Ch. 13

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Sunchaser carried Wyatt on his back quietly. Mahin and Xander walked in silence. It was a long quiet trek back. No one could think of anything else besides Wyatt's death. When they got back to the castle they rushed Wyatt's lifeless body to the Infirmary. A man in a white coat asked everyone to get out of the room. When the doctor came out he had a distant look on his face. He said," He is dead. No one can save him now." Sunchaser's color changed from his usual light sandy color to a darker red and black. He took off and headed towards the underworld to join Wyatt again. Suddenly, the door opened up and Emily rushed in with a boy. Emily ran over to Wyatt's body and sobbed into it. She stormed out and went to her room.

Emily sat in her dark room and her little black dragon raced to her side. Since, he spoke dragon she could talk to him. She said," how did I let this happen. If I never agreed to that treaty none off this wold have happened." Her little black dragon answered her," You had no idea what you were getting yourself into. You cannot blame yourself for your foolish deeds. However, you must set them straight."


Emma and Victoria were huddled together in a dark damp corner. The portal had lead to their home realm, Adrian. Adrian was the most horrid place to live in. It was like a more cruel earth. Everything was so harsh. The ground was a red from all the blood stains and the trees were barren lifeless things. Alex, the girls mother ruled Adrian with an iron fist. The people lived in this realm were either filled with hate or full of fear. No one was ever happy to live here. It was too painful. So even called it hell.

Alex grabbed her daughters and dragged towards a tower. Emma and Victoria fought and kicked the entire time. It was made of gray black stones and lifeless vines grew up the sides. Emma and Victoria knew this tower all to well. It was where they grew up and they didn't have a good childhood.


Mahin and Xander laid next to each other in their giant bed. The were both far from reality. It all happened in a flash. They were signaling him to come over, but then the arrow wizzed by and pierced his heart and he died. Mahin remember his eyes were so dull after the arrow had killed him. Xander thought of the portal. It was a portal to the most dangerous place, Adrian and no one ever wanted to go there. 

Hello everyone, I hope you all liked my book. Now, I know it was extremely rough because I don't have an editor and I just wanted to write it first. I'm going to be editing it so some parts might change just so its not so confusing. If you guys want a bonus chapter just vote. If I get three votes on this chapter then I'll put one up.

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