The Fiery waters of the Deep

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As I was dragged through the rushing water, it started getting warmer. At first, I thought it was odd because the deeper you get the less the sun warms it. But then I realized, the closer you get to the Earth's core, the hotter it gets. They were going to roast me inside fiery water. They were going to cook me alive. At first I thought I could escape by prying open the pod and floating up. But I realized I would float a bit and then sink like a stone. Then I thought I could get out of the tail and sneak under Nagil's fire and waterproof scales. That wouldn't work because dragons have shiftable scales and are constantly inflating and contracting them. I would get squished. I pondered ideas until I decided to grab onto Nasha and hope for the best when it suddenly got ice cold. I was shocked. I had no idea what had just happened. But the I had the idea. We swam to the other side of the earth. We were somewhere in an arctic wasteland. Why were the dragons stealing me from under the other's noses? I would soon find out.

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