Chapter 14- The Cell Games Meeting my Parents My Secret Power and Goku's Death

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Chrissie/Krysta's POV

A Week and 2 days since I had my arm and wrist broken by Cell, but thanks to Dende, he healed my arm and wrist, meanwhile Vegeta and Bulma told me not to go and fight Cell but I didn't care so i got up and left to join the other Z fighters and my brother were waiting. "Hi guys" I said to them with a smile on my face. "Hey Chrissie, how are you doing?" asked Goku as he hugged me carefully. I said I was fine and ready to fight. I came out of the hug from my brother and Vegeta had just arrived with Future Trunks. Yamcha was about to grab my butt but I felt him coming and I grabbed his wrist and punched him in his stomach and I shouted at him "I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH ME ANYMORE. I'M WITH VEGETA NOW AND YOU ARE WITH BULMA SO DONE IT TO HER." I shouted. Vegeta smirked and hugged me while everyone else including my brother, Goku was laughing at Yamcha. After a while we headed up to the stage where the Cell games were going to happen and Vegeta was holding my hand. Cell spotted me and called me to the stage to fight. "I remember you from a few days ago girl and got her arm and wrist broken" laughed Cell. "Yeah by you Cell, and I'm gonna make sure you'll pay for that" I said as I got into fighting status and turned into a Super Saiyan 2.

After a while in the fight, I had the advantage against Cell, I only had one more move (which was the Kamehameha) to finish Cell but I stopped. I sank to my knees and Future Trunks helped me back to Vegeta. Goku came over to us and looked at my right arm was bleeding and the blood was more like drawing a mark on my arm painfully as I screamed and I was feeling weak, my Super Saiyan 2 powers powered down. I couldn't continue to fight so Teen Gohan decided to fight for me. "Gohan, please be careful and be strong. I believe you can do it" I said to my nephew. Gohan nodded and went up to Cell. "YOU HURT MY AUNT" shouted Gohan as he turned into a Super Saiyan 2 and went to attack Cell and I passed out in Vegeta's arms.

In a more like a dream vision: still Chrissie/Krysta's POV

I was in a dream vision. I was still wearing my Purple/Light Blue Armor and my Dark blue leggings. I was questioning myself in my thoughts. Am I dead? Why am I here? Where is everyone?

As I looked around the mysterious red planet, I heard voices that sounded a so familiar. I remember the voices when I was just a baby before I was sent to Earth with my brother Kakarot (or Goku). I walked towards to the voices. "Krysta, this way sweetie" said a woman's voice. "You are close my darling" said a male's voice. I continued walking towards to the voices until I saw two figures. One was a male and the second figure was a woman. I looked at them and I recognized them when I was a baby. "Mum, Dad is that you?" I questioned. "Hello Krysta, yes it's us, your parents" said my dad Bardock. "You have grown up and very strong our daughter" said my mum Gine. 

Then I saw a third figure, it was Raditz (mine and Kakarot's older brother)

 "baby sister, I'm sorry about what I did to you when you were younger. Including taking you away from Kakarot just to get him to destroy Earth under Frieza's orders, scaring our nephew. Frieza had control over me to destroy you and Kakarot" said Raditz. I got closer to them and it was true. My parents and older brother were standing infront of me. "You are more than a full-blooded Saiyan Krysta, you have a secret power that you had with you since you were born with your brother, Kakarot but only you got the secret power. You'll have wings and a transformation our Daughter. You just need to unlock them and your secret power" said Bardock. "You will need the touch of your family and your lover and that's why your Angel mark has finally came on your right arm" said Gine as I looked at my right arm and I saw an Angel mark there (my mark is the wings of the Angel).

"Well I am with Prince Vegeta and we are going to be getting married if we survive our fight with Cell" I said as I showed them the Diamond engagement ring as they gasped in happiness. "Well look Gine, our little girl is all grown up and is getting married to King Vegeta's son. We are so proud of you Krysta and now we will give you our powers to unlock your secret power, Raditz will do it too, but before we do that, we have a gift for you. It's an Angel necklace for you to keep your Angel form and we wish you and Kakarot a bright future." Said Bardock as he and mum put their hands on top of my hand and the necklace and giving me their powers. 

"Will I ever see you guys again?" I asked. "You will, Krysta. We love you and your brother, Kakarot. Now go and be strong our Daughter" they both said. Raditz walked up to me, gave a hug and gives me a ring that has a red heart gem with wings to match with the Angel Necklace. 

Before disappearing, Raditz said "can you tell Kakarot that I'm sorry for what I did and tell him that I love him" I nodded with a tear rolled down my face and said I will big brother as the bright light glows around me.

After the dream vision: still Chrissie/Krysta's POV

I opened my eyes, everything is still the same. I was still in Vegeta's arms; Gohan was still fighting Cell and the others apart from Future Trunks and Vegeta (who are with me) were holding off the Cell Jr's. I moaned gently and Vegeta and Future Trunks looked at me awake, holding my hand then I remember what my mum said to unlock my secret, I need the touch of my family and lover (which is Vegeta), my right arm wasn't in pain anymore and the Angel wings mark had finished drawing on my right arm and my Angel necklace was around my neck. I remember Raditz's touch when we fought Raditz when he came to Earth to try and destroy me and Goku, but he gave me a second one just in case. My parents gave me their touch when I saw them with Raditz, I just need to get Goku's, Gohan's and Vegeta's touch to unlock my power. I told Vegeta to call Kakarot over and he did come over, I told Goku that I need his touch to unlock my secret power and the same with Vegeta and Gohan.

Before Vegeta and Goku gave me their touch to help me unlock my Angel transformation, I told Goku about me seeing our parents and Raditz. "Goku, Raditz said that he is sorry for taking me and scaring Gohan a few years back and that he still loves you and me" I told Goku as he kisses my forehead as Vegeta asked for Future Trunks to come over and he did as well. All of them gave me their touch to help me unlock my Angel transformation.

So Goku and Vegeta gave me their touch and so did Future Trunks (just in case). Now I just need to get Gohan's touch (from his hand) and the power will be unlocked completely. Goku sees that Gohan is in trouble with Cell. Cell was about to self-destruct and Goku told me and Gohan to keep fighting and he disappeared along with Cell.

I got up and ran over to Gohan who was in bad shape and I gave him a Senzu bean. I had a Senzu bean as well. I was worried about if I touch Gohan's hand. Will I lose control of my secret power?

But Cell returned and killed Future Trunks with a yellow beam though his chest. He falls backwards but I caught him as we both fell on the hard ground. Everyone looked back at us shocked even Vegeta. Yamcha said that Trunks might not make it and he's in really bad shape, (but Future Trunks did survived). Vegeta realised that he had been ignoring F-Trunks after F-Trunks had sacrificed everything for his dad and me. Vegeta got very angry, turned into a Super Saiyan and charges at Cell with his anger boiling in his Saiyan blood as I shouted at him not to do it. 

I realised I need to finish unlocking my power and destroy Cell for what he's done, so I kissed Future Trunks on his forehead, asked Yamcha and Tien if they could look after Future Trunks while I'll go and help Vegeta and Gohan. After a while, Cell was at full power and was about to kill Vegeta and Gohan but I stopped him. I shouted at Cell "Cell, You already killed my brother, Goku but I won't let you take away my Fiancée or anyone else that I love and care about". Then Cell called his Cell Jr's to destroy me and Gohan but we killed every single one of them. "Now it's just you alone, Cell" said Gohan. Both of Cell and Gohan summoned their Kamehameha's. Both of their powers hit each other and Gohan was using one hand and was struggling because his other arm was badly hurt. So I held his other hand (that was badly hurt) and the touch was complete and my power is finally unlocked as my Angel necklace and ring glowed very brightly. I transformed from Super Saiyan 2 into a Super Saiyan 3 and then into my Angel form. 

My powers were much more stronger, I had my own wings grew on my back, my long Dark Blue hair changed in a dark purple and my Armor had grew longer like a dress and my Aura were in different colours (Purple and light Blue) covering my whole body. Everyone was looking at me even Vegeta and Gohan and gasped in shock as my feet touched the hard ground. Cell couldn't believe his eyes and said "how could a young Saiyan girl like you could achieve this stronger power?" and I replied "because I am a full-blooded Saiyan and half Angel". Gohan looked at me and said "wow aunt Chrissie, is that you? You look stronger and beautiful." "Yes Gohan. It's me and thank you for saying those words. Now let's finish this for Goku and everyone" then I summon my strongest Galick Gun, combine with Gohan's Kamehameha and fired it at Cell and crumbled in to pieces until he was gone. Gohan collapsed on the ground no longer in his Super Saiyan 2 form and so I did too as I changed back into my original form. The others came over to us and still shocked about my transformation into an Angel. That was my other special secret side. I finally found out that I'm full-blooded Saiyan and half Angel. Vegeta picked me up in his arms, looked in my eyes and then kisses me on my lips and I kissed him back on his lips. He next said to me "you're not just a full-blooded Saiyan, but you're an Angel too. I love you Krysta." "And I love you too, Prince Vegeta" we kissed passionately on each other's lips as everyone else looked on and we all know that the Cell games were finally over and Goku was gone again. But as long as Cell is gone, Vegeta and I can finally be happy. 

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