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Five year old Blaria colrasie hid in fear of all who walked on the trail in front of her. her sobs were hidden by fear, fear that someone would take her away like they did with her parents and hurt her like she saw them do with her siblings.

Someone on the trail stopped their horse, Blaria scooted back away from the trail and squeezed her eyes shut when she opened them to see if he had passed on instead of seeing the empty trail as she had expected to. there was the someone who had stopped this time right in front of her "oh please don't hurt me sir" she pleaded.

He chuckled "I won't hurt you girl, what is your name?"

"B-Blaria colrasie s-sir" she stuttered scooting back even further in to the forest.

"Ah well hello Blaria, my name is Derken" the man said smiling.

Blaria covered her little face. The man knelt to be the same height as Blaria "where are your parents?" Derken asked with a more worried look on his face.

Blaria looked up her face full of tears "they, they took them" she cried.

"They? Who's they?" Derken demanded.

"I-I don't know" Blaria sobbed.

"Answer me!" Derken raised his voice.

"The horrible men with dark armor and, and dark horses"

"How many where there?" Derken asked looking back at the trail.

"Lots" Blaria sniffed and looked down.




"Um less" Blaria glaced up.

Derken scooped her up in his strong arms and brought her over to his horse he lifted her up and set her in front of the saddle he got on behind her reaching his arms around her to reach the rains he flicked his heels and the horse trotted along the trail.

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