~ Chapter 14 ~

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Branch was lost in the fog.

He walked, walked, never finding a way to escape. He was slowly starting to panic, he began to run while the voice continued to whisper that simple word. He screamed, it was so painful:

- Come...

- Who are you? What do you want to me? He asked, taking his head in his hands, trying to ignore the flames burning his lungs.

Strangely, he heard perfectly; he groped his right ear, it was intact! The fog and pain disappeared to finally reveal where he was. He fell on his knees, exhausted, and observed the landscape.

A volcano, a mountain of black rock and hot ... He frowned and approached the walls on his trembling legs, black scales appeared slowly on his skin to protect him from the heat ...



He awoke with fear. Poppy screamed his name outside. He got up but wrapped himself in his blankets, result, he fell to the ground with a thud. When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was his reflection in the living room mirror, where his heap of pillows ​​was on the floor. His ear always looked abominable. He got up and went to the door of his bunker, Poppy continued screaming:

- Wake up, lazy! you look like an animal that sleeps 16 hours a day!

An animal? If only you knew, he thought, changing the bucket of full water under the leak, he could not find time for fix it. He opened the hatch that was used to enter.

But Poppy had not noticed him, she kept hitting the hatch that was now his head:

- Po ... Ouch! ppy ... Ouch! STOP! Ouch!

She finally stopped, apologizing and Branch glared at her as he rubbed his forehead. They headed for the forest, together, to the clearing where Branch had set up a hammock to watch her hang her jacket over the oak branch.

It was a week since Poppy came to see Branch in the morning and then tried to find a good prosthesis for Hairless. Her father was gone and the village trolls didn't seem to be worried, they trusted Pepy. Branch had to re-schedule their planing and now she came to see him only three times a week.

And what was Poppy doing during her "workouts"? She was hanging her jacket on a tree under Branch's serious gaze... in a hammock. During her early afternoon, she had at least time to think about new prosthesis ideas she was trying to test at Hairless in the afternoons ... But she found the way to teach the gray troll completely stupid.

- Again, he growled when she turned to him.

- Why are you forcing me to do that? You are angry with me?

Branch frowned and sighed, she still did not understand what he was trying to teach her.

When Poppy left or didn't have a class, Kitten came to see him while he was gathering provisions. The little dragon was convinced that they were best friends. Had not he noticed that this was not the case?

- Hey cousin! What are we going to do today?

Cousin? Pffffff ....

Then, he finished his day as Hairless, Poppy continued to bring him new prosthesis every day. Poppy had already put a saddle of Oxy on his back and he wondered what she was doing ...

Then he went home and the nightmare began again.

On Poppy's side, she now had to take care of the village. Her father had left her the responsibility of the village. Of course, she always took care of the village children from time to time. The last time, one of the children had asked her a very strange question:

- Princess Poppy, do you know who will be the next King?

- Whatever! Everyone knows it will be Creek! Commented a little purple troll, it's the coolest troll in the village!

The feeling of uneasiness invaded the princess's mind again. Poppy smiles:

- No matter who he'll is, he will be there to protect you.

- Like Branch?

Eyes wide, she turned to Keith. A small troll with pale green skin and blue hair, he was born with half-blind eyes because it stared at each a different direction. Still, Keith was very good at orienting himself and inventing incredible stories.

- What did you say?

- Like Branch, repeated the child. He always says that we should stop making so many noises because it could attract danger ... It's for protect us that he says that, right?

Poppy turned to put a book in a shelf, ignoring the fact that she had hot cheeks. When she left, the other children burst out laughing:

- "Hello, my name is King Branch, I declare that it will now be forbidden to sing!" Can you endure that, Kweird ? Mocked a little troll with red skin.

The little blue-haired troll murmured, shameful:

- Sorry ...

* * *

It was so... he wanted to know why this volcano always came back to him in dreams. He was sure he had seen it before, but he could not remember where. For the moment, he had to go get some stuffed leak in his bunker in the village.

He had put on another scarf because Poppy still had his old one. The November wind blew so much that he had tears in his eyes, but he did not care. What was bothering him was the trolls in the village, who stopped playing or singing when he passed close to them and murmured these dreadful things:

- Mom? Why is he gray?

- Do not go near him, said the mother of the child in a whisper.

- I hope the other dragon will hurts his second ear, why he's here?

To protect you, he thought.

It was a torture, a real torture, but he resisted it. His village was the last and only of the region, his only family. No matter what they thought of him, he would protect them from the dangers of the world because it was the only thing that remained to him and that hooked him to life.

He walked over to a blue troll behind a counter, ignoring the pinch in the heart, realizing that it was exactly the colors .... He shook his head, not even bothering to greet him, He took a pot of orange paste in his hands and asked:

- Is it a mix the secoya paste with carabee wax? (Caramel \ bee? No?)

The merchant nodded to approve, this mix was often used to build stone tools but it would do the trick to plug the leak. Branch bought it and left, the HugTime would begin soon and out of the question to receive a hug from an unknown troll.

As he came home, a familiar smell caught his attention: Poppy and the SnackPack.

He quickened his pace, not wanting to be trapped by the HugTime that happened exactly in 5 minutes. But GD chases frozen grasses in front of him and smiled as he saw him:

- Hi Branch! Say you would not have seen Fuzzbert by chance?

- In your ass, third door on the left, he growled, turning in a bad mood. (Sorry)

He must have been playing hide-and-seek ... If he hurried, he could surely get to his bunker before ...

- Oh! Hi Branch! Cooper said coming out of his hiding.

The SnackPack did the same as he greeted him and Branch recoiled towards a tree, a little panicked.

- What are you doing here? He asked, pushing Smidge away with a

foot not very powerful.

- Played hide and seek! Explained Biggie, You would not have seen Poppy? She disappeared!

- What do I know? Why are you asking me?

-Well, you spend your morning with the other then ... began Satin

- ... Since her father left, it looks like she seems to be troubled by something. Chenille concluded.

It was strange that she was not with them because Branch smelled her familiar smell nearby. He groaned and walked away, feeling like a stupid dog looking for his master.

When he found her, the princess was sitting on a mushroom beside the river. Branch watched her for a moment, hiding on all fours in a bush.

Maybe she's bored with Creek? He thought.

Why was this the first assumption he thought? A strange feeling made him a little furious and a grunt came out of his throat, luckily he managed to stop it and the pink troll didn't hear him. He knew what that feeling was ... It was just weird ...

He was jealous.

And why? He knew it too ... But how could she someday ... love him? He was just a gray troll, grumpy, paranoid, sad and miserable, and besides, he was a monster possessed by something he didn't know his identity every night of a full moon. It made him crazy.

"You must ignore this feeling! Why would she love you, in all the trolls of the world?"

Despite this thought, he turned his attention back to Poppy, looking at her dreamily.

- Hi! Do you play spy?

He held a cry of terror as he noticed Kitten next to him. Poppy, who had heard the strange noise, raised her head and Branch immediately turned into Hairless. He grabbed Kitten by the skin of his neck, and spun among the bushes at the speed of lightning, ignoring the protests of the little trollagon.

When he was sure they was alone, he let Kitten fall to the floor and groaned.

- What are you doing here?

- I never saw you in dragon! You're so cool!

- That was not my question! He roar

Kitten drew back, intimidated. He moans with fear:

- I'm spending time with you! We'll did something, today? Asked the little trollagon

Branch had enough, how many times should he explain? Was not it clear enough?

- We could go see Poppy! Kitten suddenly suggested, You seem a lot apreciated and I could stay a dragon as you do.

Branch frowned, for some strange reason he didn't want Poppy to see the little dragon. He didn't know why, but his instinct told him it was important.

- Oh no! You stay away from her, that's understood?

Kitten looked down, staring at his little paws:

- Okay....

Some days was harder than others ...



Well, I warn you, in the next chapter, you maybe will crying ... 😈

Anyways, drawing time:

Yep, that's my new tiny TV show ! Trolls Chibi is finally publish!!!!





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