Chapter 1: The Captain

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A female around the age of twenty-one was currently making her way down a small set of streets. She had straight, short black hair that fell down to her neck, bright emerald green eyes, and fair skin with an almost perfect complexion. Her frame was thin, slender, and overall very petite, with slight hints of a muscular undertone showing that she did train to at least some extent. This female was known as Rose.

At the moment she was carrying a small folded-up piece of paper. Another application that she planned on submitting to another guild. At first, the non-responses, that she got from some of the guilds didn't bother her that much, but now it was starting to weigh heavily on her conscience. She had sent out over fifty applications and was still yet to be accepted into one of the many guilds that littered the land.

She knew most guilds wouldn't accept her because she didn't have a rank, but she couldn't get a rank without joining a guild. She wasn't even applying for the top guilds at this point, she was just submitting a letter to whatever guild she heard about. She was reading magazines and asking around as much as she could but at this point, she was just starting to get discouraged at the idea of not being to find one that was accepting new members.

As she was walking she heard a loud crash the sounded like a glass breaking and Rose turned to see the source of the sound and saw a building that at this point had become a shadow of its former self. It was recently discovered that the head of the guard was corrupt, and when confronted he was able to evade being apprehended, and now he and a few other guards that had defected had taken up residence in the old guard barracks.

Rose knew they had made a few attempts to try and apprehend him once again, but from what she had heard none of the attempts went very well. Their mayor had even gathered some money to send out requests to help to a few local guilds. As Rose stared at the building she began to slowly form a plan with a slight smile. Rose wasn't really interested in the reward since she knew it wasn't much.

But the idea of having some kind of a feat under her belt, it might be worth mentioning on her applications, and it might make a few of the guilds take her a bit more seriously. At least then she'd have some chance of getting accepted into a guild. Rose smiled and nodded before walking away from the building. As much as she wanted to just burst into the building and try to attack them that way, she knew she wouldn't get very far doing that.

Not only did they have her out-numbered, but the building also had a slight security system that she needed to worry about. Combine that with the fact that the captain wasn't exactly a common soldier when it came to his combatant capabilities, and she might as well just tied herself up and hand herself over to them willingly. So she was going to take a bit of time to think about how she was going to defeat them and free the former guard barracks.

As she walked away she began to slowly form a plan and before long turned and walked into a local magic supplies shop. As she did she began to look around for what she needed, it wasn't long before she found what she was looking for and picked it up. Two-piece of chalk that seemed to give off a slight light. After she paid for what she needed she walked back to the building and began to draw a circle around it.

Rose knew she needed to be careful since if she was spotted it could have been bad. She took her time around the sides of the building knowing that not many people came there, but she was much quicker around the back and front of the building trying to draw the circle as quickly as possible before she was noticed. When it was complete Rose took a deep breath and looked at the building in front of her.

"Round-guard," Rose said as a round-disk-shaped shield appeared on her arm and she walked up to the door. "Ricochet," Rose said causing the shield to glow for a moment. Rose then threw the door open and tossed her shield into the room causing it to begin bouncing around the move. "Accelerate," Rose said causing her shield to begin moving even faster. Rose then slammed the door shut and ran to the side of the building. She could hear the disorganization from within the building as her shield bounced around.

Eventually, she heard the door open followed by several people running out looking for her. As she did Rose move behind them and the entrance of the circle. "Hexa-dome," Rose said as she slammed her hands in front of the circle she had created. When she did a large dome formed around the building with several hexagons separating them. The spell wasn't very strong on its own, which was why Rose had gotten the chalk. It'd act as a small power source for it to make sure they couldn't break it and interfere with her fight with their leader.

Rose then shut the door and moved further into the building. There weren't very many places for him to be so she just moved deeper into the building. When she did she saw him sitting on a bed relax with several blue crystals floating above small pedestals. While the crystals seemed to act as a light source Rose knew what these were. This was the security system that had given the other guards so much trouble.

As Rose entered the male sat up and looked at Rose. "So can I assume you were the one that caused all that commotion a bit ago?" the male asked as he looked at Rose. If he was being honest he didn't think she'd make it this far he was certain that his men would be enough. They were nothing special, but still, each was capable in their own way and they had her outnumbered by a fair bit.

"Yes, my name is Rose and-" She began only for the male to cut her off.

"Right, the wannabe adventurer. I should have guessed as much. Newbies like you are always dying for a chance to prove themselves, and usually spring on the first opportunity that comes along," The male said as he looked at Rose. The male then stood up from his bed and grabbed his sword, a massive great-sword with a dull almost faded purple color to it. "Well then, let's get this over with. I doubt anything I can say now would change what's about to happen," The male said as he looked at Rose taking a ready stance as he did.

"Round-guard," Rose said as the same round shield as before appeared in front of her. The two then stared at each other for a moment trying to size each other up as they did. After the male realized that Rose wasn't going to summon a weapon to go with her shield and smiled. When he realized this he dashed towards Rose now feeling much more confident about his chances of winning their bout.

As he did Rose raised her shield and the male began to clash his sword against her shield several times seemingly not letting up on his assault. Wielding his massive sword with seemingly little effort before jumping up and bringing his sword down on her. As he did Rose raised her shield up but one of her legs buckled under the pressure forcing her onto one knee. As she did she heard a slight crack and looked up to see a crack in her shield only for the male land on her shield.

When he did the male then leaned over to look at her through her shield. "What's wrong? I thought roses were supposed to have thorns?" The male said with a smile. When he did Rose pushed the male off of her shield and dashed towards him preparing to hit him with her shield. As she did the male backed up to avoid the attack. When he did he raised his sword shattering Rose's shield and pulled back planning to bring his sword down on the female.

When he swung down Rose raised her hand as a screen of light appeared in front of it. "Barrier," Rose said as his sword clashed with her magic barrier forcing him back a bit. As he did Rose rushed forward and hit him in the face with her shield. As she did she knocked the male off balance and she turned hitting him in the stomach with her shield throwing the male back several feet as she did.

Rose then dashed forward only for the male and attempted to hit him only for him to stop the incoming attack with his massive sword. The male then swung his sword and sent Rose back several feet. As he did Rose saw the crystals around her change from their gentle blue color to their bright crimson red color. The crystals then shot out a bright red beam towards Rose. As they did Rose jumped back avoiding them to the best of her ability before landing.

As she did she saw the crystals once again preparing to fire another shot at her. As they did "Quick-guard," Rose said causing a small ethereal shield to appear on her right arm. A small shield that seemed to be acting more as a bracer, something barely big enough to cover her forearm. But it was big enough for what Rose had in mind. Rose once again jumped into the air when her shield appeared and before long the crystals once again fired at her.

When they did Rose turned around and held up her forearm letting the beams clash into her small shield. As they did Rose's shield shattered and she was sent back. This was exactly what Rose had been hoping for and turned in the air to see the male once again. "Round-guard," Rose said a rounded shield appeared over her arm giving her a bit more coverage than before. Rose then landed in front of the male causing him to raise his sword like before.

As he did Rose rushed around the male causing him to turn around. As he did Rose hit him in the face with her shield sending the male back into the lasers. As she did the male was sent into the air and Rose jumped up to hit him with her shield once again sending him to the ground. As he did the lasers once again fired at her and Rose raised her shield. "Reflect," Rose said causing the beams to bounce back when they hit her shield.

As they did Rose aimed the beams down at the male forcing him to dodge the incoming attacks. Once the beams had passed Rose heard a cracking sound and saw that her shield now had several large cracks in it threatening to shatter at any moment. Rose jumped up seeing this and repositioned the shield beneath her, letting herself fall down as she did. The male once again dodged the attack seeing this and when the shield crashed into the ground it shattered and faded away just as the last one did.

"Wide-guard," Rose said as another much larger shield appeared in her hand. This shield was much larger than the others being almost as tall as she was and easily being enough to protect her entire body if she were to hide behind it. Rose then dashed forward and attempted to hit the male with it, as she did the male held up his sword to stop the incoming attack being pushed by the force of the massive shield she was wielding.

However, Rose didn't stop her assault there, rushing forward to hit the male several more times each time the male stopped the attack with his sword but being pushed back each time. Rose then threw the shield at the male. As she did the male swung up sending the shield into the air only to see Rose in front of him. "Deflecting palm," Rose said as she hit the male in the stomach with her hand causing a strong force to hit him in the stomach and send him back several feet.

"Recall," Rose said as she raised her hand, causing her shield to suddenly change directions and return to Rose's hand. When it did Rose rushed forward jumping into the air as she did. Rose then released the grip on her shield and turned in the air kicking her shield down onto the ground causing the ground beneath her to crack from the force behind the weight of her shield. Rose then flipped off her shield landing behind it before rushing forward.

"Deflecting palm," Rose said as she hit her shield with her hand sending it flying forward only for the male to hit it with his sword. As he did the shield cracked and was sent back to Rose who caught it and attempted to hit the male in front of her with it. As she did the male swung his sword forward stopping the incoming blow with his sword.

"Ignite," the male said causing his sword to burst into flames as he pushed Rose back and began to swing his sword at her. Each strike causing the crack in Rose's shield to become wider, and each blow forcing her back. The male then pulled back preparing for a powerful strike giving Rose the chance to dodge the attack by jumping to the side. As she turned in the air and kicked the male in the side.

As he moved back Rose slide under him and pushed herself up off the ground kicking him in the jaw sending him into the air. As he did Rose kicked herself off the ground and slammed her shield down and began to raise herself up off the ground with it before once again kicking the male in the side using her shield for support as she did. When she did Rose released her shield and flipped back kicking her shield towards the male as she did.

When she did the male's sword began to glower a faint purple. "Empower," The male said as he brought his sword straight up slicing through the shield with ease causing it to fade. As he did he saw Rose rushing towards him with another rounded shield. As she did the male smiled and brought his sword down immediately forcing Rose to block the incoming attack. As he did Rose smiled and several spikes shot out from the shield causing them to pierce the male a few times leaving behind some shallow non-fatal wounds.

When the male moved back Rose smiled and pulled back as if she were aiming at the male. Rose then threw her shield at the male forcing him to hit it away. As he did the shield once again became covered in spikes and Rose raised her hand up. "Recall," Rose said forcing the shield to return to her hand. It was still covered in spikes something Rose had planned on using to her advantage.

Rose attempted to hit the male with her shield. As she did the male's sword began to glow a bright red and he slammed the tip into her spiked shield. "Final burst," The male said causing a large burst of fire to explode at the tip of his blade sending Rose back and breaking her shield. As she slid back she could see the male once again preparing for another attack and once again raised her hand.

"Wide-guard," Rose said once again summoning another massive shield for her to use.

"Flare ride," The male said causing a small burst of flames to shoot out from the handle of his blade sending him forward at an incredibly fast speed. As he did Rose blocked the incoming attack only for him to turn his blade letting the flame propel him forward and spin to once again hit Rose's shield. The male then brought his blade up as he jumped into the air only for the flames to propel him back down onto Rose's shield.

When he did the flames disappeared and he began to once again attack like he had been doing before. The male then jumped over Rose forcing her to follow him, with the male slashing her shield twice as he jumped over her. When he was about to land Rose pulled back planning to hit the male. "Flare ride," The male said as the same flame from before shot out from his handle forcing him down to the ground and causing Rose to miss her attack.

The male then turned his blade sideways causing it to carry him past Rose. As it did the male turned and quickly slashed Rose's back leaving a large wound behind. As he did Rose gasped in pain but quickly grit her teeth and turned to once again face the male. Once again attempting to hit him as she did. When she did the male turned his blade to the side avoiding the attack and then slashed the back of Rose's calf.

Only for Rose to once again turn to hit him causing him to once again slide past her with his sword and hit her in the chest with his sword. The male then turned his blade towards her and like before was suddenly carried forward only this time Rose was able to block the incoming attack with her shield. As she did the male point his blade down at an angle forcing both his blade and her shield down.

The male then quickly turned and swung at Rose leaving a small cut behind on her face. As he did Rose once again swung her shield at him only for him to duck under the attack and hit the back of her arm. The male then turned his blade aiming for her neck. As he did Rose leaned back, and while it did hit her collarbone leaving a shallow cut behind it didn't hit her neck which she thought was more important.

The male then once again slid forward with his blade and slashed her back once again smiling as he did. It seemed like all he needed to do to throw her off her game was to just land a few hits. She was too stubborn to give up so a few hits here and there were all he needed to turn the battle in his favor. Rose then turned and swung at his head only for him to once again dodge the attack, Rose let her momentum carry her and turned swinging at his feet this time.

As she did The male jumped over her attack and he moved past her once again cutting the side of her face as he did. As he did the flame disappeared and he brought his sword down leaving another wound on the female's chest. He then attempted to bring his sword up causing the female to block his incoming attack. Rose then once again attempted to hit him in the face causing him to duck under the attack and once again cut her back.

As he did Rose once again attempt to hit the male-only for him to duck under the attack and jump past her as he did. The male then brought his sword to his side and jumped on top of it. As he did Rose swung her shield at him and the male jumped off his sword and over the female in front of him and slashed in between her shoulders as he landed behind her. As he did Rose turned swinging her shield as she did only for the male to once again stop it with his blade. "Final burst," the male said causing another explosion that shattered Rose's shield.

When he did Rose saw the male smiling preparing for another attack. Rose caught herself and braced herself for the attack that she knew was coming. This was going to be her final stand so she needed to be ready. The male then rushed forward and began to hit her several times with his blade. This time the cuts he was leaving behind weren't nearly as shallow or superficial as some of the others that he had left behind.

Rose was trying to focus on how many times he was hitting her trying to keep her mind occupied so that she would have something to concentrate on other than the pain she was feeling at the moment. The male then spun and turned his sword sideways hitting Rose in the face with the blunt end of his blade forcing Rose back. When he did Rose slowly slid to a stop and looked at the male in front of her panting a bit as she did.

"Divergent pain," Rose said as she looked at the male in front of her. When she said this the male sudden felt a sharp impact on his back sending him forward, followed by another sharp pain in his chest sending him back and into the air a bit, he then felt another behind him this time at his hips launching him into the air before another hit him in the stomach sending him down onto the ground.

"Round-guard," Rose said as she summoned another small shield before she wanted over to the male and then slammed her shield into the male's face knocking him out. When she did Rose sighed and fell down to the ground exhausted. She did it, she accomplished her mission in stopping the man that had been terrorizing her town for so long. She was tired but she knew that she couldn't spend too much time catching her breath otherwise someone might come and catch her off guard.

That would make her win utterly pointless if that were to happen. Rose then slowly stood up and heard the door to the room open behind her. When she heard this she quickly readied herself for another fight. However, as she did she saw a male she didn't recognize. She had lived in this town her entire life and had never seen this guy before, so he immediately caught her attention. Rose relaxed a bit seeing that it wasn't one of the rogue guards and lowered her shield.

The male had short messy pure white hair, that seemed to resemble fallen snow when viewed from certain angles, and deep purple eyes. He had a slightly muscular frame and was a little taller than average. "Oh, seems like you already did my job for me," The male said as he walked forward looking at the female in front of him as he did. When he said this Rose looked at him a bit confused.

"Guess coming out all this way was a bust after all," The male said as he walked over to the passed-out male and prodded at him slightly with his foot. "Need help carrying him? I get the impression he was kinda tough to beat," The male asked as he looked at the female in front of him. The male clue he had for that was the fact that Rose was panting and breathing rather heavily. Rose slowly nodded hearing this and the male reached down to pick up the male, tossing him over his shoulder as he did.

"Nice to meet ya, I'm King," The male said extending a hand as he did. Rose looked at the male before taking his hand and shaking.

"I'm Rose," She said returning the favor and introducing herself to the male. King smiled a bit seeing this and began to walk out of the building to her. "How'd you get past my barrier?" Rose asked as she looked at the male.

"I didn't," King said as he looked at her. "I just saw them out there and thought they might have heard someone from a guild had arrived. It faded almost immediately after I beat them all, just assumed they were keeping it up. Didn't know it was yours," King said as he looked at her. When he said this Rose winced a bit and mentally scalded herself. She must have let the barrier slip when she sat down after her battle.

In which case it was a good thing he had arrived otherwise Rose might have had to fight her way out of the situation she had created as well. "So Rose, what guild do you belong to?" King asked as he looked at the female next to him, changing the topic a bit.

"None at the moment," Rose said as she looked at the ground with a slight sigh. "Finding a guild that accepts no ranks is a bit harder than you might think. I've applied for at least fifty guilds at this point and haven't heard back from any of them," Rose said as she looked at the male next to her. That wasn't entirely true however, she had received a letter from one of them. A guild known as the twilight tracers. The letter was a standard rejection letter, saying to try again when she reaches a higher rank.

"I know the mayor sent out a quest for the capture of our old guard. Thought having this feat under my belt would help some of the guilds be a bit more accepting," Rose said as she continued to walk beside the male.

"Our guild is open," King said as he looked at her. When he did Rose looked at him. "We're always accepting regardless of rank. I wouldn't get your hopes up though, we're a no-rank guild. So it's not like we got a lot of money flowing our way. We don't even have that many members if I'm being honest," King said as he looked at the female next to him.

"How many of you are there?" Rose asked as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Counting me?" King asked as he looked at her causing her to nod. "Six, seven if you count the guild master as well," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. It really did seem like they were just a bottom-of-the-barrel guild that no one wanted to join. But it was a start and at the moment Rose knew she couldn't afford to be picky, so if nothing else this guild would just act as a stepping stone for her to make her way to a newer and better guild when she finally reaches a higher rank. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of this story. For those that are curious I am currently accept OC's for this story so if that' something you're interested in then please PM me. I'd also like to thank the owner of Rose for letting me use her OC in this story. 

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