Chapter 20- Mission inside Buu and meeting the Worm family

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Chrissie/Krysta's POV

After we were covered by the pink blob, but thanks to Vegito's barrier, we both are still the same. We heard Buu was laughing and I was getting annoyed about it and so was Vegito. "Thanks to your barrier, we haven't been turned into Buu goo" I said to Vegito. "Yeah, I know. Well we better get busy, finding a way-out of here won't be a picnic" said Vegito as he lowered the barrier around us and we let go of the hug. "Yeah, I know. We gotta find the others too. They're still inside Buu somewhere, I can feel their energies" I replied.

Then a light brighten around Vegito and he was gone. Goku and Vegeta had been un-fused. Vegeta flew back and crashed into me while Goku went flying the otherway. I helped Vegeta up and Goku was confused while looking at the earring. Vegeta took his earring off and crushes it in his strong Saiyan hand while I just stood with him. Vegeta took me hand gently and started to walk off. But Vegeta said "come on Kakarot, Buu could blow the earth any minute now" as we walked off and Goku gave up, took of his earring and crushes it with his hand before following me and Vegeta. As we were walking, I smelled a bad god-awful smell as I walked into something liquid and I got stuck. Then Vegeta walked into it as well as he was about to help me out of it. But all three of us got stuck and began to sink in it and disappeared in it. As we all fell in the stomach acid, Goku held his breath while Vegeta and I swam to the surface for air. "Krysta, are you alright my love?" asked Vegeta, "Yeah, I'm fine Vegeta, thanks" I replied as I held his hand with my hand that has my engagement and wedding rings (good thing is all of my jewellery are all the same and no fakes). Then Goku comes to the surface as well. Vegeta helps me out of the Acid and stood on a piece of food that Buu ate. "Well, we all now know where that disgusting smell was coming from. Look at this; doesn't he eat anything else but sweets? Buu is worse than a child, there's not a single bit meat in here, this is revolting" said Vegeta as we looked around. Goku looked at his shoulder and saw some smoke come from him clothes. "Oh wow, what's that smoke?" asked Goku, Vegeta and I looked at him as we gasped, "Idiot, that smoke is coming from your roasting carcass you moron, you're being digested like the food inside your stomach" said Vegeta as Goku jumps out of the acid on to a piece of sweet. Then all three of us heard a sound that sounded like liquid rushing around like a whirlpool and we were heading straight for it. As we all were heading to the whirlpool, I was holding on to the piece of sweet so I didn't fall off of it while Vegeta and Goku were trying to hold back the other eaten sweets that Buu had eaten so we didn't crushed by them. Then all three of us fell back into the acid. As Goku was holding his breath, Vegeta and I were close to the midsection and Vegeta powered up his Ki energy while Goku was trying to stop him from doing it but Vegeta smiled and did it anyway. As some of the acid fell out of the midsection, as three of us, we also fell out too. We were final made it out of the midsection.

After escaping the midsection, All three of us walked around for a while until we saw some green stuff surrounding us and one of them got on Goku's shoulder and burn him alittle while Vegeta was laughing at him. Then thousands of the green stuff started to attack us and covered me and Goku as we were struggling to get it off of our bodies as Vegeta was encouraging us to fight the slime. But a giant worm was going to attack us. The worm was after me but my brother, Goku was not going to let the worm eat me. As the worm was about to eat me and Goku, both of us used our powers to get rid of the green slime that was on us and made the worm to get away from us and knocked it out as it fell infront of Vegeta but Vegeta luckily managed to get out of the way. I heard Buuhan was groaned in pain. Vegeta helped me back up on my feet and yelled at Goku "and you told us to be quiet but it didn't work for you, did it Kakarot?" but Goku didn't mind it and he did go abit overboard. Then we all heard a loud grow. I could tell it was a second worm which was the first worms little brother. All three of us (Saiyans) screamed as we got out of the way of the 2nd worm's path so he could get to his older brother and he call for their father and said that his brother is hurt. "Wow, if they're that big, I can't imagine how big their father must be" said Goku as he was looking at the two worm brothers. "Disgusting! No! I don't even want to imagine one more, slimly little..." said Vegeta. "Worm" I finished his sentence for him as we were shook where we stood and a third worm came in to see what was going on. I saw a giant worm coming out of the darkness which I knew was the two smaller worm's father.

"Wow, that's what I call a giant worm guys" I said to Vegeta and Goku, "Krysta, Kakarot, I think I'm going to puke" said Vegeta as he covered his mouth with his gloved hand while I rubbed his back to calm him down while Goku was just grinning with his smile. As one the smaller worms was say to the father that we were picking him and his brother. The giant worm (the father) stared as us (Vegeta, Goku and me) looking not very happy. Vegeta was suggesting that we all blast him, there no reason tip-toeing around anymore and Buu know that we were down in his midsection. Goku thinks that Buu doesn't know that we're down in his midsection and I was agreeing with Vegeta, because Buu was groaning in pain. Vegeta got up and started blasting his Ki balls at the Giant worm but he just ate them without any damage. Vegeta and I couldn't believe it as the Giant worm breathes it out like fire (but more like smoke). The two worm brother said their father "we told you dad they are mean, beat them up daddy". As the father worm was going to attack us, Vegeta was holding my hand as we and Goku gasped in horror. The two worm brothers were laughing because they thought that their father was going to eat us or beat us up. But he didn't do anything to us and he slapped one of his sons on the head. The father hates smartalecs. The two brothers said that we hurt them but their father that we could've destroyed them before asking his sons "how many times did I tell you two to never leave the pack" and that was when the brothers were crying and apologising to their father as me, Vegeta and Goku looked on in confusion. The father then came towards us and apologising for his sons because they are young. Goku and I were okay with it but Vegeta wasn't interested to listen to a worm and said that Goku and I were making friends with worms. The father also said that his sons were having a bad habit of eating anything that moves. Vegeta was telling him that he should teach his sons some better manners. But I said to Vegeta "that's what he is doing, darling" before telling the worms that Vegeta and Goku are trying to find their son's. "Have you happen to seen any of them anywhere?" I asked them nicely. Both of the worms said that they saw them and green guy while Vegeta was behind me being scared of the giant worms. "Hmm, Piccolo too." I said to Goku before asking them if they know where Piccolo and the boys were now.

The two worm brothers pointed upwards to show us where Piccolo and the boys went. Me, Vegeta and Goku looked up in the same direction and Vegeta said "hmm, well that looks very inviting." Suddenly a rumble noise, Vegeta asked me "what going on Krysta?" I pointed out and said "Water coming this way" as water rushed towards us and the worm family. As the water rushed in a straight direction, Vegeta and I held each other's hand so we don't lose each other, while one of the young worms asked his father about what's going, the father replied "I think it's potty time" (means going to the toilet) as us three were rushing in the water too, Goku shouted out "hey you guys, what the heck is party time? Where is this taking us?" but before the worms could answer, they disappeared and to never to be seen again. As I still held on to Vegeta's hand while Goku was joking around and said "wow, some party" but Vegeta replied "they said potty time not party time" Goku then said "looks like we're not gonna make a most graceful exit guys" "not me or Krysta, Kakarot" said Vegeta, "what do you propose we do now Vegeta?" asked Goku, then Vegeta powers up, grabs me (holding me bridal style) and flew away while yelling run to Goku. "Hey, wait up guys, hey" yelled Goku as he powers up too and flew after me and Vegeta. Vegeta and I flew upwards towards the head with Goku following behind us and shouted at us "are you crazy?"

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