pants" a little bit. It's a good things you're okay though.

Lady Beera: Very impressive. But I should probably confess something to the both of you.

Goka: and what's that?

Lady Beera: I haven't even come anywhere close to using my full power in this fight.

(Y/N): hehehe. I guess that makes 3 of us.

Lady Beera: what?!

Goka: yeah. I've only been going about 80 percent of maybe a bit less than that during all this.

Lady Beera: grrrrrrrrr! Alright fine! Then I'll blast you both away!!!!!!

She said as she powered up.

Goka: we'll just see about that!

Just as goka powered up, she suddenly reverted back to her base form.


(Y/N): ...........................ah crap.😐

A/N: you had one job, goka.

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