Arrival at Dragon Haven

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Donald's plane lands the landing jolts him awake. He brushes the sleep away and groans as he stretches. Thinking to himself "That was a short flight." Looking out the window, he sees a busy international airport. Every major airline was represented.

"Welcome to Gold Haven. The temperature is a pleasant 65 degrees Fahrenheit, and it is a beautiful sunny day. Thank you for choosing Dragon Air and we hope you choose us for all your travel needs. And if this is your first time here, may we suggest catching a dragon race. Your ticket stub is good for 50% off admission."

Dragon Air was named for the dragons that bring so much joy at the races. The owners of the airport are major supporters of the races.

This airport is just as busy as any other international airport. Dragons are not allowed to be involved in cross country flights just yet. The major concern is possible collisions between dragon and aircraft. There had been several near misses when the dragons were allowed for short flights.

The plane pulls up to the gate as he gets to baggage claim. Donald hears his sister.
"Don, good to see you little brother."

Kat is about 35, long brown hair and hazel eyes. Kat stands about 5'7" and because of her choice of jobs, she is quite well built.

He looks at her and smiles, hugging her.
"Hey sis what's up? It's been awhile, how have you been?"

The reason why Kat had left home was because of an argument. Kat wanted to be a dragon ranch owner but their mother was opposed to the idea. When their mother said.
You are not going to be a dragon ranch owner while you live in my house. Kat moved out and her last words to her mom were.
"Fine. If that's the way it is going to be."
From that day forward their mother had regretted ever letting it happen. For months she cried and blamed herself for Kat leaving and not being more supportive.

His sister's real name is Katie Lovell but she goes by Kat.

Donald is 19, golden blonde hair, 6'4" muscular build. Donald had been awarded the heavy lifting title in high school. Dragon Lifter, his high school mascot was a golden dragon.

Kat is the owner of a dragon ranch outside of Gold Haven.

"Come on, bro, it is going to take about two hours to get back to the ranch. I've got your bags."

As they go to her truck, they hear a voice.

"Hey Kat, how is Sadie doing? Sorry to hear about her wipe out at the race."

Kat replies with a smile.
"She is doing well, but I don't expect her to be back to the races until next year. She got seriously injured and it has been a rough road to recovery."

The woman says with sadness, "That's too bad. She was my favorite, give her a hug for me please?"

Smiling, Kat says,
"I will, she will love that. It will cheer her up."

Donald asks with a inquisitive look, "Who is Sadie?"

Kat replies with pride in her voice,
"Sadie is my champion race dragon. She holds the record for fastest lap time and most wins. I hope she can return to racing next year. One more win and she will be crowned the Grand Champion of the dragon races."

Donald thinks about what his sister said as his sister drives back to the ranch,
"Kat, can I meet Sadie?"

The ride home was your typical out of town to the country side. Kat had stopped for a quick bite to eat on the way.

Watching the road Kat replies, "Let me think about it, she is a little aggressive around new people ok? I don't want her to hurt you."

A little sad, he replies, "Ok, sis, you know her best." Donald thinks to himself. 'I have to meet her, perhaps I can help cheer her up."

His eyes open wide with wonder, his sister laughing. Dragon Haven was huge. The ranch is about 90 acres. It looked like a normal ranch but instead of live stock it was all dragons. Lush green grass, huge trees and the most unmistakable sight dragons roaming around.

"Amazing isn't it? Welcome to Dragon Haven home of Sadie and Ranger champion racers."

Edited by Luna 🐲

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