The Spire

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My eyes flew open as I felt a claw gently prod my shoulder. Freya gently picked me up in her paw and turned me over carefully. My eyes were pried open by a invisible force. I watched, hypnotized, as Freya slowly opened her third eyelid. I felt like I was floating as she peered into my soul. I thought surely here was the best way to die. But then Freya roared with excitement. She quickly, but carefully set me on top of the church spire so I couldn't escape, and flew so high I lost sight of her. Freya came spiraling down, grabbed me, and put me on her front head horn. I shrieked as she started flying higher and higher. The air was starting to get thin. I suddenly realized, I was going to pass out and fall. I was still going to die. Help me was my last thought before the world went black.

(author's note)

If any of you are wondering what Freya looks like, the picture at the top is her.

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