Bonus Chapter- New Namek and Meeting Cooler

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A warning- i know Vegeta gets his Super Saiyan but this is like from the abridged version but i changed the timeline around abit but Vegeta will still won't have his Super Saiyan powers or form until the Androids Saga so anyway on with the chapter.

 Chrissie/Krysta's POV

It's had been a month since the fight between Frieza and Goku and Frieza destroyed Planet Namek so the grand elder of Namek created New Namek by using the Earth's Dragon Balls. Including Goku returned. As Goku's Space ship is flying through space, Myself, Goku, Krillin, Gohan, Master Roshi, Yajirobe, Oolong and Piccolo were looking forward to have a relaxing vacation with Dende. I was just upset that Vegeta didn't come with me. While the others were talking about what they want to do when we get to new Namek while eating and Piccolo was in a different room of the ship, I looked out the window and I could tell that the planet wasn't looking good. Oolong was asking everyone else that can planets get cancer. To me, it sounded weird and Krillin agreed with me. Piccolo arrived back on the base of the ship with us as we were landing on to New Namek. The other Namekians were captured by some robot's called Cycloids. As one of the Cycloid robots was about to shoot one of the Namekians, Gohan blocked the shot as the rest of us arrived. Next thing I saw coming was an Alien that looked like Frieza (but it wasn't Frieza) and his body was fully metal like the Cycloids, he also had a robotic sound-like voice as he said "I believe that they're referring to me" as his metal tail hit the ground. The robots were applauding him with their annoying beeping noises. He then said "thank you, thank you. You're too kind". Goku step forward infront of me protectly and said to me "that's not Frieza. That's Cooler and he has returned" "I never met him before Goku" I said to him. Then Cooler started to look at me and sent the robots after the others and said to Goku, "wow, she is a feisty, strong and delicious. Yummy" before he licked his lips. Then Goku said "you're not touching my twin sister, Cooler. If you want to get to her, you'll have to get though me first" as Cooler flew towards us and attacking us. Next me and Goku turned Super Saiyan and continue our fight with Cooler. Everytime we hit him hard enough, Cooler would repair himself thanks to the Big Gete Star that repaired his body. As me and Goku continue our fight with Cooler, he fired some Ki balls at us. But we dodged them and then when Goku and I got closer to Cooler, he grabbed us by our throats with his cold metal hands. Me and Goku were then choking and struggling to catch our breaths. Then Goku tried to get us out of Metal-Cooler's grips but he made it worse as Cooler tightens his grips around our necks/throats which made the both of us scream in pain. Cooler smiled as he said to me and Goku "Goodbye Super Saiyans" and again tightens his grips again. Metal-cooler was smiling about what he was doing to me and Goku until Vegeta arrived; kicks Metal-Cooler in his face making him drop me and Goku. Vegeta caught me in his arms as he landed on his feet from his kick to Cooler's face. Metal-Cooler did a backflip and landed on his feet. As I got out of Vegeta's arms and got on the hard ground to check on Goku as Vegeta said to Metal-Cooler "you'll spill no Saiyan blood today and you won't ever touch my Krysta again" as he turned into a Super Saiyan. Cooler was now confused. Me and Goku thanked Vegeta for saving our butts from getting killed by Cooler. "A third Super Saiyan?" asked Cooler. "Third in order perhaps, but your fight is with me now. Kakarot and Krysta's fates are no longer your concern" Cooler just laughs and then said "Well, forgive me, but I was having fun with your Saiyan girlfriend, then my eyes must've deceived me, because I believe I see three dead monkeys". That angered Vegeta as he flew towards to Metal-Cooler but he punched Vegeta sending him flying backwards but then Vegeta came flying back and tried to attack Cooler again but he got caught by Cooler. I heard a bone crack in Vegeta somewhere in his leg, he screamed in pain and Cooler covered Vegeta's mouth with his metal hand. I wasn't gonna have my Saiyan lover/Boyfriend get killed on Namek again so me and Goku flew in the sky and aimed our kicks at Cooler and got him off of Vegeta. Then Cooler disappeared and tried to attack Vegeta and me again but Goku wasn't gonna have that and took Cooler down to the ground. Vegeta shouted "That's enough; you'll not make a fool of me. Killing you both, BIG BANG ATTACK" as he fires his Big Bang Attack at both them but they both disappeared before the blue beam hit them and the area we were in was dusted up around me and Vegeta. Cooler suddenly came back, punched me out of the way and kicked Vegeta in his family jewels. Cooler scanned the area and found Goku, throws Vegeta at him but Goku catches Vegeta in his arms. Cooler grabs me by my wrist and uses his other hand to fire a beam at Vegeta and Goku. I managed to break out of Cooler's grip and went to help Vegeta and Goku. Vegeta was in pain from the kick to his family jewels, Metal-Cooler was heading towards us, but Goku had an idea. That was when Vegeta and I said "if you say hit him really hard, we both swear to god we'll both kick you in your family jewels" Goku said "I guess we can all hit him really hard together" Vegeta and I nodded in agreement and we all flew towards to Metal-Cooler and hit him really hard as we could. He was about to repair himself but we all threw a KI ball at him and Metal-Cooler was gone (turned into smoke). All three of us collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath of air. Until I saw something, there was more than one Metal-Cooler and they were heading towards us. Goku, Vegeta and I got back on our feet and were turning into Super Saiyans until one of the Metal-Coolers grabbed me and used some kind of gas to knock me out and I heard Vegeta and Goku shouting out my name as I was engulfed into blackness.

Next thing I do, I woke inside the Big Gete Star. I couldn't move, I couldn't see Vegeta or Goku but all I heard was their screams from pain as their energies were been drained. I was being held down by Coolers wires. Then I finally spotted Vegeta and Goku. They were now on the floor after Cooler tried to drain their energy juices for the Gete Star. Goku got up and used a Ki disk to break the wires that were holding me down. I ran over to them and Cooler was very angry and grew. Goku and I turned into Super Saiyans once more and we were ready to fire one last attack on Cooler but Cooler stopped us and used his wires to stop our attack. We both think that Cooler had something against his brother, Frieza. Cooler then squeezed me and Goku to try and kill us as we screamed in pain but was stopped by Vegeta's yellow flying Ki disk that cut one of Cooler's metal wired arms which dropped me and I landed on the metal floor. "And that's the last time you underestimate the Saiyans and you don't ever touch my Krysta again" said Vegeta before collapsing into my arms and Goku breaks free of Cooler's metal wires and did the final attack on Cooler and Cooler exploded along with the Gete star with him. All three of us flew down (I had Vegeta in my arms) to the ground of New Namek (with our clothes almost destroyed and good thing was that I was wearing a Sports bra and underwear underneath my clothes) where the others were waiting.

After all of that and all of us had a Senzu Bean, I said to Goku "hey Goku, I'm gonna go home with Vegeta and train with him. You guys have your vacation with Dende and enjoy it." Goku understood it, hugs me gently and lets me go back to Earth with Vegeta. As we headed back to Earth in his space pod, I held Vegeta's hand as he used his other hand to destroy Cooler's chip so he couldn't come back and we flew back home in his space pod where we shared a kiss. After arriving home, Vegeta and I trained every day before we had a night together (not getting me pregnant) before he went off to look for Goku. Before he left, he kiss me on my red lips and said to me "continue training love and you'll get stronger" then he took one of Dr.Briefs ships and left Earth to look for Goku in space.                               

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