~ Chapter 6 ~

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(Just imagine that the lyrics are rather "You're my Queen and I'm your Dragonheart" for this story)

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Everything was ready for the party. Poppy decided to go get her father. Since the dragon was escaping, King Pepy was no longer coming out of his office.

-Dad? murmured the pink troll, opening the door.

Pepy jumped, he turned to her. He had cards everywhere and he was holding an open book in his hands. He looked exhausted as if he had not slept for several days.

-What's the matter? He asked

-The party will start soon, you come?

The King sighed, looking at the book in his hands:

-I'm sorry but I have a lot of work ...

Poppy did not believe her ears, normally nothing would stop her father from attending a party! But as he looked exhausted, she closed the door advising him to rest a little, the old troll smiled fondly.

Later, when Mr.Dinkles and Mrs. Dinkles were declared husband and wife, DJ Suki's rhythmic music made everyone dance. Poppy took the opportunity to discreetly take some chocolate cupcakes in the buffet and she took the direction of the forest

* * *

-You know Gary, I suspected that being a trollagon would give me strange power ... but as strange as that ....

His remote controller on the counter of the bathroom, Branch looked in the mirror himself, mouth wide open to let see his teeth ...


Yes, his teeth had become retractable, it was really weird. Branch finally decided to close his mouth and he took off his jacket, he showed two bumps in his back, his wings.

-I don't understand, Gary ... It's as if, as soon as I saw her as a dragon, I was able to control myself.

The gray troll put on his jacket and took care of what he was about to take care of before noticing his teeth. He removed the bandage from his ear, there was a little blood dry next to stitches which made the injury apparence even worse than it was already. He was missing a part of his right ear, it looked like he was actually attacking by a monster. He scratched his ear with his foot like an animal to chasing the blood dry, he uttered a strange grunt when he finally stopped. he really had to learn to control those bad habits.

He threw the bandage in the garbage and returned to the admiration of his teeth.

-Seriously, it's incredible ... he murmured to himself.

He turned to make the two bumps appear on his back again. Only then did he realize:it was wings.

I can fly.

Without thinking, he ran out of the room and climbed onto the elevator. It does not matter if he was in the middle of the night. Who has never dreamed of flying away?

Branch, you have completely a child's mind. He thought.

But he could not take that thought off his head. He rushed to the forest, to the cliff where he had tried so hard to take flight. This time he was not going to fall into the water, he was going to fly. He was so lost in thought that he ran on four legs.

In the dim light, Poppy had lighted the tip of her hair to see where she was going. The shadows of the trees took monstrous forms around her. The light breeze blowing smelled of varied flowers and the crickets sang softly in the night.

Arriving at the place where they had found Branch yesterday, Poppy grabbed a piece of the net and looked for footprints, there were none, the dragon had probably gone flying away. The princess got up with a chocolate cupcake in her bag, maybe her would attract the NightFury. She did not know where he was so she was going to wait for him to come to her.

At the top of the cliff, Branch watched the lake below him.

Throwing his jacket on the floor, he turned into his "brother" the NightFury and threw himself into the void, his instinct told him immediately to open his wings but something was wrong ...

When he did, he lost his balance, he tried to change his trajectory to fall into the water but crashed on the sandy soil. He stood up and spit unintentionally fire against the rock in front of him, why he could not ?!

Suddenly, an odor he knew too well came to his muzzle, he turned his head.

She walked for at least 1 hour but the black dragon was not found. The pink troll was about to give up when she found herself in front of a beautiful lake with silvery reflections. She felt her blood ice when she finally saw the dragon, the princess hid behind a rock to observe. He was jumping off a cliff to fly away. She frowned when he saw his crumble on the floor.

-Why don't you fly? She whispered.

The beast got up and spit fire on a rock in front of him, he suddenly turned his head towards her and stared at her for a moment. She came out of hiding, the fact that she is behind the rock could perhaps make him doubt her confidence.

-Hi, it's been a long time since we've seen each other, right? Laughs Poppy taking out a chocolate cupcake from her bag.

Branch could not believe his eyes, Poppy was so innocent to come back to see him, or rather, come back to see the dragon. She handed the chocolate cupcake to him and she smiled. He cautiously approached her .... Wait, if it was a trap? He groaned and stepped back, Poppy jumped and grabbed something to hang on her bag, it was a dagger.

-Don't worry, I do not want to hurt you! The troll rose said, it was to protect me in the forest ...

She picked up the knife and threw it into the lake. The NightFury watched the water for a moment and then calmed down. His blue eyes watched the cake that was intended for him. Branch had always had a weak point, this weak point was chocolate and he was a little ashamed of it, but he was the NightFury, not Branch.

The beast approached her and opened his mouth, Poppy was surprised to find that he had no teeth, but something else troubled her even more.

-It's funny, most creatures have hair .... you are completely ....

At the same moment, sharp teeth appeared in the dragon's mouth and he closed his jaw on the cupcake, swallowing it immediately. He turned his head back to the pink troll, she was frozen in terror, her hand against her chest as if she wanted to protect it.

-...Hairless, she finished, retaining a shudder.


 Yes, Poppy just named he Hairless. Now, when Branch will be NightFury, it will be called Hairless😂

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