~ Chapter 4 ~

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The same scenario lasted 3 days in a row. The dragon refused to eat the meals he was given and only accepted the cupcakes that Poppy brought him during the night. Branch had never eaten so much of chocolate cupcakes in his life. Nobody had noticed the nocturnal exit of the pink troll for now.

-So you tell me he does not eat?

The trollagon raised his head, The red troll and King Pepy approached his prison. A groan escaped his throat.

-Exactly, King Pepy. I gave him squirrel but he refuses to eat.

- Anyway, tomorrow we will take care of him. If he refuses to eat, it's his fault.

King Pepy returned to his bud followed by the red troll.

Tomorrow, they will take care of me? He started to panic, he had to get out of there, and quickly! he began to bite the bars.

* * *

Tomorrow, tomorrow, he'll get rid of it.

Poppy ran to where the NightFury cage was. Her father had just told her that he would get rid of the black dragon tomorrow. She could not leave him there, that dragon was innocent, why did not anyone notice it like her?

The night was already falling and the stars were shining in the sky, if anyone saw it, it would be ruined.

When she found herself in front of the cage, the dragon woke up abruptly from his nap and began to bite the bars as if he already knew what she was going to do.

-Don't worry! I'll get you out of there!

To her surprise, the dragon uttered a kind of grunt that she had never heard; he was purring. Poppy tried to figure out how to open the cage while the NightFury continued to bite the bars furiously.

-I find the lock! she exclaimed

the black dragon turned to her, his blue eyes really beautiful in the dim light. Poppy pulled her scrapbooking scissors out of her hair and opened the padlock. when the cage was open, The dragon grunted softly as he stepped out of his prison, Poppy was completely frozen. The NightFury opened his wings and flew away, when it was about a few meters above it ...


Creek had just thrown a net on the dragon, which began to fall towards the forest, uttering a roar of pain. Poppy turned back to the purple troll who dropped his arme and approached her

-Poppy, are you all right? This monster did not hurt you?

Poppy realized what she had done; she had just released a fire-breathing reptile in the wild, a real danger for her village. She lost herself in Creek's eyes for a moment and burst into tears. The purple troll drew him against him in a gentle embrace to console her.

-I don't know how he's done to get out of there, but we'll catch him, he will not hurt anyone.

Poppy doesn't say anything; the good news is that he had not seen her open the cage.

Farther into the forest, Branch fell into a clearing, trapped in the net. His head had fallen directly on a rock and an intense pain was spreading in the tip of his tail. He groaned in pain as he noticed the blood on the leaves of the trees above him, he had to get out of this net.

With the last remaining strength, he became a gray troll and crashed on the frozen ground of October, completely exhausted.

I'm free thanks to her, he thought, he looked at his gray hand, it's like I control my powers thanks to her ...

He closed his eyes and fainted

* * *


No answer, Poppy was in front of the bunker door for 15 minutes and the gray troll still had not answered. What she had experienced yesterday had troubled her and she had decided to visit the gray troll to change her minds.

But as he did not answer, she began to worry. If happened to him a misfortune? the last time she'd seen him, it was night catching the NightFury that was now escaping. She began to panic, when Branch was not home, he was either in the village or in the forest.

Maybe he was still in the forest, unaware that the dragon was free!

Poppy ran to the village looking for her best friends, the Snack Pack. It was necessary to make sure that Branch was well and to warn it of danger!

Later, Cooper, Biggie, Fuzzbert, Smidge, Satin, Chenille, GD, DJ Suki and Poppy were looking for Branch in the forest.

-Guys! come to see! Smidge yelled in her powerful voice.

The troop left to join the little yellow troll. Smidge had just found the gray troll; he was lying on the floor and wearing only shorts showing off his pale skin. with the cold he was wearing, he must have been sick!

-I go get the doctor! Cooper exclaimed before returning to the village.

Poppy knelt beside her best friend and shook his shoulder with tears in her eyes.

-Branch, please, wake up!

She noticed with horror that Branch's right ear was bleeding. A part of his ear had been pulled off. Biggie it was crying and GD brought something to Poppy


The silver troll was holding a piece of net. Poppy understood; Branch must have found the dragon and it was attacked. Chenille gave her a piece of cloth and the pink troll covered Branch's ear to stop the bleeding.

It's my fault if he's hurt, everyone was right, he's a monster this NightFury.

A Caterbus ambulance arrived in the clearing and the trolls were busy with Branch, when the gray troll found himself in the ambulance, Dr. Plum turned to the Snack Pack and asked;

-Do you want to accompany him?

Satin pushed her gently and whispered

-Come on with him, we'll come and join you.

Poppy silently thanked them and got into the ambulance. Branch lay on a bed, still unconscious. The paramedic had placed a temporary bandage on his ear, it was already covered with blood.

Poppy sat on a chair next to him and grabbed his hand after a brief moment of hesitation. She sighed with relief as Branch grunted contentedly in his sleep, he was still alive.

Branch, I'm so sorry... it's my fault ...


Do you like the cover I made?

I searched Branch's face for a long time but eventually found. Did you notice his ear? XD, it is a little torn. I also changed the NightFury's eyes

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