~ Chapter 32 ~

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Aurora's agile wings managed to pass between the blind and furious dragons. It had been a long time since she had so freely fly!

- We have to find Hairless! Poppy commanded by firing another tranquilizer arrow.

The arrows were not dangerous, it only exploded on contact with the dragons and put them to sleep. She only shot dragons on the ground so that those who flew don't crashed on the ground. Aurora looked for her childhood friend, her purple irises looking for his own.

- There ! Poppy pointed to the NightFury.

Aurora went up to the black dragon who stood above the fight. When they got to him, Poppy's eyes widened in surprise. On the back of the trollagon, a familiar troll controlled the prosthesis. His blue hair and purple skin was intact despite the violence of the battle, as if he had fled from the start ...

- Creek ?!

- Hello Princess, the head of the hunters smiles.

Poppy clenched her teeth, she didn't need explanations to understand the most important; Creek had betrayed them. Claws had just appeared under them, a frightening groan made his throat vibrate:

- Have you just met my new ally? He laughed in their minds

- He promised to save my life and gimme a part of the forest where I could build my army to get rid of those like him, Creek laughed, real monsters.

Poppy nodded, Hairless wasn't a monster, it was Claws who made them so. Aurora gave him a look, since the time, Poppy had learned to understand what the dragons were saying.

- Let me show you that you're wrong, Poppy whispered

Creek laughed;

- He's no longer yours, it belongs to the red Galgis, Claws ... but hey, try it!

- Do you think you have a more powerful power than mine? Go ahead...

The pink troll took a deep breath, Aurora was slowly approaching Hairless, allowing Poppy to speak to him. The poor trollagon stared at the void, in his mind, it was black, it was just him floating in the void ... until:

- Branch! ....


- Branch! It's me Branch, I'm here!

But the weak look he had given her was already gone. Poppy took another breath before reaching out to him. Seeing this, Claws' red mane spread out again and his yellow eyes began to glow, a sign that he was focusing his energy on the NightFury.

- It wasn't your fault! ... Poppy gets closer to him.

Hairless was growling, but Poppy was no longer afraid. She knew she could bring him back:

- He ... They made you do that! It wasn't you !

As if to give her hope, Hairless had started to shake his head, trying to come back to reality. Poppy continued to approach him, her hand went to his muzzle:

- You would never hurt him... you would never hurt me!

He was not starting to wake up much, his vision seemed to plunge into the fog ... but he could see a figure approaching him, he tried to join her, but invisible hands grabbed his arms, legs, even throat and hair and pulled him back to nothingness ...

But suddenly he felt a soft touch against his muzzle, his vision became clearer and he recognized a familiar face:

- Powy! He groaned softly

On his back, Creek watched what was happening. What he saw seemed impossible ... but there was so much love and distress in their eyes ... He can't help but admire this bond that attached them to each other .. .

- Wow ... He murmured

Claws groaned and redoubled his effort. The invisible hands began to pull harder and the fog returned ... until a soft voice reached his intact ear:

" I have crossed the horizon to find you "

Hairless was suddenly calm, in his mind, the chains that held him seemed to stop pulling him:

"I know your name

They have stolen the heart from inside you

But this does not define you"

He only had to break them, he shot them. In reality, the NightFury was going forward, his head was found in the arms of the princess. She just give him a hug and continued:

"This is not who you are

You know...

...who you are"

Then she gently placed her lips against his forehead. With a groan, Hairless shook his head one last time, the hands let him go and he ran to her. He woke up and purred joyfully at he seeing her clearly:

- That's it ! You succeed ! You're here ! Poppy cried in relief.

Another happy grunt was heard, it was only in that moment that he noticed Aurora. Something burst in his head and memories seemed to come back to him. He remembered her ... this is what Kitten had shared with him, the memories of Aurora.

- My name is Aurora ... She murmured, her voice trembling.

- Because your scales shine like auroras, he recited, I'm back!

The Lightfury couldn't help purring louder than ever, she had found her best friend. The two were like brother and sister.

- ENOUGH ! Claws suddenly yelled, KILL IT!

Creek had jumped. Much to Poppy's surprise, Creek instead threw his throw-net into the mouth of the trollagon and used it to drop off of his back. Hairless smiles widely before following the hunter in his fall. Poppy didn't hesitate and threw herself into the void as Aurora dived to save Creek.

- COME ON! Poppy screamed as she approached the falling dragon, reaching out to grab his saddle.

But soon, it was Branch's hair that wrapped around her waist to pull her to his chest. He forced her to hang his neck, her stomach against his back and spread his wings, his gray paws brushing against the black water.

- WE'RE SUCCESSFUL! She cannot contain her joy, the second part of the plan! She screamed in the direction of Aurora.

She nodded, she let Creek land on the pebble beach and she went up to a wall of the volcano.


- Wait ... what? Hairless asked, then a memory came back to him, making him smile widely, Amiti, the pink Galgis, had to transmit the sacred power to her to protect it from Claws.

She roars, spreading her wings. her scales began to shine more than beautiful. The blind dragons turned to look at her. Star powder floated up to their eyes ... and finally, they came back to them.

- YOU GOT IT, GIRL! yelled a trollagon in the crowd, a certain Woodland, THE COCOSMILE IS WITH YOU !!!  (Hehe)

- NO ! Claws yelled, he had just lost his army, IT'S NOT OVER!

- We're not going to let him do it! Hairless growled, let's go!

With a powerful wing flap, Hairless rushed towards his enemy. Poppy was changing the position of the prosthesis at full speed ... and then ...

A blue light, a roar of pain. Claws had just been hit by a blue flame. Maybe if they hurt the dragon side of the Galgis too severely, he would trap as a troll for the rest of his life, and therefore become harmless.

After a fireball on the jaw, the giant dragon collapsed to the ground. The Trolls scream happily, but the trollagons and dragons still seemed worried:

- It's not over! Poppy pointed out

As if to confirm what she said, one of the gigantic wings of the trollagon spread. A moment later, the real monster of this story followed the NightFury and the queen in the dark clouds:

- GO UP! Poppy ordered him as she clung to her companion's saddle.

At one point, Claws stopped, he had lost his prey and was looking for it. He tried to use his power, but it had become ineffective. He roared when he received a hot projectil on the wing:

For the village!

A flame on his paw

For the dragons!

A flame on his muzzle

For Aurora and the other trollagons!

A flame on his tail

For King Pepy!

A flame on his belly

For Poppy ....

A flame on his neck


The thunder rumbled as the last blow reached his chest, Poppy had noticed that with each blow, his thorns was shine with a blue glow. Claws roared in fury, blinded by pain, he began to spit fire all around him ... The fire reached the prosthesis of the NightFury.

- It's okay, we can do it! Poppy reassured him, ignoring the burning prosthesis, you and me, together !

With a roar, the trollagon revealed himself, the lightning surrounded him, some capturing by the thorns of its back and its wings.



Then Hairless dived to the ground, followed by the red Galgis. Poppy knew what he was doing ... When she heard a familiar hiss, she waited patiently ...

- Not immediately ... NOW !

Hairless turned around and spat an overpowering flame into the mouth of the giant trollagon. Claws roared and spread his wings when he saw the ground ... but he crashed and the flames were busy destroying what was left of his powers.

The flames were sneaking up to the red stone in the volcano ... It burst into pieces, thousands of bluish filaments came out, flew up to the sky. The memories were free.

Hairless was trying to escape the flames, flapping its wings at top speed between the thorns of the giant trollagon's tail. Poppy tried to avoid the big one at the end of his tail, but the prosthesis was gone in ashes ... Hairless tried to pivot, but when the tail hit them, Poppy fell from his back, unconscious.

With horror, Hairless watched her fall towards the flames:

"No !! No, not her!!"

Despairing, he threw himself into the flames to catch her.

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