Dragon Ball Extended Universe Ideas

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As many of you know, Dragon Ball now has their own room known as the "Dragon Room" within Sheiushia. Here, many different mangaka who love and know Dragon Ball will be writing stories that occur outside of the main continuity (similar to the Star Wars EU). The first of these series include Dragon Garrow Lee's "The Case of Being Reincarnated as Yamcha". That 3 chapter mini-series really good and really fun to read. It felt like old Dragon Ball. However, I think this Dragon Room has the potential to keep Dragon Ball in the mix for future generations. So, I've come up with 5 ideas for extended universe manga, novels, or tv shows. 

(These are in no particular order)

1. Master Roshi Series
Master Roshi is one of the original characters of Dragon Ball yet, outside of anime filler, we know almost nothing about his past or where he came from. We don't know how he got into martial arts, how he's related to Fortuneteller Baba, and so much more. I just see so much potential in a series focused on Master Roshi. 

2. Jaco the Galactic Patrolman
Yes, Jaco does have ONE volume's worth of manga material, but the problem with that one singular volume is that we literally know nothing about the daily life of a galactic patrolman. I'd personally love to read a manga or novel about Jaco traveling the universe catching thugs and stopping intergalactic acts of terrorism. 

3. Pride Troopers
This one is one that is most likely going to occur at some point due to the fact that because of Jiren, Toppo, and, to an extent, Dyspo have made the Pride Troopers very popular among the fans. I can see it as almost like a Power Rangers type series where we have different people from different worlds coming together to protect the universe. However, it would most likely be marketed as a kids show, but there's nothing wrong with that. Power Rangers was a kid show and it was good (Until Power Rangers Samurai and onward). 

4. Hit 

This is another one that will most likely occur due to Hit's popularity in the fandom. We've known of this character for almost two years and yet, we know next to nothing about the guy. I for one would love to see the story of how Hit decided to take on the life of an intergalactic Hitman. Combine that with the fact that he's about 1000 years old gives a lot of ground to cover. Who knows what tragedies this man has gone through? The possibilities are seemingly endless with a Hit series. 

5. Treasure Hunter
Originally, I was gonna write something about the old Saiyans of Vegeta, but I thought that was too generic and was possibly going to happen (especially with this new movie coming out), so I thought of something that I've personally decided I wanted to write. The Dragon Ball Multiverse is essentially 36x larger than our universe (each singular universe is 3x ours, would love to explain just PM me). This would mean there are an awful lot of artifacts and treasures out there that people would want to steal and sell or use for their own gain. Think about it, don't you think it's kinda odd that outside of Goku and Co., the Pilaf Gang, and the Frieza Force, almost no one from another planet has come to collect the Dragon Balls. You'd think they'd be a very valuable item that many intergalactic treasure hunters would want. Then there's the Book of Namek (which also gives the idea of an extended universe story about the old Namekians) where the knowledge of generations is contained. Who knows how much a book like that would sell on the Black Market? Then there's the Super Dragon Balls, Time Rings, Potara Rings, and so many more things out there those treasure hunters could desire. Personally, I like this idea a lot and I'm considering writing it. Maybe even publishing it with Bird Studios (Toriyama's version of Lucasfilm). 

So, those are just 5 ideas of extended universe content that we could have one day. Tell me what you think in the comments and have a good day!


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