~ Chapter 16 ~

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Thank you for 4.18 K 😱😍

And all the gifts, messages of encouragement...That's just crazy! I LOVE YOU GUYS! 😭❤


- Hello! Kitten shouted, jumping on his back.

Branch laughs, caressing the soft winter fur of the little trollagon perch on his shoulder. December was beginning and they hadn't quarreled at all since the last full moon night, 2 weeks ago ... Even though a question kept bothering them:

Why didn't Kit hear the voice and not suffer on a full moon night?

The gray troll was completely obsessed by this question ... Moreover, his nightmare continued, the fog, the pain, the volcano ... And the silouhette.

It was new, when Branch was in the fog, another voice added: a girl who seemed to moan with fear:

- Please, I'm waiting for you here, save me!

- But where are you?

Then, the silhouette appeared, she looked like a troll with dragon wings ... Branch ran towards her but the shadows prevailed ... What did that mean?

Kitten was talking only about the approaching Christmas Day. When we think about it, Kitten is a colorful troll... Even though Branch wanted to know who he was, his new friend continued to hide his true identity, which Branch respected.

- So, do you want to play ? Kitten asked, licking his face.

- Go ahead and I'll catch you, Kit!

The little green dragon ran away, dragging his heavy tail behind him. Branch left him in advance and when Kitten was far enough, Branch went on all fours and caught him running. He flattened him on the snowy ground and his "cousin" laughed by giving him a few paws in his belly.

- Okay, Okay! I have to get Poppy for her class now.

Kit frowned:

- Are you going to continue your way?

Branch approved:

- Yes, I think she's close to understand! He ruffled the fur on his head.

* * *

Under Branch's serious gaze, Poppy continued to hang her jacket on the oak branch. It was always the same thing ... and she would be supposed to decorate the village with the SnackPack for Christmas! .. Or to fly with his dragon, Hairless! Every day they flew into the sky and counted the stars in the night sky ... She smiled softly as she thought of the dragon's happy face.

As the snow prevented Branch from lying down in his hammock, he was beside her, leaning against a tree. Poppy didn't know he was thinking exactly the same thing.

- Again.

What she did ... She hung up her jacket for what seemed like the hundredth time, losing her little smile ... The gray troll did as if he had not noticed her, suspecting that she was thinking of something else. He shook his head.

- No, not like this. Where is your energy?

- What?

The gray troll stepped towards her and took her jacket. He threw the jacket down and growled:

- Pick up your jacket.

- But you just throw it on the floor! The princess got angry, Why don't you do it yourself?

Branch made a proud smile, and explained to the pink troll:

- That energy, pick up your jacket.

She gave him a look aggacer and leaned over ... At the same time, Branch was whip the air above her with his black hair. She jumped, If she would not be leaning, the strength of her friend's hair would probably send her against the oak. Fortunately, she had ... Defended! She smiled and Branch crossed his arms:

- So, do you understand?

She nodded, still in shock:

- It's awesome!

- Now, we can go to the other stages!

With these words, he took out an arrow from his hair, he gave her:

- I think you should like to learn archery.

Poppy smiled broadly, Branch helped her up and smiled at her .... She felt herself blush, that smile was magical, probably the prettiest in the whole village. How could the least joyful troll of all have such a beautiful smile?

"I would like to see that smile more often ..."


n the afternoon, Poppy was holding something in her hands, running through the forest. She pushed a frond away and shouted:

- Hairless!

The NightFury came out from behind a rock, his tongue hanging from his mouth. He joined by hopping, waving his tail in all directions. Poppy laughed and tried to grab his tail to put on his new prosthesis.

Yes, she think she had to find a way for Hairless to fly on his own.

When he saw that Poppy was carrying a lot less equipment, He calmed down; what was that? Poppy hung the new tail fin and Hairless approached his muzzle ... What was his surprise when he realized that the prosthesis was following the movement of his other fin ... He realized what that meant and opened the jaw slightly.

- What do you think of that, Hairless?

The NightFury continued to fix the prosthesis, he thought of his dream, the fog, the silhouette, the two voices and this volcano ...

And if it was real?

This realization returned to him in the senses like a wall of brick. This girl who begged him to save him ... He was a trollagon, Kitten had told him that each trollagon possessed a special power. Kit's was sharing, he could share the pain ... Maybe his power was related to this dream?

Without thinking, he ran away and flew away, leaving Poppy alone at the lake.

- Hairless? HAIRLESS!

He was gone, Poppy felt her heart squeeze ... He had abandoned her?

No, he'll come back, he'll be here tomorrow ...

But no, the next day, Hairless was still not there.

The black dragon flew over the ocean, looking for a smell of ashes ... Where was this volcano? The sun was starting to set, he sighed and turned to return to the village.

He had realized yesterday what he had done, but ... That's what Poppy wanted, right? Give freedom to Hairless. He landed on a tree, staring at the stars for a moment. He felt lost, so small in this immense world, even the fact that he was a powerful dragon could not change that he had a weak heart.

And that weak heart was breaking.


The next chapter is the one you've been waiting for! 😏




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