It All Starts with Rage Lupus

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My first ever Beyblade story! I'm so happy to be writing this!! This story will probably be longer than most of my past stories, we'll see. In the future, as this story goes on, there will be drama between Kari and Ryuga, however, since I can't write bey battles worth a damn, I'm gonna skip those. This will have mature content in future chapters, however, I'm going by Wattpad guidelines when it comes to writing smut. I don't want this book removed and have to start over once I get to actually writing it and working on it. One more thing, I'm making both Kari and Ryuga older than they are in the show. Well, Ryuga, anyways. He will be Kari's age, which is twenty years old. Okay, shall we start? Onto the first chapter: It All Starts with Rage Lupus!

Kari's POV:

Not a lot of people know who I am. Even if they did, they probably have seen me battle in a lot of bey tournaments since the town of Skypoint, where I used to live. The problem with Skypoint is this: it's the only town that is run by a dictator, and is pro-slavery. While all other towns and big cities don't support it, my hometown, my village, Skypoint, does. I've lived like this since I was a child. Let's go back to the beginning, where it all starts.

Skypoint, Ten Years Ago, Kari's age: 10
Skypoint, the village that literally almost by itself lives in the sky. You might think it's a good place where people live in harmony, and that there are rainbows covering the sky on most days. It's anything but harmony, sunshine and rainbows. At Skypoint, you're fighting for your life, and not only that, if you don't listen to your masters, you're gonna end up whipped.

My family is from here, my mom, my dad, and my little sister, Livy. Livy is a few years younger than me, and has reverse hair colors. Whereas I have auburn and silver streaked hair, she has silver hair with auburn streaks, and we both share the same eyes: hazel-gold. My father is the legendary blader in this town, known as Lupine, since he wields the legendary yet forbidden bey, Rage Lupus. Rage Lupus is a bey of three different colors: green, purple and gold. Its fusion wheel, face bolt, and performance tip carry these three colors, which makes it spin at an alarming speed. It also spins so fast you can barely see all three colors unless you look closely at the wolf's face on the face bolt. However, only our family can wield such a powerful bey. For some odd reason, whenever we give Lupus to someone to check out, it starts burning the person's hands, and we don't know why that is. My father has told me about the legend of Lupus, and how in the right hands, it can grant them blessings and good power. But if it were to fall in the wrong hands, it would bring out dark power. I don't want that to happen. Neither does my father. Until one day.....

My little sister Livy and I were playing in the town with the rest of the neighborhood children, when all of a sudden, this mysterious blader came into town. We had no idea who he was, but he had a dark aura surrounding him, and the children got scared. Livy and I blink our eyes as we look upon this mysterious yet shady figure. We can barely see his eyes from beneath the hood, and that's what scares me. I pull Livy's arm.

"Come on, Liv," I say. "Let's warn Papa about this." Livy nods, and follows me to the house, where my mother and father wait. My mother sits at the end of the table, while my father sits at the head of it all. He stands up when he sees the frightened looks on both of our faces.

"Kari, Olivia," he says, hazel eyes looking at us. "What's the matter?" I blink my eyes at him and say,

"There's someone here, Papa, a man, he's mysterious." Livy then pipes up at my side,

"He's scary, Papa!" My mother races to our aid, picking us up, then looks at my father.

"Tobias," she says. "Be Lupine, and most of all, be careful." My father nods to my mother, kissing her gently, before ruffling mine and Livy's hair gently. We watch carefully as our father grabs a native headdress, sliding it on over his head, while Mother wraps her arms around me and Livy, then tells us to go upstairs to our room. We nod, then we listen to her, racing upstairs as fast as we can. I blink my eyes, trembling. I hear gunshots, but I think they're coming from outside, as Livy trembles, moving closer to me nervously. The door is kicked open, and I shiver, wrapping my arms around Livy. A hand opens the door to the closet and grabs the both of us, tossing us on the bed. Livy is then dragged off the bed, screaming. I scream myself, shivering, but the man tells me not to move. The only thing I hear is another gunshot, and a thud. I black out before I can do anything.

I crack open my eyes, looking around. The stench of blood and death hits me harder than anything. I blink my eyes as I look around. A man in a crisp purple suit stands there, watching the dead people on the ground as I emerge from my house covered in my sister's blood. I collapse before I can get closer, but I can see the man turning his head to see that I'm alive, and picks me up. I shiver from the cold and fear creeping in my bones.

"It's okay," he whispers. "I won't hurt you. My name's Doji, and I'll be looking after you now." I blink my eyes at this man. I may not exactly trust him, but what do I have now? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I look up into his dark eyes.

"Take me somewhere else," I whisper. "Please." He gives me a stern nod, then gets up, walking away. I look back at the village I once called home for most of my life. I'm finally leaving this damn fucking place, but something else is creeping up in me. I don't know what it is, but it's there, and I don't like it. Doji notices this, but doesn't say anything to me.

A couple hours later, we end up somewhere else. I don't know what this place is, as I look up at the exterior of the place. It's made out of fine cherrywood, the scent of it heavy as if it was recently built. I jump out of Doji's arms as he walks up towards a heavy barred gate, and presses a button on a control panel. An accent that's unfamiliar to me rings out.

"Oui, who is it?" The voice says. Doji seems to scoff and hisses,

"It's me, Merci. Let me in immediately!" The voice seems to panic, then says quickly in the same accent,

"Oui, oui, Master Doji! Welcome home." The voice cuts off and the gates open. I gasp in fear, shivering, but Doji calms me down by petting my head gently. I look up at him as he pushes up his glasses, and says to me gently,

"It's okay. That's just the sound of the gate opening. This will be your new home from now on, okay? No one will hurt you here, Miss....?" He trails off, and I realize I didn't give him my name at all when we met.

"Kari," I say to him. "Name's Kari." Doji hums softly, nodding his head.

"Kari. Beautiful name." He walks inside, and opens the door to the house. I follow him in, looking around at the decor of the house. It's pretty big, bigger than the home I used to live in back in the village. I blink my eyes gently again.

"Is this my new home, Mr. Doji?" I ask, blinking my hazel-gold eyes gently. Doji nods, as a French-accented voice-the same voice I heard earlier from outside bounces off the walls from invisible speakers, wherever the speakers were, I don't really know, exactly.

"Oui, it is, Mizz Kari," he says. "I am Merci, Monsieur Doji's right hand." I hum softly.

"Really? If you're his right hand, then where are you physically?" I ask, being a bit sarcastic in my tone. Big mistake-Doji steps closer to me, and before I can comprehend what the hell was going on, a hand comes close to mine, grabs it, and twists it so hard I feel the bones pop and almost crack at the pressure.

"Ow! What the hell?!" I screech. Doji's eyes narrow behind his rectangular shaped and rimmed glasses as his fingers tighten their grip on me. I have to bite back my tears of pain. I won't let this man see me cry. It's a sign of weakness.

"Never, ever, insult Merci," he hisses low in my ear, making me shiver. "You may be new here, but I will treat you with respect, as long as you return the favor. Am I making myself perfectly clear with you, Miss Kari?" He seems to purr in my ear, and I shiver as only one thought enters my mind:

What did I get myself into?

"C-Crystal, Doji," I hiss and stammer in pain. Doji narrows his eyes before letting my hand go, his grip loosening all the way. I grab my hand and glare at the back of his head as he walks away.

"Go shower," he says. "I already have a maid upstairs already making your bed and getting you clean clothes for you. Tomorrow, we'll see your skills in a battle." I blink in shock.

Battle? What does he mean? Does he mean a bey battle? With Rage Lupus? No, he's not ready!

"Rage Lupus isn't ready for- before I can get a word in, I didn't expect this from the man who just saved my life from the horrors of my village, he brings his hand back, and backhands me right across the face, hard. I'm sent to the floor, rolling from the impact, and crashing into the wall.

Ow, that hurt. You stupid bastard.

Doji's eyes are still narrowed as he looks down at me, tilting my head up and glaring at me. He clicks his tongue in thought before hissing,

"If you don't listen to me, these consequences will be much harder on you. You have potential, skill, and I want to see those. Without me, you're nothing. Do you want to be a strong blader when you grow up? Huh, Kari? When you're trained by me, and every other here, in the DN, you will be an unstoppable force. You will be an inspiration to all bladers across the world. Think about it, little wolf." He lets me go, then leaves. I lift up my body, my legs weak as I walk towards the bedroom that I was assigned to.

It's a big room, painted green, grey and yellow to match the colors of Rage Lupus. Of course it had to be the colors of my father's-no, my bey. Figures. Is Doji trying to get me to fight? Well, I hope it's not right now, cause I'm tired, and I want some damn sleep, if I can. I look around the bedroom a bit more.

There's a mirror followed by a dresser already set up in one side, as I open them, all of them are filled to the brim with girls' clothes, shirts, pants, skirts, dresses, etc. I'm kinda shocked. What is the DN, really, what does it stand for, and how the fuck could someone like Doji afford girls' clothes so quickly? It makes no sense to me whatsoever. Rolling my eyes, I walk to the bathroom, looking in the mirror at my appearance.

I'm wearing a pair of black pants at the moment, black boots, and a dark green shirt. A jacket is draped across my shoulders, but it's very dirty, and my clothes are still stained in my sister's blood, my face too. My eyes are bloodshot and have dark circles under my eyelids from lack of sleep. I sigh, open the shower curtain, turn on the water, then slowly take off my clothes, putting my bloodied clothes in a basket in the bathroom which I can assume is for dirty laundry. Humming, I step in the shower as the water runs down over my hair, eyes and body, and I watch as the blood, dirt and grime come off, and races down the drain like rats. The water turns pink and brown as a result of this, but I turn off the water twice to ensure all of it goes down easily, then turn back on the water to run shampoo through my dirty hair.

Once my body and hair have been washed, I just sit there in the shower, contemplating on what happened in the village. All I know is what happened.

Carver......Mama........Papa........Livy........the gunshots..........the screams of so many can I live with this?? How??? How can I live with the heavy burden of my family's and the rest of the village's deaths at my hands?? Sighing, I try not to contemplate any further as I immediately wash out the shampoo in my hair, use conditioner, then grab a washcloth to run over my body. Once my shower is complete, and I smell clean, I put on some lotion on my face for my dry skin. I then get out, wrapping a towel around me, and I quickly dress.

I'm now dressed in a dark green T-shirt, a black pencil skirt, and black heels. I kick off the heels last minute, and slide on boots instead, then walk out.

A boy around my age, maybe a bit older, stands there. His golden eyes are like the eyes of a fire-breathing dragon, staring into my soul until there's nothing left for me to pick up the pieces. His hair is white, except for the left side, where I can see that some of the hair is red. I blink my eyes at him, taking in a little more of his appearance a bit.

He wears some kind of golden headpiece on his head, a golden gauntlet of some sort on his right wrist that goes only a little ways past his forearm, but doesn't go any higher. He even has a little wristwatch or something on his other wrist. His clothes are different from mine, which is obvious, considering. He has a ripped black shirt, and black leather pants, those of which are also ripped.

"Hi," I say to him. "Name's Kari. You?" He blinks his eyes at me and answers,

"Name's Ryuga. Ryuga Kishatu. The future Dragon Emperor." I blink. Dragon Emperor?

"Dragon Emperor?" I say, voicing my thoughts out. Ryuga nods, looking up at the moonlit sky.

The moon shines high above the sky, its rays looking like they are on a mind of their own, who knows? Ryuga's golden eyes finally turn to me.

"So, Doji brought you here?" He says to me. "And you're my next opponent?" I give him a nod, and he sighs, running a hand through his hair.

"I won't go easy on you during our battle," he whispers low so that I can only hear him. "Give me all your strength, Kari, and don't hold back. I want to see if you're as skilled as Doji says you are." I nod at him, my eyes narrowed, but his, his are cold. Colder than mine. I wonder why too. Could it be because of Doji, and how he raised Ryuga? I'm not sure yet. I blink my eyes at this young boy, before he walks away from me, heading back to his room. I stand there in complete silence, unsure of what to do next until I hear footsteps.

"What are you doing up this late, Kari? You do realize you have a battle tomorrow, don't you?" A cold voice asks, splitting the tension that has been in the air for some time since Ryuga left. I turn my head as calmly as I can.

"Sorry, Doji," I say softly. "It won't happen again." Doji walks up to me, pulls me by the arm to my room, and smacks me hard across the face, nearly knocking me off my feet in the process. Fucker, I'm gonna kill him for that. I blink my eyes at him, only for him to pick me up, and nearly about choke me, pushing me up against the wall, and boy does it hurt.

"Never, ever turn your back on me again, Kari. And disobey my orders again, you won't like the punishment." I start coughing, trying to regain my strength. I'm not a strong girl, not since my parents died, but I can still hear my father's words in my head:

"Stay strong, Kari. When your back's up against the wall, you come back and you hit them hard, like the spirit of your bey. Become one with your bey and strike back, no matter what it takes." That's right, I gotta stay strong, keep my strength up for my battle with Ryuga. So I go limp in Doji's grip. He snarls, and throws me to the ground, and I cough. I get up slowly, only for a familiar voice to hiss out,

"That's enough, Doji." I know who it is. I blink my eyes open slightly as my eyes land on Ryuga. His golden eyes land on Doji, and the older male sneers, but lets me go, listening to him. I wonder why he's listening to him, but I'm happy though. Ryuga steps closer to me, picking me up in his arms, then brings me to his room.

"Why are we here? I should be in my room," I say, but before I can say more, he cuts me off, and says,

"You need to heal first," he says. He picks up bandages, wrapping them around the bruises on my body. "Once you're healed, we can battle in the arena." I nod, smiling softly at him.

"Thank you, Ryuga," I whisper. "Thank you so much." He seems to nod, and as sleep overcomes me, I don't even remember Ryuga picking me up, then getting me to bed.

I open my eyes, realizing that there's warmth around me, and Doji has woken me up. Dammit. I glare at him, my hazel-gold eyes staring him down.

"Get ready," he says. "Your battle with Ryuga starts soon." That's right. I'm going up against Ryuga today. I get up, throwing the blanket off me, then showering and brushing my teeth. Once I'm dressed, I take Lupus in my hand.

"It's time, my friend," I say to him. "We're ready." I walk out to where the arena is.

The arena is a very big place, bigger than the mansion itself. I can see the big circular center in the middle of the arena, where our beys will clash. Out of the other corner, a door opens, and Ryuga walks in. His jacket flows behind him like a cape. For some reason, I feel extremely pumped to be going up against him.

"Remember what I said yesterday, Kari," he says to me. "Don't hold back." I get ready, putting my gauntlet together, then getting Lupus ready as well.

"I won't hold back, Ryuga," I say to him. "I'll give you everything I got." Ryuga gives me a nod, his eyes blazing with a challenge.

"3.......2.......1! Let It Rip!" We both cry out as we both launch our beys, Rage Lupus, and Lightning L-Drago. My biggest concern is:

Can I beat him? Can I beat Ryuga at his own game?

(Time skip brought to you by Ryuga showing his skills to Kari.)

When the battle ends, Lupus is still spinning, and L-Drago is on the floor, lying at its side, behind Ryuga's feet. I can hear Doji yelling,

"And the winner of this match is.......Kari! Well done!" Ryuga picks up L-Drago, then turns to me.

"That's the first time anyone has beaten me and L-Drago. You're good," he says to me. "Congratulations. You've earned this."

(Ten Years Later: Kari's Age:20)
It's been over ten years since that day, and I'm continuing to get stronger. However, that had been the only time I had beaten Ryuga. We were just kids then. Am I still with the Dark Nebula? Of course I am. It's become my new home, even though to be honest I hate it. Little did I know, I would gain powers from Lupus, the power to shift at will. I didn't think Ryuga would get it as well, the power to shift into a dragon, while mine is to shift into a wolf. Until that day, that made me turn my back on the Dark Nebula and leave because I found something I shouldn't have.

(One Week Ago)
Blinking my eyes, I peek around a bit as I walk around the Dark Nebula base. It's been ten years since I joined the Dark Nebula, but in all honesty, I don't really want to be here. I don't know why, I just don't. As I'm walking, I hear familiar voices, and I had to see who it was.

It's Doji, and Ryuga's with him. Ryuga has grown the last ten years, and even I can see that something is going to happen, I just don't know what yet. I strain to listen to their conversation.

"She isn't weak, you know," I hear Ryuga say to Doji. "In fact, she may be one of our strongest, not including me. It's her attitude though that gets her in trouble most days." Doji seems to hum and says,

"Excellent observation, Ryuga, but you're the Dragon Emperor, the all powerful man in the universe. No one has ever matched your prowess and power in battle, except for her. You've been with her for ten years, yes?" Ryuga nods as he asks him this.

"Yes," he answers. "You're right, Doji. I have. I sense two powers coming from that bey though. The one she wields." Are they talking about me? And Rage Lupus? Doji's eyebrows raise.

"This is new information, Ryuga," he says, as someone walks up and pours him a drink of juice in a champagne glass. "New information, indeed." Doji drinks from his glass, while I take my chance to slink by unnoticed by him and Ryuga, to get the chance to see what is so special about Lupus.

The office I walk into is by no means small, it's larger than most offices, with a pretty nice view of the city, and a desk in the middle. I walk up to the desk, seeing two chairs, a plaque with Doji's name on it, pens, pencils, paper, and other things you would find on a desk. I start looking around, blinking my eyes, and being careful not to touch anything at the moment. I don't want to end up on the wrong side of Doji right now. But I need to find out why they need Lupus. I look around a bit more, trying to find out why. It's all a mystery to me. With a small frown on my face, I step forward, trying to look around the desk until I press a button out of nowhere, and a projection shows up.

It shows the different parts of Lupus, completely. What interests me is that there's something shining, so I reach forward, fully aware that it's nothing but a projection. What happens next startles me to my core, and knocks me off balance.

Present Day
It hasn't been the same since then, since I gained.....whatever the hell I gained. All I know is that whatever I gained, Ryuga probably got the same thing from L-Drago, and both he and I need to be careful from now on. I just hope nothing bad happens to Ryuga. I blink my eyes as I race across the street to get to the other side of the sidewalk.

Fuck, I just hope nothing happens. I'm already scared shitless as it is without him here.


I forgot about him. Ryuga. It's been forever, I just hope he's okay.

Damn, I hope that he's okay. If not, they're just asking to piss me off. I look down at Lupus in my palm.

"It's okay, Lupus," I whisper. "I'll-no, we will save Ryuga, no matter what happens." I clutch my multicolored bey to my chest, before putting him up. I then walk until I make it to the DN headquarters. The receptionist, a woman loyal to the DN for reasons I hardly give a shit about, looks up. Her glasses hang around her neck, and I swear, she has too much makeup for her own good.

"Name and do you have an appointment?" She asks me. I snarl, my eyes flashing.

"The name's Kari, Kari Yuki, and I'm here for Ryuga."

Dun dun dun!!!! Hi, welcome to my new story! I would like to say this story will have slow updates, depending on what I'm feeling. I'm trying my best with this story, but anyways, vote and comment, and what do you want to see? Also, this story is for outlander17 ! I hope you like this story!!

Next Chapter Title: Guess Who's Back

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