Chapter 36- Vegeta vs Broly

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Meanwhile: Chrissie's POV

I woke up inside of Frieza's Space ship. My vision was abit blurry and I was feeling cold. Manage to see 3 figures infront off me. I tried to move, but I could get up. Was it because I was lying on the floor of Frieza's ship? Or was it because I was cold? Because my suit and armor were not warm enough to keep me warm alone.

It wasn't any of that. It was because my legs were tied together with Ki rings. And so were my arms, while my mouth had something around it so I couldn't make a sound or scream for help. I felt something warm being putted on top of me. It was Broly's blanket. I looked up at Broly; he wasn't in his huge muscle body right now. Broly got on to his knee, saw my tears were coming out of my light, blue eyes, used his thumb to wipe my tears away. His face looked sad or more likely; he was feeling sorry for me. "Krysta or Chrissie, I doesn't matter what your name is; I'm sorry that I've done this to you and hurt you. It's because my father is controlling me with neck collar that I'm wearing now" said Broly sadly as he lowered my gag. "Broly, it's okay. It's not your fault, it's Frieza's fault because he is controlling your father as he is controlling you too. But there is a high chance that Frieza will kill your father, Paragus just to make you to lose it completely and released your ultimate power" I said to Broly quietly so only he can hear me but not anyone else or so I thought because Frieza was near us. While I was talking to Broly, I felt my husband's Ki and my brother's Ki. They must've found out that I was out looking for the Dragon Balls with the radar but how? Trunks must've found out and told them. Our smart boy, Trunks is really a smart kid and I'm glad that he is Vegeta's son.

But when I looked up at Broly, he was now very angry and so was his father Paragus. But Frieza was smiling at me. "Well Chrissie, it's like your Brother Goku and your husband Vegeta had tracked you here. Well done. Broly you need to be ready if you wanna to keep the girl Saiyan" said Frieza evilly before laughing. He asked someone to land the Spaceship which happened. Broly looked at me once more before putting the gag back on my mouth, slung me over his shoulder and started to walk beside his father and behind Frieza who has all 7 Dragon Balls in his hand. 6 of the Dragon Balls in a circle and the 7th ball was in the middle of the other 6 like a flower shape. The Frieza spaceship door opened, the cold wind came in and hit the bare parts of my skin like my hands. Since my hands were still tied behind me along with my legs tied, I couldn't fight of Broly and it would make him even angrier. The three walked out of the spaceship while I was still on Broly's shoulder. I heard Frieza told Broly to put me on the snowy ground but Paragus said to him to tie my hands to the ship so he did. Before he walked away, Broly wrapped his blanket around me and re-joined his father and Frieza.

I could see Vegeta and Goku on other side of the snowy field. Vegeta said to in my mind that both he and Goku will get me back to safety.

Paragus ordered Broly to attack Vegeta. Withthat being ordered, Broly let out a yell and flew towards Vegeta with a punch,but Vegeta blocked it with his wrists crossed and smiled and Goku got out ofthe way. With that angered Broly, Both Saiyans (Broly and Vegeta) continued tofight with Broly trying to punch Vegeta but Vegeta used his knees to blockBroly's attacks. I saw Vegeta take off his winter coat and threw it to Goku sohe can give it to me to get warmed up. Meanwhile, While Vegeta was Broly werecontinuing their fight, Goku used instant transmission to teleport to mequietly so no-one could see him. Not even Frieza. I was still watching myhusband fighting Broly. Vegeta is looking different abit. Broly hasn't eventouched him yet. Then I saw Vegeta's body had fiery aura around him and hishair and eyes had turned red. He has the power of a Super Saiyan god like Gokuand I. Goku sneaked towards me at whispers in my ear that Vegeta will help meas soon as he's done with his fight with Broly. I nodded and Goku teleportedaway to where Broly and Vegeta were still fighting. Frieza came towards me withhis tail touching my face. I didn't like it. But then Vegeta stopped fightingBroly and Goku continued the fight.       

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