Chapter 24 -The Destruction of Earth and the Final battle against Majin Buu

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Chrissie/Krysta's POV

Kid Buu had a giant Pink energy Ball and he was going to use it to destroy Earth. Vegeta, me and Goku tried to stop Kid Buu but we couldn't so Kid Buu threw the Ball and it was chasing us three. I managed grab the boys and Piccolo, Vegeta grabbed my hand and followed Goku who was holding Dende and Hercule until Supreme Kai showed up and holding out his hand for Goku. Goku managed to grab Supreme Kai's hand, Vegeta still holding my hand, uses his other hand to grab Goku's other hand and we all (including the boys and Piccolo) managed to escape Earth before it exploded with Kid Buu. We all made it to Elder Kai's Planet. Me and Vegeta landed on the ground with our arms wrapped around each other, Supreme Kai, Goku, the boys and Piccolo landed on the planet along with Dende, Hercule and his puppy safely too. But we lost Earth we realised that we had to go to New Namek to use their Dragon Balls to wish Earth and its people back.

As the others thought about what they are planning to do, Vegeta and I talked about what we were gonna do after we stop Kid Buu. As me and Vegeta were talking, Kid Buu suddenly appeared and started to attack Goku. As Kid Buu was about to attack Goku, Gohan got up, stepped infront of his father and knocked Buu away, Goten then appears, slamming Buu into the ground stunning him for a moment giving Goku some time to fly up into the sky to talk to the other planets and asking for their energies.

The other planets heard Goku and started to give him their energy, but only a mini Spirt appeared above him and hold it in the palm of his hand and aims it at Kid Buu. Kid Buu then got up, sees Goku gathering energy and he realises that he needs someone that is important to both of Goku and Vegeta so he spotted me and flew towards me. Kid Buu then kicks Vegeta away from me and grabs by wrapping his long, pink arm around my neck and my waist including pinning my arms in the process. "Now if you want to kill me, you'll both are gonna have to hurt this girl that you both care about" laughed Kid Buu as he squeezes me tight in his arms and I was losing air. "Damn it Vegeta, he's right. If we're gonna kill Kid Buu once and for all, but we need to get him to let go of Chrissie. After all, she's my sister and she's your wife" said Goku to Vegeta. Suddenly, Gohan and Piccolo smacked Kid Buu in the head hard making him drop me and I fell into the water. I opened my eyes and I realised that I couldn't swim back up to the surface to get some air into my lungs or I would drown to the bottom of the water with the chain wrapped around my ankle and my powers cannot break them. "Vegeta, anyone please hurry. Goku please stop kid Buu" I said though my thoughts as I closed my eyes.

Vegeta's POV

After Kid Buu kicked me away from my Wife Krysta, I couldn't see her anywhere but I can sense her Ki power level is in the water. I could tell that she's struggling to get air in her lungs and her ankle has a chain wrapped around it. Kakarot is gathering more energy from everywhere to create Spirit bomb and thanks to the Namekians Dragon Balls; we have Earth back and its people (including the other Z-fighters). I asked Gohan to help me to get Krysta out of the water or she'll die. We dived in the water and saw Krysta struggling to hold her breath before she gave up, her long, dark Blue hair was floating around her and her eyes were closed. Gohan and I swam deeper towards Krysta, Gohan and I managed to break the chain that was wrapped around Krysta's ankle, I grabbed her by wrapping my arm around her waist and we all swam to the surface and finally got some air. Kakarot had final defeated Kid Buu with the Super Spirt bomb and then came running over with Goten, Trunks and Piccolo looking very worried. I set Krysta on the grassy ground and started to give Krysta mouth to mouth CPR and pumping her chest to get her heart started again to bring her back while Gohan was checking her pulse from her wrist or her neck. After 10 mins of giving Krysta mouth to mouth CPR, she finally awoke including coughing out water from her lungs. She sat up carefully and I stroked her wet long, Dark Blue hair before we hugged and kissed before I helped her up to her feet as her twin brother, Kakarot came over to hug her carefully as they cried with happiness and I smiled. Of course I wouldn't anyone touch my wife, not even that old fool, Elder Kai who wanted to kiss her but I said no to him and shouted at Kakarot.

Chrissie/Krysta's POV

After Vegeta and Gohan saved me from drowning, I hugged my twin brother for defeating Kid Buu with the Spirit bomb until I heard Hercule was begging for my husband Vegeta to not to kill Majin Buu (which is the real one) Vegeta said that if Hercule wanted to join Buu, then fine. Me and my Brother stepped infront of Vegeta to stop his attack as I sent Dende to go and heal Majin Buu. "Look Vegeta, I know what Buu did was wrong but he changed his ways when he saved your life and Hercule took you out of harm's way. I think that Buu deserves a second chance. You remember I gave a second chance before Krillin was going to kill you back on Earth years ago. Goku would agree. I'm doing what I think is right" I said to my husband as he powers down his attack and hugs me. Goku said to Vegeta that I'm right and we could wish the bad memories of Buu from the people and they won't remember about what happened. Vegeta nodded his head while hugging me and Hercule was thanking me and he'll pay me back. As Dende finishes healing Buu, we all went to Kami's lookout to be reunited with our loved ones and friends. Goku and his boys reunited Chi-Chi and King Ox (of course Videl reunited with Gohan because they're in love with each other), Trunks reunited with his mum Bulma, Dende and Piccolo back with their friends and Hercule with his puppy reunited with Videl. Buu came out of hiding when Hercule told him to come out but he didn't attack anyone and wants to be friends with us including helping us protect the Earth just because I promised him some food. Goku told everybody that he's alive again because of Elder Kai gave up he life so Goku can come back to be with his Family and Chi-Chi cried with tears of happiness to be finally reunited with her husband once again. While Chi-Chi was hugging Goku, Vegeta told me that his halo was gone too, so he's alive again so he can be with me and our family and I hugged him as he was hugging me back with our smiles on our faces.

As everyone was celebrating, Vegeta takes my hand and said that he wanted to talk to me in private, so I walked away from Goku and went off with Vegeta. We went out on the balcony of our house and sat on the balcony, held my hand and looking into my eyes lovingly before starting to talk.

"Krysta or Chrissie, we hadn't any alone time since we got married so I am wondering if I can make love with you after the Party tonight, so Trunks can stay at Bulma and Yamcha's house" he said to me. "You know Vegeta, you're right, we haven't made love but we did have sex before Trunks was born (and again, didn't get me Pregnant). But yeah ok, I'll make love with you. I have a surprise for you anyway" I said as I smiled at my loving Saiyan husband. "We should go back inside before Bulma comes looking for us" I said as Vegeta nodded in agreement, takes me by the hand and leads me back inside.

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