Not Today// Frost X Reader

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You growled, fists clenched. Goku was too busy getting to know Frost rather than actually fighting. If it were you down there you would have already disposed of him. Even if the two of you did flirt during the tests, you wouldn't be testing Lord Beerus the way Goku was.

You smiled at your friend when he threatened Frost to go to his full form before he took him out. Finally a real fight was going to begin.

Frost transformed into a new form of course, but it wasn't his final form. Everyone on the universe seven side wasn't convinced, you were about to voice your opinion but Vegeta beat you to it.

"Goku's a fool, but I bet even he can tell this is a lie. FINAL FORM MY ASS!"

You snorted at Vegeta's impatience before glancing at the two below. The fight began, and for the most part you were amused, Frost was sending blasts to Goku, of course none of them hit as Goku was too fast for him.

Frost was above a cloud of smoke, a result of the blasts. Apparently he knew nothing of Goku, as he looked concerned like he had already won.

Goku appeared from the smoke, dusting himself off. "Thanks for the dodging exercises, that was fun!"

The two babbled on, but you were too bored to pay attention. You kept on staring at Frost however, taking in every detail. You were amazed at how different he looked, even if you had seen such a form on someone else before.

You closed your eyes in frustration, leaning against the wall. In all honesty, you were bored with the fight. Even with all of the screaming and blasts, you couldn't find the strength to watch Goku beat him, or open your eyes again.

**Timeskip brought to you by a pork cutlet bowl fatale that enthralls all men**

A/N: I put a timeskip and a bored reader because that's what you will be if you just read the fight between Frost and Goku until the plot of the one shot progresses. Also, did anyone get the reference above? xD

Your eyes shot open as you heard Chi Chi scream Goku's name. You rushed to the edge to look at the fight. To your surprise you saw Goku on the platform, unconscious. You gasped, asking Piccolo what happened.

"We're not sure yet, but this Frost guy simply punched Goku and he fell unconscious."

You nodded, looking back at Frost. That made him kind of attractive to you, you shook your head from those thoughts and sat down beside Vegeta who simply huffed.

Piccolo was next to fight Frost, which made you nervous. If Frost defeated Goku, how could Piccolo win? You sighed, scooting closer to the edge. You were intrigued by the fight much more now that how knew what Frost is capable of.

The two began fighting, Piccolo charging is special beam cannon. Secretly you were fangirling, as you've never seen the move in person.

Frost began blasting him, a stray blast striking Piccolo's leg. Piccolo came crashing down, which made you worried. You bit at your nails as he caught himself, not losing his charge on the blast. You cheered, earning a glare from Vegeta. Apparently he hates happiness.

You stuck your tongue at him before looking back to the fight. You prayed that Beerus didn't think that you were sticking your tongue at him, as the two were sitting almost beside each other.

You could see Frost's lips moving but couldn't hear him which slowly was beginning to irritate you. Piccolo let out duplicates which excited you. Being honest, you're a huge fan of the namekian so him fighting made you fangirl.

"HEY! These matches are supposed to be 1 on 1! NOT 1 ON 40! Hey ref! Yellow card him, OR BETTER YET YOU SHOULD MAKE IT RED!! DISQUALIFY HIM NOW!!"

You heard lord Champa screeching, which caused you to cringe at the loud sound. The ref said that the move was permitted as there are no rules against it. You smiled, wanting so deeply to stick your tongue out at Champa, but that would result in your death.

You shuddered and cringed once more as Champa began screaming once more.


Lord Beerus joined in the shouting match. "SHUT UP, DURING THE MATCH THE REF OUTCLASSES EVEN US DEITIES!!"

You looked back at Lord Beerus in surprise, hearing Whis and Beerus mumble between one another.

"You don't really mean that, do you?"

"Well of course not. That's obsurd."

You didn't even have time to laugh at the two before Frost began screaming, grabbing your attention. He spun in circles, letting out blasts fom the tips of his fingers. Slowly but surely he was taking out each on of Piccolo's clones.

Frost let out one explosive wave, knocking out all of the duplicates. Your pupils dialated, mouth dropped. Punches were being thrown, you feeling very much confused about whose side you're on. You watched through your fingers, a gasp escape your mouth as Frost kicked Piccolo's gut. You clenched your fist as he lost the blast. He kicked Piccolo away before Piccolo grabbed frost through his long arm, holding him in place u t his special beam cannon was done.

You sighed, not knowing how to feel. That was until Frost's hand moved.  It  wasn't long until Piccolo fell. Everyone was shocked as it seemed that Universe 7 had won that match.

You looked down, deeply disappointed. It took a few seconds, but someone finally spoke up, that someone being Bulma's odd friend.

"Objection!! He's cheating!!"

You felt dizzy hearing those words. Frost cheated? You thought of him as a good guy, well, everyone did. You were too busy wrapping your head around it to pay attention to the arguments that were building.

It was decided that they would search Frost for the so called weapon that he was hiding. You scotted closer, a yelp escaping your mouth as you almost slipped off of the platform. Frost stood still, allowing the ref to do as he pleased. Everything silent and the air seemed thinner as the ref searched.

The ref tapped Frost's arm and fell over, causing everyone from Universe 7 to rejoice. It seemed as though Frost had been disqualified until Vegeta spoke up. He announced that he'd be fighting Frost. You stood up as well.

"Sir! I'd like to fight Frost instead of Vegeta!"

Vegeta sneered at you, his teeth showing. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He growled, a few inches from your face. You however, weren't intimidated.

"I have a bone to pick with him."

"So do I."

"Wooptie do, Vegeta. I want to fight him."

"Well, so do I."

"Rock paper scissors."

He groaned, agreeing to your terms hesitantly. The two of you went on for a few rounds of picking the same thing until you became victorious.


You cheered, hopping down to meet Frost. He seemed surprised as you walked over to him. You touched his chest with your finger, leaning close to his face.

"You took out my friends. Now, it's my turn to take you out with my own hands."

He gulped, obviously still thinking of you as the sweet girl he met a few hours ago.

The fight began, at first the two of you fought without ki blasts. Slowly but surely the two of you were blasting one another. You could telk he was a bit hesitant, obviously still attracted to you after earlier today's flirting match.

When the two of you got close enough to the edge and close enough to each other you grabbed his armor, connecting your lips. He kissed back obviously, shocking the whole audience. The two of you landed, lips still connected. You smirked, pushing him off of the edge while his guard was down.

"Not today, Frosty."

Please read the Author's notes below! XD


I have yet another oneshot ready to publish, but I don't know who the character for the one shot should be.

Should it be




Or someone else? The only thing is that the one shot mentions them and the reader at school, so I wouldn't reccommend Goku or Vegeta. 😅

Also, I am working on the Bardock X Daughter! Reader.

Also I'm working on the Gohan X Male! Reader.

If there are any requests I'm missing, comment them please? xD

Sorry for the long Author's note!

Here's a cute dog wearing a Ravenclaw beanie.

That's actually my dog. XD

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