Chapter 38- Gogeta SSJBlue was born and faces Broly and the aftermath

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Piccolo's POV

Goku and Vegeta had just teleported infront of me. Well it's time to show them the Fusion Dance so they can transform into one. This might take a while because Vegeta doesn't want to fuse with Goku. This Fusion can stop Broly. The question is, will it work for sure?

Goku's POV

Vegeta and I had landed infront of Piccolo. "Okay Vegeta, I know you're not gonna like this but we need to Fuse to beat Broly then we'll deal with Frieza" I said to Vegeta. "No way in hell Kakarot. I'm not fusing with you. Also, this stupid Dance that you're talking about, those poses is insane for a Saiyan warrior like I told you before you clown" said Vegeta. "Then do it for my sister and your wife Chrissie. For Trunks and Athena" I said to Vegeta. Vegeta sighs angrily and in defeat before he said "Fine Kakarot. I'll do it". So Piccolo and I demonstrated the dance to Vegeta to show him how it was done. The first try when Vegeta and I did the dance, the results was us being fat. The second time was resulted as us very skinny. The third try result was right. Vegeta and I had transformed into one as Gogeta and then used instinct transmission to get back to where Broly and Frieza or Whis were fighting.

Chrissie's POV

Yamcha, Bulma and I were on a mountain watching Frieza was stuck in a mountain wall while Whis was fighting Broly. I still had Vegeta's winter coat around me and Bulma told me that she was pregnant with Yamcha's baby. I was happy for her and she's gonna marry Yamcha before her baby was gonna be born. Suddenly a man came back and I recognised the two power levels, the power levels were Goku and Vegeta. The man looked back at me with a smile. Frieza shouted out to the man "who are you?" the man said "I am Gogeta, the fusion of Vegeta and Goku" I smiled. Whis was backing up from Broly and Gogeta got infront of Broly. Gogeta said to Whis "I'll handle this. You go and keep an eye on Chrissie, Bulma and Yamcha" "I knew you two can work together" said Whis while he smiled at Gogeta before backing off away from the fight.

Gogeta turned into a Super Saiyan and Broly powered up one more time which destroyed his armor and his hair turned green and he began to fight Gogeta. As Gogeta and Broly fought, I saw two more aliens who were with the 7 Dragon Balls and the green female alien was looking up at Broly. In my mind, from the worry look on her face, I think she's in love with Broly. So with Vegeta's coat still on my shoulders, I flew towards to the female alien whose name was Cheelai and her friend to them that I had an idea.

After getting to Cheelai to listen to me, so now I can tell her the plan. "Hey Cheelai, I have a plan to stop the fight" I said to her. "Can you wish Broly back to the planet where he was before this?" I asked her. Cheelai said yes I can. She and her friend got all 7 Dragon balls, they glowed and Shenron appeared asking for a wish. I flew away to where Gogeta and Broly were fighting as Cheelai shouted out the wish to return Broly to the planet where he was raised on.

When I arrived to where Gogeta was at, Broly was gone and Gogeta was in his Super Saiyan Blue form and I ran to him to hug him and he hugged me back. "I knew you guys could do it. I'm so proud of the both of you." I said to Gogeta with a smile. "Actually Chrissie, we did this for you" said Gogeta. Gogeta defused after we let of the hug. Vegeta kissed me before picking me up in his arms before we flew off with Goku, back to Bulma, Yamcha and Whis. I realised that I still had Broly's blanket. After we got back to the others, Bulma got the Capsule out of her coat pocket and it turned into an airship after pressing the button. We all got inside of the airship and flew back home.

As we got home, Beerus was sleeping with Athena on his chest. So I carefully took my daughter of off Beerus and put her in her cot. Trunks was playing with Goten in his room. So Vegeta and I got in the shower together to get cleaned up, Goku went home to sort himself out. As Vegeta and I went to the bathroom to have a shower and took off our clothes, Vegeta turned on the shower to warm temperature and started to wash each other. After getting washed up, both of me and Vegeta go into clean clothes and Goku arrived.

Goku said to me that we're going to pay Broly a visit. Vegeta said that he's gonna stay with the kids. I kissed Vegeta before grabbing Goku's hand and instinct transmission to teleport to the planet Broly was at.

On the Planet where Broly was at with Cheelai and her friend, Goku and I teleported into the cave where they were sheltering. Goku said hello to them but Broly didn't attack because he saw me. So Goku and I were shocked to see where they had been living like animals and we felt bad for the three. Goku took out a Capsule corp capsule, pressed the button and it turned into a house. While Goku showed the other two around the house, I went up to Broly because he looked very sad.

"Hey Broly" I said kindly to him. Broly lookedup at me and said "Krysta?" "Yes, it's me Broly. It's okay" I said as I touchhis hand. I carefully took out Broly's Blanket and held it out to him but heshook his head for no. "Krysta, you can keep it. To remember me as a friend"said Broly with a kindly smile as I hugged him. He was also upset about his dadbeing killed by Frieza. I continued to hug Broly as I said to him that I feelhis pain because I lost my father too because of Frieza. But I'm if you likeBroly, we can get through this together, as we let go of the hug. Goku has justcome out of the Capsule house with other two aliens and said to me "Chrissie,we need to go home now. We can visit Broly again soon. That is if it's okaywith Broly and his friends. And we all can be friends" Goku then looked Brolywith a smile too as Broly nodded his head as he shook Goku's hand. Goku and Iwere about leave but Goku turned to look as Broly once more and said "andBroly, call me Kakarot and my sister Krysta" then Goku put two of his fingersto his forehead and we teleported back home to Earth with instincttransmission.

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