"1.... 2... 3..." // Yamcha X Reader

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"Get away from me!!" You yelled to a bunch of punks who surrounded you in an ally beside a convenience store. At this moment you wished you hadn't decided to buy some chocolate here. Damn them for having good candies.

"Come on, sweetheart. Why don't you keep your voice down?? Wouldn't want anyone hearing you scream now would we??" The unknown prick asked you, lifting your chin with his finger so your eyes would meet. You growled slightly, feeling fear rush through your body as you caught a glimpse of rope from the corner of your eye.

"Too late for that, boys. Someone already heard. Now let her go." You heard an all-too-familiar voice call from behind you, you felt more secure as you heard his voice. You knew he could save you. At that moment, you felt a smile creep upon your face as you saw his handsome features and crooked smile which directed towards you. Your eyes took in his details, even his scar.

"Yamcha!!" You yelled excitedly and a bit frantically as they took out bats. They all looked tough, maybe too tough for him to take on. No! You couldn't let yourself think like that. He'll surely get you both out pf this situation. He has to. Just then, you saw one of them take out a pistol.

Oh crap.

Yamcha either isn't phased by the handheld gun in the man's hands, or he hadn't noticed it yet. You were going more for the second one. No way he he could be so calm with a gun facing him. You figured warning him about it would trigger well... the trigger, as you were still in the grasp of one of the thugs.

He bravely fought against the men, and even took three down. When the third one fell, you noticed the man with the gun nearing his finger toward the trigger and you decided to scream as he would have pulled it anyway.

"Yamcha!! Watch out for the gun!!!" You screeched fearfully as the man pulled the trigger many times. You felt yourself close your eyes out of fear and just heard the shots being fired. You sniffled put a cry as you opened your eyes fearfully, revealing Yamcha standing unharmed, emptying his hand of approximately 6 bullets. You let out a sigh of relief as you saw him unharmed.

The man seemed as if he'd witnessed a murder, as he took off running with the man who held you from running. You heard Yamcha mutter something about cowards, but you didn't push it, or care really. You both weresafe and that's what matters.

You pranced up to him and engulfed him in a hug. He of course higged you back. You felt a stray tear of relief fall from your E/C eyes. You didn't want this moment to end. You felt so safe in his arms.

**timeskip brought to you by Beerus' pudding grudge**

Yamcha's POV:

"I never did thank you for the other day, Yamcha. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't come and saved my ass again. You're.... a really great friend, Yamcha." Y/N spoke up as we sat at our favorite bench at the park. She smiled brightly at me, but I felt a twinge of bitterness in my chest as she spoke those words. I turned my back to her as I thought for a moment and came to a conclusion in my mind. Hopefully she doesn't do what I think she will.

I took a deep breath as I spoke more poetically than I thoughtI would. "They say the greed of some people knows no bounds"

"Wh-What??" She squeaked, running her fingers through her hair. She looks confused and a bit sad. I looked at her with the corner of my eye and continued;

"I was grateful once just to be called your acquaintance, and honored to be called your friend..... But why is it now that I no longer like the sound of that word??" She just watched me with wide eyes and a fearful expression.

"I'll give you three seconds to slap me in the face."

She huffed and gave me a surprised look. "Wh-What... What are you talking about, Yamcha??" She asked, simply trying to understand what I was saying. I gave her a cold expression and leaned in for a kiss.

She seemed surprised and didn't respond. I pulled away and smirked at her reaction.

Her face was tomato red and her hair was slightly less fixed as it was before. She gave a hilarious expresion and began sputtering words, as if her mind were still trying to make sense of what happened.


"B-But.. Wh-"


"Wh- How did--??"


"Hey you--"

"Time's up!" I spoke with a bright expression on my face. It felt almost if my entire face lit up like a child on Christmas morning.

"......Huh?? .......What...??"

I smiled as she still hasn't slapped me. I leaned in for another kiss and this time, she kissed back.








Wow! Lol. I don't know what that was. Actually, I don't even know what I'm writing at the moment, or if it's even good. XD It's literally 2:17 in the morning.... I need to get up at 6:00 tomorrow. And yet, I updated my one shots instead of sleeping like my mom said I should. I was supposed to be asleep like, 3-4 hours ago, xD. Btw, I haven't yet revised this one shot, so if it sucks in some parts, please tell me. Constructive criticism always helps.

I enjoy feedback and your hilarious reactions. Don't feel shy about leaving feedback. Also, comment: Basket case if you read this. (Lol I'm currently listening to that song XD)

Coming up: Goku x Reader maybe?? How does that sound? Any recommendations??

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