Prepping for the Saiyans

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It's been 4 years since you moved into the Dragon Ball universe and since then, you've also paid a numerous amount of visits to Goku's house and vice versa, mostly for a few chats. You even experienced Chi Chi's homemade cooking and praised her cooking skills. On top of that, you helped harvest food and brought firewood to their house and even babysay little Gohan when they were short-handed.

Just like in canon, she makes little Gohan study his butt off, mostly because she's paranoid about his future. I mean, sure, good grades are a must, but Gohan's only 4 and a half and most of the time, kids his age need to be having fun and playing around.

So, over the years, you would venture out into the city and hunt down dangerous criminals with rewards for their capture. With the money, you bought an assortment of toys for Gohan to play with and since then, you and Gohan developed a kind of bond. Like how a nephew loves his uncle, that sort of bond. 

Chi Chi thought it was nice of you and you didn't mind. Now, aside from hanging out with Goku's family, you also spent your time training for when the Saiyans arrive, specifically Raditz. You know how much of a hard time Goku and Piccolo had with this guy. But, what can you expect when they were seriously under-leveled.

Thankfully, it won't be much of a problem for you. With your current power level, you could easily obliterate Raditz and Nappa. Vegeta... well, he'd be more of a challenge for you. But Goku and Piccolo aren't the only ones you're hoping to help get stronger. With your plan set in motion, you plan to get all the Z Fighters to a formidable power level to help take down the Elite Saiyans later on.

And so, at this moment, your power level is now up to level 25000 and Goku... well, he's still the same because of his wife. One way or another, you're gonna have to find a way to convince her to allow Goku to stay in fighting shape so he can protect his family. And yes, you plan to include Gohan in this, but that's not until later when he's a little older since... well, he's a toddler and needs to be safe.

Also, over the years, you've harvested plenty of fruit from your little Tree of Life plant you have on the window. So much so, you even plan to share some of them with Goku and his friends, but plan to play it off like you don't know what they are or what they do. Mostly because this is one of those "trade secrets" kind of things.

So now, onto the story. You're meditating in your house, channeling your energy at a steady flow until you hear the sound of your door being knocked on. You stop meditating and stand. You walk over to the door and open it up to find Chi Chi.

Chi Chi: "Y/N, have you seen Goku or Gohan anywhere?"

Y/N: "No, why? What's wrong?"

Chi Chi: "Well, they went to go to Master Roshi's place for a reunion, but they haven't been back in a while, so I thought they might've stopped by here on the way back."

Y/N: "No, they're not here. But I'll go ahead check on them if you'd like, will that make you feel better, Chi Chi?"

Chi Chi: "Please do. I'm getting worried about them."

Y/N: "Don't worry, I'm on it. Oh and just so you know... I can fly."

Coming out of your house, you then levitate up into the air and then zoom off to where the others might be. You focus hard to sense their power levels, specifically Raditz'. With some luck, you manage to locate where they are and head in that direction.

You can also sense one of those power levels increasing. Let's just hope it's Gohan and not... well, Piccolo. You pick up the pace, trying to get there as fast as possible.

Eventually, you see the battle taking place below. It looks like Gohan's knocked out... and Goku's holding onto Raditz for dear life while Piccolo's charging his attack. You rushed to ground level, but... that proved to be your biggest mistake ever.

Goku: *startled, sees you* "Y/N! NO!"

Piccolo: "RIGHT! *prepares attack* "Special Beam... CANNON!!!!!"

Piccolo unleashes his attack, but because Goku loosened his grip from your arrival, Raditz escaped his grasp and the attack pierced right through Goku's torso. He falls backwards, critically injured from the blast and Raditz... still breathes.

Y/N: "NO! Shit! This is all my fault!"

Raditz: *laughs heartily* "I have to admit, you almost had me, Kakarot and same to you, Namekian warrior! But unfortunately, thanks to your friend here *gestures to you* I'm now free to conquer this world... starting with my dear nephew over there."


In your fit of anger, your power level shoots to the surface. Raditz turns to you, his scouter malfunctioning from how high your power level has become before breaking.

Raditz: "What?! How did you?!"

You don't reply and rush at him, showering him with a barrage of punches and kicks so fast... so powerful, he cannot find time to react, counter or get away from you. Then for a small finisher, you hit him face first with an energy blast, causing major damage.

Piccolo and Goku were both astonished at how strong you were and what's more... This was only half of your true power. Way more than was needed to take him out, but oh well. But now, onto more oppressing matters, like tending to Goku for his injuries.

Y/N: "Goku! Goku, stay with me! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for you to take the shot alone."

Goku: *strained, hurt* "It's... It's fine. Just... please tell me my son, Gohan is okay, please."

Y/N: "He's alright, Goku. Unconcious, but alive."

Goku: "That's good news. Hey, Y/N... listen to me..."

Y/N: "What is it?"

Goku: "I... I need you to... take Gohan with you... and... train him. Raditz told me... that... two more Saiyans are coming to Earth. If we don't... get stronger by the time they get here... they'll... they'll destroy the Earth... and no one'll be able to stop them!"

Y/N: "What? Are you sure, Goku?"

Goku: "It's true! I... I heard him!"

Y/N: "Crap! Alright. I'll see what I can do. But, Goku... I'll have to tell your wife about this."

Goku: "I know... tell... tell Chi Chi... I'm sorry... and that... I love her."

In that moment, he drew his final breath and fell into his eternal sleep and Piccolo... while he had finally gotten his revenge... somehow it didn't feel so satisfying to him. You then go over to Gohan and carry him in one arm and then go to Raditz. His Saiyan armor and his body was damaged, along with his Saiyan pride.

You grab him by the mid-section and haul him over your shoulder before flying off to Goku's house, leaving Piccolo to gather his thoughts on how you handled Raditz.


Time rolls by and you arrive at the place where Goku lives, but before anything, you went ahead and stashed Raditz by your house and then stopped by Goku's house. Once there, you knocked on the door and waited for Chi Chi to answer the door. You hear her rush to the door and pull it wide open, seeing her worried expression.

Chi Chi: *worried* "Did you find my Gohan?!"

Y/N: "Yes. He's okay. Just knocked out."

Chi Chi: "Knocked out?! What happened? Who did this to my baby and where's Goku?"

Y/N: "Chi Chi... I don't know how to tell you this, so I'll just come out and give to you straight."

Chi Chi: "What... What is it?"

Y/N: *somberly* "Goku... is dead. There was an attacker, far stronger than Goku and he overwhelmed him. He sacrificed his own life... to save Gohan and I... got there too late. I couldn't save him, I'm so sorry I couldn't save your husband, Chi Chi."

Chi Chi: *heartbroken, in denial* "No... No... not my Goku! *drops to knees ,sobbing* "Goku... GOKUUUUUU!!!"

Y/N: "I'm sorry, Chi Chi," *kneels down, comforting her* "Listen... I know this is hard for you to take in, but there's no time for mourning, not when there's something else at stake."

Chi Chi: "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "Wait right here... I'll be back."

You make a quick round trip to your home and then bring over Raditz, who's barely waking up... along with a piece of fruit you harvested from the Tree of Life in your house.

Chi Chi: "Y/N... what's going on? Who is this man?"

Y/N: "This man... is one of the reasons why Goku is dead."

Raditz: *stirring, injured* "Ugh... who's... there?"

You toss Chi Chi the fruit and she catches it.

Y/N: "Chi Chi... I can imagine you're upset with this man since he not only had a hand in causing your husband's death... but he also attempted to kidnap Gohan as a prisoner."

Chi Chi: *shocked... and enraged* "He... what? He... went after MY GOHAAAAAAAAAAAAAN?!"

Y/N: "Before you attack him. I recommend taking a bite out of that fruit so you can really get your point across. Trust me."

Chi Chi: "What?! You expect me to eat this while this moron still breathes after what he did to my husband and son?!"

Y/N: "Trust me. You'll like the results."

She growls a bit, but sighs and takes a simple bite out of the fruit. At first, nothing happens, but then... her body gets a massive boost in strength and power and somehow, she felt it.

Chi Chi: "Y/N... what is this?"

Y/N: "In a nutshell... that fruit you took a bite of made you stronger than Goku in terms of power. So, now that you're stronger... would you like to take your anger out on this... murderer?"

Chi Chi: *gently pushes you aside* "I thought you'd never ask." *cracks knuckles*

Raditz: "Where... am I?"

Chi Chi: *pulls him up by the hair* "You're in the 3rd circle of hell."

Y/N: "I'll go ahead and leave you to vent out your rage. Have fun."

You step out of the house and... take in the sweet sounds of attacks landing, Raditz grunting and screaming in agony and Chi Chi's raging battle cries and feel the earth tremble. 

Y/N: "Woo! She's hella pissed off. Never mess with a housewife with a strong will and a really mean punch."

After some time passed, Chi Chi comes out and invites you in. You walked in and saw Raditz covered in more bruises and blood and his armor is severly damaged. Not only that, but she totally broke his scouter, leaving him completely helpless.

Y/N: "Wow! Remind me not to piss you off."

Chi Chi: "Yeah... Thanks, Y/N. Still... *teary-eyed* It won't change the fact that this son of a bitch killed my Goku."

Y/N: "Uh... Chi Chi... I said he was part of the reason your husband's dead, but the real culprit who killed Goku... was Piccolo."

Chi Chi: "WHAT?!"

Y/N: "He didn't do it on purpose, though... I think. But Goku tried to hold this bastard in place while Piccolo charged up his attack. Once he was at full power, he fired his shot. I came in at the exact same time, but got Goku distracted, making him drop his guard. This gave this guy the chance to break free and dodge the attack and Goku took the full force of the attack and it pierced right through him."

Upon hearing this, Chi Chi sobbed to herself and dropped to her knees after learning the terrible fate of her husband.

Y/N: "I'm sorry, Chi Chi. Truly, I am. If there was anything I could do to make it up to you, I would do it in a heartbeat."

Chi Chi: "I only want one thing... *glares at Raditz* ...I want this bastard and that Piccolo to die for what they did to my family!"

Y/N: "Chi Chi... I'd love to, but, you have to know something else. Before Goku died, he told me that two extremely powerful Saiyans, which is what Raditz is, along with your husband, are going to be arriving on Earth within a year's time to destroy this planet."

Chi Chi: "Wait... my husband is a what?"

Y/N: "A Saiyan. An alien warrior race. Just like Raditz... and of course, I'm a Saiyan just like them. But that's not important right now. What matters is we need to prepare ourselves!"

Chi Chi: "Are you kidding me? There's no way I'm leaving my Gohan behind or sending him to fight those scoundrels!"

Y/N: "Chi Chi, if we don't stop them, they'll destroy the Earth! You care about Gohan's future as a scholar, right?" *she nods* "Well, he won't be able to get into a nice school or pursue a promising career if the Saiyans destroy our home and plus... you were once an incredible warrior at one point in your time, right?"

Chi Chi: "Well... I was taught by my father who learned from Master Roshi, but I haven't fought in so long."

Y/N: "Then, it's time to re-awaken that inner warrior. But first things first, we take Gohan to stay with your father."

Chi Chi: "NO, I AM NOT LETTING MY SON GO OUT AND FI--" *stops* "Wait, did you say "leave him with my father?"

Y/N: "Well, he's still a toddler and he's traumatized enough from what happened today." 

Chi Chi: "...What a relief. Alright. I'll go and take Gohan to stay with my dad, you dispose of this... monster in the meantime."

Y/N: "I'll do what I can. Good luck."

So, Chi Chi went and grabbed her son and headed out of the house and you took Raditz with you back to your house. Upon arriving, you toss him to the ground in the living room.

Raditz: *injured* "If you're going to put me out of my misery, then hurry it up and do it!"

Y/N: "Shut the fuck up, pseudo saiyan 3. I'll be right back, I gotta grab something from the kitchen first."

You then head over to the cupboard in the kitchen and pull out a jar, you open it up to reveal... the goods.

During your 5 year stay here, you actually paid a secret visit to Korin Tower and asked the wise cat if he could teach you how to grow your own Senzu Beans just in case he runs out. Luckily he saw through to your intentions and was glad to teach you. Even made you a pot so you could store the ripe Senzu Beans in and a sack for carrying some of the beans on the go. Now, you have a full jar of it.

You pull out one bean and put the jar away. You head back into the living room and pick up Raditz by the hair. He groans in anguish and you pop that bean into his mouth.

Y/N: "Eat it."

Raditz: *spits it out* "Fuck you."

Y/N: *slaps him* "Wrong choice!" *force feeds it to him*

After putting it back in his mouth, you make him chew it up and then gulp it down before letting him go and stand back. He soon feels his body healing and he jumps to his feet, no longer feeling the pain from the beatdown he suffered from you and Chi Chi.

Raditz: *shocked* "What... did you... do to me?!"

Y/N: "I did you a favor and healed your injuries. On top of that... it looks like your power level's gone up a little. *pulls out scouter, uses it* Seems like you maximum is now 2300.

Raditz: "WHAT? *grunts in frustration* "Doesn't matter! Why did you bother saving me? You utterly humiliated me and tossed me around like a rag doll, just how powerful are you?"

Y/N: "Here, check for yourself." *hands him scouter*

Raditz then checks the scouter and...

Raditz: "WHAT?! 25,000?!?!?! You're more powerful than Vegeta!!!"

Y/N: "I take it Vegeta is the strongest Saiyan, right?"

Raditz: "Was... now, he's 2nd strongest compared to you."

Y/N: "Well, I can't be the only one stronger than him. That's why... we're going to train to take them down."

Raditz: "Why would you want my help? I'm the enemy! I indirectly caused Kakarot's death! What makes you think you can trust me, what if I were to turn against you?"

Y/N: "Raditz, you're not in a position to threaten me. I could kill you right where you stand and not break a sweat. Your team knows where we are and they could kill you once they get here because you failed on your mission to conquer the earth."

Raditz flinched, especially when you flexed your overwhelming power level since he knows you're right. Raditz is nowhere near strong enough to beat you and he barely escaped death from Goku and Piccolo, but with his brother's wife having a major power boost, there's no way he can take her on either.

Y/N: "Raditz... you have two options. The choice is yours. You can either give up conquering planets and come train with me and fight to protect others like your brother did. Or... you can refuse our help and leave your fate in my hands or in the hands of your former comrades who'll be here in just one year's time. So choose. Live and get stronger, or die like a bitch."

This was a huge blow to Raditz' pride as a Saiyan. To be bargaining with another Saiyan who's not only stronger than him, but is also living like an earthling, an inferior race.

Raditz: *growls frustratingly* "Fine, you win."

Y/N: "Good. Now, let's get you out of those beat-up rags and get you into some stronger, sturdier armor for training."

You then took him to one of the rooms and once inside, you get down and grab a box from under the bed. You open it and give Raditz a brand new pair of Saiyan armor.

Y/N: "Here, dress in these."

Raditz: "Yes, whatever."

You head outside and close the door, waiting for Raditz to get dressed. A minute and a half later, he comes out, all decked out.

Raditz: "Hmph! I won't die, this armor is a tad more comfortable and it's less constricting."

Y/N: "Glad you approve. Now, we just need to gather up more allies and train them to help us take on these two Saiyans. But first, I need to know what their power levels are."

Raditz: "Last I can remember... Nappa's strongest is 4,000. 40,000 if he transforms into his Great Ape form. Vegeta is at a power level of 18,000, 27,000 if you push him over the edge. 180,000 to 270,000 when he transforms into his Great Ape form."

Y/N: "That's gonna be tough to beat. But if we train hard enough, it's worth a shot. Now then... let's go."

Raditz still couldn't believe this was happening. Turning against his own kind and having to team up with an inferior race. But, there's no turning back now. So as you two are about to leave, you open the door only to find Chi Chi has arrived.

Y/N: "Chi Chi, there you are."

Chi Chi: "Y/N... *slowly growing angry* ...would you mind telling me why that son of a bitch is still BREATHING?"

Y/N: "Chi Chi, I know you're not gonna like this, but Raditz is now on our team and he knows very well he can't stop us."

Chi Chi: *pissed* "Absolutely not! That bastard killed my husband and kidnapped my son! You think I'm just gonna forgive him after the shit he's put my family through?"

Y/N: "I know you don't approve, but think about it. Raditz knows more about these Saiyans than we do. He knows how strong they are and right now, we don't stand a chance against them when they reach their maximum power when they get here."

Raditz: *uses scouter, gets shocked* "Her power level is 28,000! How the hell did she even get this strong?"

Y/N: "We'll worry about that later, Raditz."

Chi Chi: *groans* "I really don't like teaming up with the murderous bastard who took my husband away from me. But... if it means securing a future for my son, then I guess I have no choice but to work alongside this prick, but only this once."

Y/N: "Thank you, Chi Chi. Now... let's go and gather more forces."

Chi Chi: "I... I can't fly."

Y/N: "I'll carry you for the time being."

She nods and you grab onto her. As you and the former enemy Saiyan take to the skies, along with the widowed Chi Chi, the countdown for Earth's survival has begun. Will the earth live to see another day or will the Saiyans prevail and conquer yet another planet. Find out on the next exciting chapter of Dragon Ball Z Isekai!

[A/N: And here it is, the next DBZ Isekai chapter. Now, I know I'm gonna get a lot of questions in the future, so here's the majority of what you should know.

Chi Chi is joining the fight to save earth.

The Z fighters are all gonna get a power boost from the fruit of life like Chi Chi did.

Nappa and Vegeta will eventually join the team.

Gohan's still going to Namek and will eventually taste the fruit of life, but Chi Chi's coming along with him.

Chi Chi is also going to be more lenient with Gohan. Meaning, she'll still have him study, but also train him to be strong enough to help his parents fight against the enemies.

For now, Gohan is sitting out in this fight since he's still just a toddler right now.

The Namek saga will still happen since Frieza will find out about the Dragon Balls when Vegeta and Nappa fight the Z fighters.

If you have any other questions, you're free to leave a comment, but in the meantime... STAY TUNED!!!]

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