Chapter 44- Goku and Vegeta go to the Future

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Chrissie's POV

I awoke on something cold and I couldn't move anything. But I could feel something around my neck, my waist, both of my wrists and ankles. I saw a tall mirror on the other end of the room and I wasn't wearing my clothes on (the same ones that I was wearing when Goku black took me from my family). Now I'm wearing what looks like a lingerie but it's black and rose colour with some rose colour heels and my hair is like what a bride would be wearing and it had a pink rose in it too.

I suddenly heard a pair of footsteps coming towards the only door which is infront of me. I just let my head hung so I was looking at the cold, dark concrete floor and I heard the door opened, I also heard an evil chuckle and I saw the white boots and I saw Goku black who crouched down infront me and making sure that I was looking into his cold hearted and soulless black eyes by grabbing a handful off of my hair.

"So, the little mortal is finally awake from her long sleep. I gotta admit, you do look beautiful in that Chrissie. Now we can begin the fun, shall we? Before we can begin, I have to make sure that you don't make any noise" said Goku black as he lets go off of my hair before he grabs a ball gag out of the pocket of his dark gi with his evil smirk on his face.

"Um, what's that for?" I asked while looking at the ball gag in Goku Black's hand
"Oh, it's too keep you quiet while we have our fun. Now open your mouth" said Goku black as he got more closer to me. But I kept my mouth shut and refused to open it.

"Okay then Chrissie, if that's what you wanna play? Fine, I'll guess I'll have to do this the hard way" said Goku black as used his free hand to grab one of my breasts and squeezes it hard which did hurt me and made me to open my mouth. Once my mouth was opened wide enough, it gave Goku black the chance to put the ball in my mouth and he tightens it before it was secured and Goku black used a padlock as well so the ball gag wouldn't come off.

As soon it was on, Goku black was smiling at me with his evil smirk and he started to take off his gi. Even with the ball gag on me, I tried to beg not to do it. So this was gonna be torture.

Time skip after that:

When Goku black was done, he put his gi back on and said to me that he enjoyed every second of what happened. But he had to leave to attend to some business. So he gave me one more kiss and left me crying and scared to remember off what he did to me and I hung my head before falling asleep from the pain and exhaustion.

Vegeta's POV

As soon as Kakarot, my son and myself are ready to go and save my wife, Krysta (Chrissie). Again if Black have hurt my wife or harmed a single hair on her head, he will regret about messing with the wrong family. Future Trunks then closed the time machine and we all set off to Future Trunks's timeline.

A long time went by and all three us had arrived in my son's future timeline. We all got out of the time machine and started to look around for my wife.
But suddenly I felt Krysta's ki level was lowering fast so it's like she's dying or something had happened to her. I sped off into sky with my son and Kakarot behind me.

As we all got closer to where my wife's ki is, I saw Goku black and he had someone with him. Kakarot said that the other person with Zamasu who was a Kai in training for universe 10. So all three us stopped so Goku black and Zamasu saw us. I really wanted to get my hands on Goku black so I could beat him up to get where he was hold my wife at.

"So, you all finally came. Great now we can fight" said Goku black.
"Shut up Black, where is my wife? If you hurt her, I swear to god, I'll blast you in to nothing." I shouted out
" Oh don't worry Vegeta, Chrissie is safe for now. But before you mortals arrived, I had some fun with your wife, Vegeta" said Goku black as it was making me very angry. He put his hands on my wife. How dare he.

"How dare you, Black. how could you, what did you do to my Chrissie?" I shouted out as I transformed into my SSGSS Evolution

"Black, I'll will obliterate you and make you suffer for you had done" I about before I flew up to fight Goku Black while Kakarot was busy fighting Zamasu.

While I was fighting Goku black, he stabbed me in the chest though my armor with his Ki sword. I was then pinned to a wall and suddenly Goku black continue to talk.

"You know Vegeta, I have to admit, Chrissie is one hecht of a woman. Pretty strong and beautiful. I also gave her one hell of a good time that she'll remember" Black then pushed his sword into my chest which made me grunt in pain before continuing to talk. "I actually had some fun with that body of her's. What do you think off that?" He asked with an evil grin. I finally heard enough. I got even more angrier and I powered up more to activate my Super Saiyan blue evolution, I broke Black's ki sword with my hand which made him go backwards.

I cluched my chest where Goku black had stabbed me with his Ki sword as I talked.


Time skip to the end of the battle.

Still Vegeta's POV

"This is the end of you, black. Now tell me where my wife is at before I'll send you to hell" I said as I prepared as big bang attack  and Goku black was scared of me. But I can easily find my wife by searching for her ki so I destroyed Goku black into nothing so he's gone.

Meanwhile, Kakarot and my son (Future Trunks) had destroyed Zamasu before meeting up with me where I beaten Goku black.
I told them that I found Chrissie's ki.

Trunks said he feels it too. It's coming from the of what was left off capsule corp so we're heading there.

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