Chapter 6- Fighting Lord Frieza and Losing the will to fight!

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Chrissie/Krysta's POV

Frieza informed all of us that his current form was his final form. I thought well this will be very interesting. Piccolo wasn't 100% condition to fight, Krillin obviously wasn't strong enough and I wouldn't let Gohan fight him because I promised Chi-Chi that I would keep her son safe. So me and Vegeta were the only ones left. "Vegeta, there is no such thing as a Super Saiyan. It's nothing but a stupid legend passed around by filthy human- monkeys. I don't deal with legends, what I'm dealing with right now are you two disgusting monkeys who will be crying like a pair of little babies!" Said Frieza in a booming voice, mocking us. I had cried before but not infront of Frieza and I'm not planning on starting now. "Frieza, you're just jealous of my Super Saiyan style" Vegeta retorted. Frieza just growled in anger and complained before Vegeta and myself flew towards to him.

The both of us aimed a punch at his face but he disappeared at the last second, Frieza then reappeared at a rockface as me and Vegeta went to punch Frieza again but he moved out of the way as our fists collided with the solid rock. We next tried punching at fast speed but Frieza dodged them all then he disappeared again. "This maybe a little out of the topic but how good you two are at digging holes?" I was confused as I heard his voice behind us; we both of me and Vegeta turned around to see that Frieza landed on a little rock island. "What are you-?" Vegeta asked but he was interrupted, "I mean besides the ones you've already dug yourselves into" said Frieza began mocking us again, out of anger, me and Vegeta started to throw our energy blasts at him but we're firing them at where he was not he was going to be. As we went to charge another blast he appeared infront of us! How?! How could he manage to dodge all of those attacks like they were nothing? He didn't even have a single scratch on him! Vegeta started charging up his Galick Gun and I began to charge up my Kamehameha, I was putting everything I had into this attack and I'm pretty sure that Vegeta was doing the same. "Fire" we both yelled at the top of our lungs as two bright beams of Lilac and Light Blue came raining down towards Frieza.

Our power-filled attacks were kicked back into the sky missing our faces by a millimetre! I unclenched my fists as I realised the impossible, I have had lost the will to fight. All these years of training and fighting and not once in my life, I had been overpowered so easily! Just what was the point of fighting if your strongest attack had been reflected as it was harmless like a crunched up paper ball? I suddenly felt a wet ball rolled down my cheek, I blinked my eyes a few times and I finally knew I was crying. I turned to look at Vegeta was doing the same; he too had lost the will to fight like me. "Wha-what? I was, oh god" I heard him mutter to himself as he realised that he did the same thing I did. I felt terrible for him. "I told you two that you both are like little babies! Oh my god you both are actually are crying" Frieza laughed at us. "Shut up Frieza! I'm not crying. I'm not" Vegeta yelled trying his hardest to continue look like an emotionless elite Saiyan warrior that he should be but no avail.

"Honesty, now I just feel bad. Usually I just blow up anything that's in my way, but with you two, it's like putting down an old dog!" he told us like he cared about the two spirts he just broke and torn our souls to sherds.

Frieza then suddenly whack both me and Vegeta the green water of Namek that was underneath us directly. I didn't feel like swimming back up to the surface because I couldn't.

Somehow the water around me and Vegeta disappeared and Frieza walked up to us, including picking us up by our hair. As he was punching us in our backs with his tail after which he threw us to the ground and kicked us so hard enough to send us flying in the air. He then next elbowed both of our stomachs and finally then send us crashing to the ground infront of Gohan and the others. Our beaten up and battered bodies lying on the dirt. "We should help them" stuttered Gohan in fear. "Oh go ahead, pools open and the water's fine. Hmm no, just gonna stand there like a bunch of ants, I thought so. Now where were we?" said Frieza jokily mocking the others before turning back to me and Vegeta.

Frieza's tail snaked around Vegeta's neck and begins to slowly strangling him infront of me. While Frieza's tail was slowly strangling him, Vegeta tried to shout at Frieza to leave me alone but Frieza didn't listen to what Vegeta said as he resumes punching me in my back and stomach and loving hearing our sounds of pain of every second off it, then he chucked the both of us at a rock wall. "It seems our little game is over, now that we're done here, I guess it's time to send you both back to your mommies and daddies, crying for them" Frieza informed with a wicked smile stretched on his face more like he's sending us to us to death. "My Mother's dead and so is My Father" Vegeta and I said in unison as Frieza began to charge his attack to kill us. I crawled over to Vegeta as he was gasping for air and I held his head in my arms and his white gloved hand was snaking up my arm to touch my face.

As Frieza was about fire his attack, a familiar voice yelled at Frieza "HEY, LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE YOU BAS**RD!" an orange blur landed. It was my twin brother Goku and he looked 100% healed up and very angry! "So you're Frieza huh?" Goku asked in anger dripping like venom, "I am Lord Frieza yes" replied Frieza with a sick grin. "Good, because now I'm gonna beat you up and make you pay for what you've just done to my sister Chrissie" Goku declared his face was still filled up in rage he has inside was ready to be released.

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