Sadie Cries

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Sadie sits by a little boy and whines and licks his cheek.

Donald asks with curiosity and concern.
"What is wrong Sadie?"

Sadie looks at him Donald gets a concerned look on his face.
"Kat we have one who will not survive this day, Sadie hold him comfort him and let me know when he passes."

A silence falls as a sad whimper emits from Sadie Donald kneeling beside Sadie he looks at the boy and starts speaking a unknown language all the dragons stop what they are doing and listen.

One of the other riders look at Kat and say.
"He is speaking dovahzul only a true dragon rider warrior would know that."

Donald looks at Sadie.
"What do you think Sadie? What do you want to do"

Sadie snorts and raises her talons and looks into the eyes of the child he smiles and opens his arms and nods his head. With a quick movement she puts one of her talons through his chest. Tears falling from Sadie's eyes as she cradles the child.

Donald looks up and says.
"It was a mercy kill anyone who has objections remember he was suffering we did what was right for him."

Sadie roars in sadness and all the other dragon roar in sadness the boys parents hug Sadie and say. "Thank you, it was hard to watch but thank you for helping him. You wonderful loving dragon."

Donald stands up looking at the parents.
"He was in so much pain ending his suffering was the right thing to do."

The mother hugs Donald as tears fall.
"I know and I pledge my help to care for these wonderful creatures. I am the owner of Dragon Suds the best selling dragon soap."

Sadie roars and Donald says.
"This was difficult for everyone. Including Sadie."
Donald looks at the parents and says.
"Would you like him to be buried here?"

The mother nods and the father nods and says.
"Yes. He would want to be buried with dragons. He loved dragons, he wanted to be a rider in the races, perhaps his sister will race for him."

Donald whispers to Kat.
"Sadie is going to lay eggs. I am the father."

Donald smiles and says.
"How about we have a race here? Just for fun and we make the prize winning team gets their picture placed on his head stone?"

The other teams talk among them selves and agree.

Before Donald could say anything else, Sadie growls and Donald hears.
"It is time my love. I'm going into labor."

Donald looks at Kat.
"It's time, I must take Sadie to her private enclosure."

Kat nods and smiles.
"No problem bro. I can handle everything."

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