Terrifying// Vegeta X Reader

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"I'm a dreamer, a make believer, I was told that you were true. I love the silence and the clear horizons and I got that all from you."

You sang quietly to yourself as you ran hot water over a newly cleaned blue ceramic plate. Your voice went a note higher than it should be as your hand hit the steaming water.

You let out a soft sigh, turning the cold water up a bit. You closed your eyes, enjoying the song you were singing, even if it was being sung from your horrid voice.

"Every now and then I'm drawn to places, when I hear you voice or see you face. Every little thought will lead me right back to you."

It was a peaceful day, Vegeta was napping in your shared room with him and you were finally able to do the dishes as well as other housework you had put on hold.

You were excited for the lasagna you had in the oven and the wine you could finally enjoy with your boyfriend. He promised to take today off from training so you decided to take advantage of having him at home. Everything was perfect. You smiled and continued singing.

"I was born from one love of two hearts, we were three kids and a loving mo--"

You weren't able to finish the chorus of the song when you heard an ear splitting screech.

You had to take a minute to process what you heard from the other room. It was only you and your boyfriend in the house, your boyfriend being none other than the proud prince of all 3 saiyans.

You felt your eyes squint in confusion and also a bit of curiosity. A part of you was terrified to know what could make him drop his pride and scream in such a way, on the other hand you were fully prepared for it to be absolutely ridiculous, like a ball of hair.

You had grabbed your favorite sharp knife, it was good for cutting thick beef so it could probably cut through whatever enemy may be on the other side of the door. You smiled at it. Oh how you love that knife.

You closed your eyes for a second and decided to go investigate. Your feet seemed to move on their own as they inched towards the very room the scream came from. Your mind was screaming at your feet to move faster, yet somehow you couldn't bring yourself to move any faster.

You couldn't believe that you were getting scared at a time like this. Vegeta could be hurt and your were busy shaking in your boots. You shook your head and walked faster, trying to stay as quiet as possible.

A sharp breath left the back of your throat as you approached the door. You could see it staring back at you, almost taunting you. You reached your hand out and grabbed the knob, while also questioning your life decisions. The knob turned with help from your very shaky hand.

It opened faster than you would have liked, revealing a shaky saiyan prince. He was on your shared bed, shaking in fear. His irises were so small you could barely see them. You flinched as he screamed again, pointing beside you.

You felt your heart drop.

It took every ounce of strength to see what had him so terrified. You could hear your heart beating out of your chest and your hands shook so much that you almost dropped the knife you forgot you were holding.

Your eyes met something that made your blood boil.

A god dammed worm.

You looked at Vegeta with a clenched jaw and gripped the knife harder. It faced in his direction, almost as a threat that you would use it against him. 


He nodded frantically, holding onto the wall behind him. "YES! NOW KILL IT!!" You rolled your eyes picking up the worm. Before you could even think about it, you subconsciously threw it at him.

He screamed once more, throwing pathetic slaps in the air trying to swat it away from him. You almost felt bad for the prince who scrambled off of the bed and ran past you, out of the room.

You mostly cackled, allowing the evilness to flow through your veins. You followed him to the kitchen, only to see him eating a few cookies. He must have really been scared if he began to stress eat. It was a thing only you knew he did.

You went behind him and slapped his back playfully. It took every fiber of your being not to laugh. It wasn't like you to try and defuse the tension, but if you didn't, he'd remain angry for the rest of the day. "Soo... Worms. Am I right?"

Vegeta shuddered a bit, shaking his head. "I don't want to talk about it."









I've been working a LOT on my art, which has gotten so much better than the crap y'all saw plus whatever I have in my art book.


I'm just about done with Naruto Shippuden and I'm wondering; Should I make Naruto/Naruto Shippuden one shots?

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