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Name: Blitz

Gender: female

Age: 18

Species: electric/lightening dragon

Clan: (whatever clan she is in determining the rp)

Powers: can make/control lightning, she exorbs any kind of lightning if she's struck with it which that can charge her up, the lightning she exorbs stays in her body for a while then she'll need to charge up again if she had been using her power a lot, (just imagine what might happen if she was struck and then exorbed dark magic lightning )

Family: unknown/deceased

Looks: pic above (I'm feeling lazy today) for the colors and body looks (the horns on the head aren't apart of her looks), blue eyes,

Crush: open

Mate: N/A

Hatchlings: N/A

Likes: lightning storms (especially at night), flying, rain,

Dislikes: being stuck inside (like a cave or something like that), staying dry/out in the sun,

Friends: she's friends with pretty much with her whole pack,


Backstory: her parents either abandoned her or were killed, but she was alone as a hatchling until (pack leader) found her and took her in. She grew up seeing (pack leader) as her father figure.

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